Monday, October 29, 2012

Outline Template - 15 slides

Purpose: I can focus on my Testimonio Keynote, finishing my outline so that I can confidently begin working on my slides.

  1. CHANGE: TypingWeb LESSON 
    1. (tests are now only on Fridays, thank you children for making me see the light)
  2. Themes & Thesis were due last Friday, 10/26/12
    1. If you have not done them or shared them do it now
    2. A complete skeleton of a "B" grade presentation outline [ new! and improved!] is included below the fold.
    3. To earn an "A" check the detailed requirements HERE.
  3. This week you will be working on a rotation of SLIDES and SCRIPTS.
    1. Change the name of your keynote to:
      1. DRAFT - Block ? - Testimonio Keynote - First Lastname
    2. If you know how you want a slide to look like you can describe that first
    3. If you know what you want your audience to hear then write that first.
      1. Either way, once one is done the other will be more apparent. 
  4. Your outline, with COMPLETED SCRIPT FOR EACH SLIDE is DUE THIS FRIDAY, THE 2ND - The Day of the Homecoming Dance - Yay!

  • Themes - we will list common themes from all our work in this section
    • Testimonio
      • Theme 1 (what happened/what is "it" about?):
        • Evidence (if not contained in theme):
        • Slide (what will the audience SEE?):
        • Script (what will the audience HEAR?):
      • Theme 2:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
      • Theme 3:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
    • Timeline Prezi
      • Theme 1:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
    • Me Photo
      • OPTIONAL Theme 1 and beyond:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
    • Bio-Poem
      • Theme 1:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
    • ME Keynote
      • Theme 1:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
      • Theme 2:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
      • Theme 3:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
    • School experiences
      • Theme 1:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
      • Theme 2:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
      • Theme 3:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
    • Anything else?
      • OPTIONAL Theme 1 and beyond:
        • Evidence:
        • Slide:
        • Script:
  • Thesis - we will create a thesis from the themes we identify above

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