Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday: ME Keynote - Day 2

Learning Target(s):
  • I can create and turn in for credit my first ME Keynote slide
  • 32 years ago today I stopped drinking alcohol.  My life has been so much better without it.
News You Can Use: 
  • Sometimes there is no time to use the news so get to work!
  • Warm-Up: 
    • Typing Web [10]
  • Project documents are in your Google Classroom
  • Work Time - WE Do: 
    • Keynote 101 -  A tour of Keynote AND your first keynote slide [40]
      • Transitions
      • Layers
      • Pivoting
      • Grouping
  • Turn In & Personal Save - WE Do: [10]
    • YOU must make sure John checks off your introduction slide before you close Keynote
    • YOU may revise this slide as you continue to grow as a Keynote artist
    • YOU should save your Keynote on a personal flash drive or to your school Google Drive.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday: ME Keynote - Day 1

Learning Target(s):
  • I can create and properly save a two slide keynote presentation with a transition.
  • None
News You Can Use: 
  • The first detailed look at attendance in Oakland schools shows a deep racial divide between students in class and habitual no-shows, a pattern reflected in grades, test scores and graduation rates.
    That big difference between who’s in class and who isn’t helps explain much of the achievement gap... CLICK HERE FOR MORE
  • Warm-Up: 
    • Typing Web [10]
    • News You Can Use & Remembering What It Means To Be A Panther! [05]
  • Project documents are in your Google Classroom
  • Work Time - WE Do: 
    • Keynote 101 -  A tour of Keynote AND your first keynote slides
      • Launching Keynote
        • Choosing a theme (you can change it later)
      • Naming your file:   DRAFT - Block ? - ME KEYNOTE - FIRST LASTNAME
      • Saving your file PROPERLY in YOUR Folder
        • Data Drive | Your Period | Your Name
      • Working with text boxes
        • Formatting Text & Documents (we will Animate later)
        • Adding additional text
        • Text Box Behaviors
      • Changing templates 
      • Adding slides
        • Choosing a slide master
        • Making your own slide without a master

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Friday: ME Keynote Outline Deadline

Learning Target(s):
  • I can complete and turn in my ME Keynote Outline & Script
  • None
  • Warm-Up: 
    • Typing Test [05]
  • PERIOD 5 ONLY - Mini LECTURE - I Do: 
  • Work Time- You Do: 
  • Turn In Your Work: 
    • In your Google Classroom [05]

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Weds/Thurs: Presentations 101 & ME Keynote Launch

Learning Target(s):
  • I can understand the basic concepts of Presentation Software
  • I can explain what the ME KEYNOTE project is, how it will be graded, when it will be do, and how it relates to the TESTIMONIO KEYNOTE
  • I can complete 50% of my ME Keynote Outline & Script
  • None
News You Can Use: 
  • [A new study reports that] African-Americans, Hispanics, and adults with a high school education or less had significantly higher rates of diagnosed diabetes [a preventable disease]... The increase in the diabetes rate was also higher for young adults ages 20 to 44 [due in large part to obesity]... CLICK HERE FOR MORE
  • Warm-Up: 
    • Typing Web [10]
    • News You Can Use [05]
  • Periods 3,4,5: 
    • Catch-Up on GD 101 [10]
  • Mini LECTURE - I Do: 
  • Project Introduction - We Do: 
  • Work Time- You Do: 
    • The Outline & Script [45]

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday: Google Docs 102

Learning Target(s):
  • I can take Notes on the Menu and Formatting Options in Google Docs and use those notes to never make a formatting mistake again.
  • None
  • Typing Web [10]
  • Google Docs 101 [40]
    • Google Documents IN DEPTH
        • Guided Note Taking on graphic organizer 
  • Discussion - to Whup or not to Whup?  [10]

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday: Google Docs 101

Learning Target(s):
  • I can remember the FIVE major categories of Google Drive Documents and their individual uses
  • I can take Notes on the Menu and Formatting Options in Google Docs and use those notes to never make a formatting mistake again.
  • None
  • Typing Web [10]
  • Google Docs 101 [50]
    • TeacherTalk & Guided Workshop (class is quiet unless called upon):

    • Google DRIVE [Google "docs" ]
      • Definition(s)
        • Documents
        • Spreadsheets
        • Drawings
        • Presentations
        • Forms
    • Definition(s)
        • Local vs. Web Applications [Apps]
          • Where does the program LIVE?
          • Where is the data STORED?
        • Storage
          • Backup
          • Availability
      • Types of documents
        • NOTE that the DRIVE Interface changes often but the principles and the tools do 
      • NOTE that the DRIVE Interface changes often but the principles and the tools do
    • Your 'First' Google Doc

      • REMEMBER it is YOUR responsibility to name your documents correctly - you may not receive credit if you don't

      • Sharing your documents - Who and How Much?          

    • Google Documents IN DEPTH

      • Guided Note Taking on graphic organizer 

    Wednesday, September 17, 2014

    Weds/Thurs: Google Docs 101 & Wrapping up from the Sub

    Learning Target(s):
    • I can own my actions with the Substitute Teacher
    • I can critically discuss the film Pleasantville
    • I can critically discuss the City of Fremont Alternative Detention Facility
    • I can check my grades on PowerSchool
    • I can use Google Classroom to understand my InnerSelfie Grade
    • I can remember the four major categories of Google Docs and their individual uses
    • Grades go in TONIGHT
      • If you did not turn in your InnerSelfie you have a C- at best.
    • What was your role in how the class worked over the last few days?
    • What was "Bud" talking about to his mom at the end of the film?
    • What is the REAL issue with the City of Fremont's Proposal?
    • Checking our Progress Report grades 
      • email john@envisionacademy.org if you don't have your password
    • Check your Google Classroom COMMENTS
    • IF TIME
      • TeacherTalk & Guided Workshop (class is quiet unless called upon):

        • Google DRIVE [Google "docs" ]
          • Definition(s)
        • Definition(s)
            • Local vs. Web Applications [Apps]
              • Where does the program LIVE?
              • Where is the data STORED?
            • Storage
              • Backup
              • Availability
          • Types of documents
            • NOTE that the DRIVE Interface changes often but the principles and the tools do 
          • NOTE that the DRIVE Interface changes often but the principles and the tools do
        • Your 'First' Google Doc

          • REMEMBER it is YOUR responsibility to name your documents correctly - you may not receive credit if you don't

          • Sharing your documents - Who and How Much?          

                                            Tuesday, September 16, 2014

                                            Tuesday: Life is Full of Choices - boy did some of you make bad ones yesterday

                                                 There are NO Bathroom or Water Passes today     
                                            Learning Target(s):
                                            • I can use my Literacy Skills to EXPLAIN WHY IT WAS SO HARD FOR ME AND/OR MY CLASS to read, understand, and respond in writing to a government document
                                            • I'm still sick but now, on top of that, I'm mad - and I bet you know why.
                                            • My advisory will NOT split up today.
                                            • WarmUp [10]
                                            • Critical Literacy: The City of Fremont Alternative Confinement Program 
                                              • Students who were absent MONDAY should do MONDAY'S work from the blog post HERE.
                                                • Don't worry, you will not need to make up today's work if you do a good job on yesterday's activity.  You may begin now while the rest of the class explains themselves in detail and in writing
                                            • Critical Literacy: The REALITY of POOR BEHAVIOR
                                              • STUDENTS WHO WERE PRESENT YESTERDAY will spend the rest of the period SILENTLY reflecting on the generally horrible quality of their work and their behavior.
                                              • STAY SILENT - you are in enough trouble as it is.
                                                • Remember, I always believe the Sub, no matter what.
                                                • The Sub is encouraged to write detentions for even minor infractions.
                                              • NO, YOU MAY NOT GO TO THE BATHROOM OR GET WATER
                                              • Today's activity is a google form but with no login required so that there will be no technical problems, make sure to put your name on the form or you will have an NC on your progress report.
                                              • Click HERE to start work.
                                            • If you finish early return to TypingWeb.com and SILENTLY work until the end of the period.

                                              Sunday, September 14, 2014

                                              Monday: Critical Literacy #1

                                              If you did NOT turn in your homework Friday then please do it now - WRITE MONDAY ON IT (I'll know anyway so just do me the favor and do it):  Put your homework (worksheet AND 5 paragraphs on a separate sheet) ON THE DESK next to you while you do your typing exercises.  The teacher will collect them.  

                                              Learning Target(s):
                                              • I can use my Literacy Skills to read, understand, and respond in writing to a government document
                                              • Well you may have guessed that I'm still ill.  Not going to die but dang has this been painful.  If you have a strong stomach I'll be happy to describe what happened when I return, which should be tomorrow Wednesday.
                                              • WarmUp [10]
                                                • Teacher collects late & extension homework during typing practice
                                              • Critical Literacy: The City of Fremont Alternative Confinement Program [35-45]
                                                • NOTE
                                                  • READ BEFORE YOU ANSWER
                                                  • PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE EXPECTED TO READ FOR EACH QUESTION
                                                  • TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AND WORK AS FAST AS YOU CAN
                                                • STEPS
                                                  • LOOK AT EACH QUESTION IN ORDER
                                                  • DETERMINE WHAT IS TO BE READ
                                                  • READ IT
                                                  • THEN ANSWER THE QUESTION
                                                • For this activity you will need to set your computer screen up in a particular way.  You will need TWO browser windows open [Command+N], side by side, as illustrated here:
                                                • One Browser window should have the Article in it: [CONTROL + CLICK] HERE TO OPEN THE ARTICLE IN A NEW WINDOW
                                                • One Browser window should have the Answer Document in it: [CONTROL + CLICK] HERE TO OPEN THE ANSWER DOCUMENT IN A NEW WINDOW
                                                • GET WORKING
                                              • Ending [05] 
                                                • Make sure you have answered as many questions as possible and REMEMBER TO SUBMIT IT FOR CREDIT.

                                              Friday, September 12, 2014

                                              Friday Routine: Sorry I'm gone...

                                              5th Period you may need to plug the power cords into the back of the computers.  Please be careful.
                                              Put your homework (worksheet AND 5 paragraphs on a separate sheet) ON THE DESK next to you while you do your typing test.  The teacher will collect them.  MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON BOTH PAGES AND STAPLE THEM TOGETHER IF POSSIBLE

                                              Learning Target(s):
                                              • I can finish my week strong by
                                                • Taking my typing test seriously and reflecting on my improvement (or lack thereof from last Friday)
                                                • Opening my planner and WRITING DOWN all of my homework and general study times for this weekend and next Mon-Thursday
                                              • I can discuss my Pleasantville answers and turn in my homework for credit.
                                              • I can sign up for NitroType and kick my classmates behinds in a typing race.
                                              • If you have Saturday Detention then do yourself a favor and go!
                                              • I apologize for not being there.  As I write this (Thursday afternoon) I'm off to deal with some emergency but non-life-threatening medical issues.  That's what I get for being so dang old.  I will be fine, I promise.
                                              • WarmUp [15]
                                                • When you have finished the warm-up go to the next task and write in your planner
                                                  • Open Planner
                                                    • Locate EIGHT Hours in ONE HOUR BLOCKS between now and NEXT THURSDAY - Block may be grouped into larger than 1 hour periods
                                                      • Put STUDY/HOMEWORK in those slots in your planner
                                                  • Find one solid THREE HOUR Slot and plan to do something fun that you have a hard time finding the time to do
                                                • Class discussion [30++?]
                                                  • Read the first question out loud.  One student in each row of four gives answer out loud.  Discuss any similarities and differences using the film as your EVIDENCE along with your own experiences.
                                                  • Read each of the next questions out loud in turn.  One NEW student in each row of four gives answer out loud.  Discuss any similarities and differences using the film as your EVIDENCE along with your own experiences.
                                                  • Each student only speaks once.
                                                  • Sum up your learning by writing john@envisionacademy a quick/short email:  What is one thing from the movie Pleasantville that impacted you? Did you turn from black and white into color at all?  Why or why not?  This email is for CREDIT.
                                                  • If Time (??)
                                                    • NitroType Competition
                                                      • Go to Typingweb
                                                      • Click on Nitrotype at the bottom
                                                      • register with your school email and choose a non offensive username
                                                      • Add your friends to your race and beat them by typing really well!

                                                  Wednesday, September 10, 2014

                                                  Weds/Thurs: Pleasantville...

                                                     NO  COMPUTERS  TODAY 
                                                   Have Your Homework 
                                                  OUT to be Checked 

                                                  Learning Target(s):
                                                  • I can view the film Pleasantville as an informational text and take notes on the themes as they relate to modern media and my life.
                                                  • I can expand on those notes in FIVE one paragraph answers
                                                    • ALL Paragraphs are due NEXT CLASS
                                                  • Picture day was hella fun for me...
                                                  • I am unexpectedly out this afternoon.  I hope to be there tomorrow.   Be good kids for Ms. G. 

                                                  • Check homework
                                                  • Discuss movie so far
                                                  • Locate starting point
                                                  • Finish film
                                                  • Work time on homework paragraphs if available

                                                  The cheerful '50s TV sitcom "Pleasantville" is revived in the '90s for a loyal cable audience. One devoted fan is shy suburban teen David Wagner (Tobey Maguire - Spiderman Trilogy), who has an almost obsessive interest in the series. Living with his divorced mother (Jane Kaczmarek), David sometimes has disputes with his ultra-hip twin sister Jennifer (Reese Witherspoon-Legally Blond).

                                                  She wants to watch MTV just when a Pleasantville marathon is about to begin. They struggle over the remote control, and it breaks. A strange TV repairman (Don Knotts) supplies their new remote, a potent high-tech device which zaps David and Jennifer inside of the Pleasantville TV world, where their new sitcom parents are businessman George Parker (William H. Macy) and wife Betty (Joan Allen).

                                                  As "Bud" and "Mary Sue," the teens take up residence in a black-and-white suburbia where sex does not exist and the temperature is always 72 degrees. Life is always pleasant, books have no words, bathrooms have no toilets, married couples sleep in twin beds, the high school basketball team always wins, and nobody ever questions "The Good Life."

                                                  What Pleasantville accomplishes is a social study of television; it contrasts 50s and 90s television's view of those eras. While the TV shows of early television depicted intact families and traditional values, 50s culture was probably more 'real.' Current television has almost done the opposite: presenting us with reality that is perhaps more harsh and false than real life now is.

                                                  Themes in the movie Pleasantville
                                                  • Pleasantville is a movie of contrasts. What are some of the OBVIOUS contrasts they show between the 50’s and the Future? What are some of the film tricks they use to show LITERAL contrast (CONTRAST: The state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something OPPOSITE, or REVERSE)
                                                  • The TV 'repairman say’s "I know what I'd feel like if my TV broke; like I'd lost a friend.". How would you feel if you had NO TV, and no Internet TV/YouTube/NetFlix/etc...
                                                  • Destiny--everything in Pleasantville is scripted, has a place. What about our lives? Do you ever feel like all the decisions are already made for you?
                                                  • Censorship: The mayor of Pleasantville say’s "It seems to me we must separate out the things that are unpleasant from the things that are pleasant.". In Pleasantville personal expression and differences are unacceptable and anything straying from what is known is feared. Think about your family at home, what happens when your ideas or opinions differ from your elders?
                                                  • Racism: "No coloreds." reads a sign in Pleasantville window. "Coloreds" are people who have become enlightened or who become passionate; they are rejected from mainstream Pleasantville. Why would the filmmakers use this obvious sign from the USA’s racist past? Is this movie about racism too, or just intolerance? Is this the way the world still is? Why or why not?

                                                  adapted from here... and imdb

                                                  Tuesday, September 9, 2014

                                                  Tuesday: Pleasantville, where nobody poops... [SUB PLAN]

                                                     NO  COMPUTERS  TODAY  

                                                  Learning Target(s):
                                                  • I can view the film Pleasantville as an informational text and take notes on the themes as they relate to modern media and my life.
                                                  • I can expand on those notes in FIVE one paragraph answers
                                                    • Paragraphs one and two are due NEXT CLASS
                                                    • Paragraphs three, four, and five are due FRIDAY
                                                  • Do NOT Turn on the Computers
                                                  • Sit in front of your REAL computer so that Javier can take attendance 
                                                    • (If I told you it was your new permanent seat then that is different)
                                                  • Once attendance has been taken, IN THE SAME ROW AS YOUR COMPUTER, move your chair so that you can comfortably see the film AND write notes
                                                  • Take out a pen or pencil

                                                  • Javier Reads Learning Targets, Announcements, and Agenda out loud as they are projected on the screen
                                                  • Volunteer Students hand out the Pleasantville Film Sheet 
                                                  • Four Students read out the description on page one, 1 student per paragraph
                                                  • Javier reads out the instructions at the bottom of page one
                                                  • Five Students read out the themes on page two, 1 student per theme
                                                  • Movie starts
                                                  • Movie stops 5 minutes before end of class for students to write notes.

                                                  Monday, September 8, 2014

                                                  Monday: Mac 101

                                                  Learning Target(s):
                                                  • I can name the parts of the Apple OSX User Interface (UI), detail default file behaviors extensions, and pass a quiz on them next class
                                                  • I can START my week strong by
                                                    • Checking my grades on PowerSchool and emailing one teacher with a pledge for this week (cc: John)
                                                  • Picture day is tomorrow - TUESDAY
                                                    • This WILL be your Yearbook Photo
                                                    • There are NO RETAKES and you CANNOT look at the picture that is taken
                                                    • I will try to take the best picture possible
                                                    • Yearbook staff are allowed a retake so volunteer!
                                                    • There will be ONE make-up day
                                                  • WarmUp [10]
                                                    • When you have finished the warm-up check your email and answer any school related emails

                                                  • Mac 101 - Using the Computers [50]
                                                  What is what and... how John writes instructions
                                                  • KEYS
                                                    • Keys you press are written in quotes like this: "⌘"
                                                    • If you need to press multiple keys they will have + signs like this: "control + ⌘"
                                                    • That means you press "Control" and then while still holding "control" you also press "⌘"
                                                      • Let's try "⌘+TAB" - what does it do?
                                                      • Now try "⌘+Shift+4" - what did THAT do?
                                                      • The "Command" key on a Mac is kind of like the "Control" key on a PC.  Try "Command+F" - what did it do?
                                                  • MENUS
                                                    • Menus are at the TOP of the SCREEN and usually say things like "File" and "Edit" and "View"
                                                    • If you need to press multiple menu items they will have "|" [bar] signs between them like this: " | ⌘"
                                                    • Menus CHANGE depending on the program that is in front (so always check THAT before you ask a question)
                                                    • Use "⌘+TAB" to cycle programs 
                                                  • Turning the Computer On & Off
                                                    • ON with the Power Button
                                                    • OFF with  " | Shut Down..."
                                                  • The computers RESET every night
                                                    • Everything on the desktop and in documents is DELETED
                                                    • All settings are reset
                                                    • Only the "Data Drive" is not deleted
                                                  • The "Data Drive"
                                                    • Upper RIGHT CORNER of your desktop
                                                    • Is NOT backed up
                                                    • Students should have a FLASH DRIVE in order to keep their digital work safe
                                                  • The FINDER is your friend! 
                                                    • The FINDER is how you view the files where they are physically stored on the hard drive.
                                                    • The finder has VIEWS and SORTS
                                                    • The LIST VIEW is the easiest to find thinks in because you can SORT by clicking on the columns
                                                  • SPOTLIGHT let's you SEARCH for a file or Application
                                                  • Moving and copying files
                                                    • OSX (the Mac Operating System) has rules for moving and copying
                                                      • On the SAME DRIVE the default is to MOVE
                                                      • On DIFFERENT DRIVES the default is to COPY
                                                      • To force a MOVE between drives hold down Command () while dragging and dripping
                                                      • To force a COPY on the same drive hold down Option while dragging and dropping
                                                  • File NAMES and EXTENSIONS
                                                    • There are FEW limits on what a file cane be names but "/", ":" and other  special characters are usually NOT allowed
                                                    • File EXTENSIONS tell the computer what program to use to work with that type of file
                                                      • Big List of File Types/Extensions
                                                      • BIGGER List of File Types
                                                      • Top 15
                                                        • .doc/x = Microsoft Word Document
                                                        • .pages = Pages Document
                                                        • .txt = Plain Text File
                                                        • .csv = Comma Separated Values File
                                                        • .key = Keynote Presentation
                                                        • .vcf = vCard File - Address Book File
                                                        • .mp3 = MP3 Audio File
                                                        • .flv = Flash Video File
                                                        • .m4v = iTunes Video File - SAME AS MP4
                                                        • .mp4 = MPEG-4 Video File - SAME AS M4V
                                                        • .mov = Apple QuickTime Movie
                                                        • .jpg = JPEG Image
                                                        • .png = Portable Network Graphic
                                                        • .psd = Adobe Photoshop Document
                                                        • .pdf = Portable Document Format File
                                                  • If Time
                                                    • Log in to PowerSchool (??)
                                                      • Check grades
                                                      • Select class you want to do better in
                                                      • Email that teacher with a plan for next week
                                                        • CC John on the email or NO CREDIT