Thursday, March 21, 2013

Finishing The Truman Show

                      Objective: I can view The Truman Show and interpret its commentary on modern "Reality TV"


  • 5 minutes ONLY: Typing Test (depending on movie time from yesterday)
  • 30-50 minutes: The Truman Show
  • 5-25 minutes: Work on movie notes, discussing and comparing evidence

Truman Movie START times by period

  • 1st Period: 55:00 (50 minutes left)
  • 2nd Period: 60:00 (45 Minutes left)
  • 3rd Period: Per Teacher Notes
  • 5th Period: Per Teacher Notes

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Truman Show Part I

Hi Kids!

Objective: I can view The Truman Show and interpret its commentary on modern "Reality TV"

  • These Days in History
  • NOTES ABOUT THE TRUMAN SHOW: You are going to be watching the MOVIE The Truman Show. In that movie there is a TV show called The Truman Show.   For the purposes of taking movie notes you are pretending that YOU live in the MOVIE WORLD and are watching the TV SHOW yourself.  
    • 10 minutes - TypingWeb
    • 15 minutes - Hand out film guide and explain assignment
    • Up to 73 minutes - The Truman Show [Stop before class ends BUT NO LATER THAN @ 1:13:13 when you see the ELK Rotary lawn mower, see picture below)
    • 02 minutes - free time

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Gorilla Filmmaking 101 / Themes in The Truman Show

    Objective: I can articulate the concepts of Gorilla Filmmaking
    • Gorilla Filmmaking 101
      • 10 minute film school Parts 1 & 2
        • 1st Period 6:19/379
        • 2nd - 5th Period 5:15/315
      • Discussion - Filmmaking in YOUR neighborhood
    • Themes in The Truman Show & Preparation for the Sub 
      • How 'real' is "Reality TV"?  What makes it real?
      • What is the function of Advertising and product placement in our lives?
      • Responsibility and ethics; Whose fault is it?  The people who demand to see the shows?  The advertisers that fund the shows? The producers who make the shows?

    Sunday, March 17, 2013

    Quarter Four Begins; Video Production Continues...

    Objective: I can refocus my goals and finish strong!
    1. Announcements:
    2. The Truman Show - Wed/Thur/Fri
      • Spring Break Assignment Preview
        • Watch a "Reality TV" show and catalogue the 'real' vs the 'controlled moments' and compare & contrast them with examples [evidence] from the Truman Show using provided guiding questions.
        • Ask John if you don't know what show to watch
    3. Consuming Kids
          • 1st Period ONLY: Brand New World  06:11 (31:28 - 1889s)
          • ALL PERIODS: Cradle to Grave 08:49 (37:40 - 2264s)
    4. Preparing to film our commercial

    Friday, March 15, 2013

    Scripts are Due today

    Objective:   I will finish my SCRIPT and and check in my Script and Storyboard
    1. Announcements:
      1. Read the entire BLOG POST and then read the article if YOU have time time [are done with your work]...
      2. News you should view:
      3. Quarter Three Ends TODAY
        • You must have a completed Storyboard and Script by THE END OF CLASS or you will get an NC for the 3rd Quarter
        • Your SCRIPT must be in the correct written format TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT - but it is MORE important to finish the script than it is to have it in the 100% correct format
        • John will check BOTH in today - it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK YOUR WORK IN WITH JOHN
    2. WORK TIME: FINISHING your Script
      • John should be able to SEE your film in his mind simply by reading your script
      • ANYBODY should be able to make your movie from the script - that's how detailed it should be
        • Example 1 (includes detailed formatting instructions and is excerpted below)
        • Example 2 (includes many written examples but no explanations)

    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Finishing our script (cont..)

    No TypingWeb today!

    READ an ARTICLE as we SETTLE in
    1. Announcements:
      1. News you should view:
      2. Quarter Three Ends THIS FRIDAY
    2. Consuming Children: Brand New World  (31:28 - 1889s)
      1. No written questions today - Discussion
    3. WORK TIME: Writing your Script
      • John should be able to SEE your film in his mind simply by reading your script
      • ANYBODY should be able to make your movie from the script - that's how detailed it should be
      • IMPORTANT: Refer to the examples when you get stuck
        • Example 1 (includes detailed formatting instructions and is excerpted below)
        • Example 2 (includes many written examples but no explanations)

    Tuesday, March 12, 2013

    Finishing our SCRIPT

    Objective: I can complete my script
    1. Announcements:
      1. These days in History and the world:
      2. Quarter Three Ends THIS FRIDAY
        1. ALL Film Unit Documents DUE this Friday
          1. You must have a completed Storyboard and Script by FRIDAY or you will get an NC for the 3rd Quarter
          2. John will check in Storyboards today
      3. Consuming Children: Brand New World  (31:28 - 1889s)
        1. No written questions today - Discussion
      4. WORK TIME: Writing your Script
        1. John should be able to SEE your film in his mind simply by reading your script
        2. IMPORTANT: Refer to the examples when you get stuck
          1. Example 1 (includes detailed formatting instructions and is excerpted below)
          2. Example 2 (includes many written examples but no explanations)

      Monday, March 11, 2013

      Script writing

      Objective: I can begin writing my script

      1. Announcements:
        1. These days in History and the world:
        2. Quarter Three Ends THIS FRIDAY
          1. ALL Film Unit Documents DUE this Friday
            1. You must have a completed Storyboard and Script by FRIDAY or you will get an NC for the 3rd Quarter
      2. Consuming Children: Under the Microscope
        1. No written questions today - Discussion
      3. Writing your Script
        1. IMPORTANT: Refer to the examples when you get stuck
          1. Example 1 (includes detailed formatting instructions and is excerpted below)
          2. Example 2 (includes many written examples but no explanations)
        2. Example for this discussion:
        A crowded hospital emergency waiting room. Clean but cheerless. 
        Sick and injured people sit in plastic chairs lined up in rows. A TV    mounted near the ceiling BLARES a sitcom. No one is watching.
        A man moans softly as he presses a bloody gauze pad against his   forehead. A woman cradles a listless infant in her arms.
        CATHY sits at the end of the first row of plastic chairs. Her head is bent over, and she stares intently at the floor.
        She raises her head slowly, brushes her long, silky hair away from her face.
        We see fear in her eyes as they focus on a clock that hangs above the front desk. She twists a tissue between her fingers and is unaware that bits of it are falling on the floor.
        The door to the emergency treatment room opens, and a middle-aged    DOCTOR dressed in hospital green walks through the door toward Cathy, who bolts out of the chair and hurries toward him.
                                                  We did everything possible.
                                                  What are you saying?
                                                  I'm sorry…
        All eyes in the waiting room are riveted on Cathy and the Doctor.Cathy lunges at the Doctor, beating her fists against his chest.
                                             CATHY  (CONT'D)
                                                  You killed him!

      Friday, March 8, 2013

      Finishing Storyboards

      Objective:   I will finish my Storyboard w/Shot Types listed
      1. Announcements (I do): 
        1. Today in reality
        2. Visual "quiz" if needed
      2. Work-time
        • Improve your storyboards by adding the type of each shot
          • For each SQUARE in your Storyboard
            • REDRAW if necessary, to properly show your chosen camera shot/angle/movement
            • LABEL each square with the information
              • Example:
                • Wide establishing shot
                • Extreme close-up
                • Medium (talking head)
                • Tracking, following the speaker
        • EVERY Square must be tagged with the type of shot it is to get full credit

      Wednesday, March 6, 2013

      The Shots

      Objective: I can learn the different types of "shots" 
      and I can improve my storyboard

      1. Announcements:
        1. Today in History:
          • March 6th, 1968 – The first of the East L.A. Walkouts take place at several Southern California high schools.
        2. In the News: 
      2. Consuming Children
      3. Camera Shots
      4. Work-time
        • Improve your storyboards by adding the type of each shot
          • For each SQUARE in your Storyboards
            • REDRAW if necessary, to properly show your chosen camera shot/angle/movement
            • LABEL each square with the information
              • Example:
                • Wide establishing shot
                • Extreme close-up
                • Medium (talking head)
                • Tracking, following the speaker
        • EVERY Square must be tagged with the type of shot it is to get full credit

      Tuesday, March 5, 2013

      Completing the Storyboard

      Objective: I can complete my storyboard

      1. Announcements:
        1. Today in History:
      2. Consuming Children
        • READ the questions and think about them as you watch the clip:
          • How does marketing to children today differ from the 50s, 60s, and 70s? 
          • How has deregulation contributed, specifically, to these changes in marketing?
          • What do you think it is about kids, specifically, that makes them such a ripe demographic for marketers?
          • Do you feel the Government should be in the business of regulating unfair and deceptive marketing to children? 
          • With the increase and growth of media-linked toys and products, there has been a rapid growth in children’s consumption. Do you think we should be concerned about this? 
        • NOW WATCH "The Floodgates Open" - 7 minutes [06:29-13:34]
        • After the clip ends, work ALONE to complete a minimum of three [3] of the five [5] questions.  You need three thoughtful answers to get full credit.  Extra credit for extra effort.
      3. Storyboard
        • Remember you are creating the comic book of your commercial
        • Javier has extra blank storyboards
        • If you "finish" do one of the following (use Google docs)
            • Write a detailed, line by line, dialogue for your comercial
            • Write a detailed shot list (where exactly will you film, where will the camera be pointing, where will the actors be standing, what props do you need, etc...)
            • Do quiet schoolwork
            • Read your independent reading or other book

      Monday, March 4, 2013

      The Storyboard

      Either on Paper OR by SHARING it with JOHN

      Objective: I understand how a storyboard works and have drawn at least one frame


      1. Announcements:
      2. Consuming Kids
          • How much do you think kids spend all together on stuff in one year?
          • What are some other Jingles you can remember?
          • Does "nagging" work to get you something?
        • Part One
          • Introduction
      3. Outlining using a Storyboard

      Friday, March 1, 2013

      The Appeal: Ethos/Logos/Pathos/Hard/Soft

      Objective: I can use appeals and styles to sell my product 
      [Hard/Soft, Ethos/Logos/Pathos]
      1. Announcements [I do] 
        • Today in history, March 1st: 
          • 1995 – Yahoo! is incorporated.
        • GREAT Job on the Reading Assessment - you all made me proud!
        • And, spreeking of proud; the Lady Panthers fought hard last night!
        • Write down your homework!
          • "Complete the worksheet "Determining the Appeal & Style""
      2. Mini Lesson: The Appeals
        1. Open the Methods & Appeals template here
          1. If you missed this lesson the TEMPLATE notes can be found HERE
      3. Homework for the weekend [YOU BETTER DO]