Friday, August 30, 2019

FRI: iMac101

El club de tareas en español comienza el próximo martes en el cuarto de la Maestra Elliot. 4PM-5PM
Estudiantes y ayudantes ¡POR FAVOR VEN!

Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can learn some of the functions of the finder and how its menus and tools work
  • Warm-Up: [10]
  • Mac 101 - Using the Computers [50+/- continues Monday if needed]
First... where do you take notes for a lecture like this?

      • ...and why does John only teach things "once"?
      • ..and what do you do if you need help during independent work time?
    • Turning the Computer On & Off [redux]
      • SPACEBAR to see if it is already on
      • Power On if needed with the Power Button in the back left - ONE single push
      • LOGOUT with apple symbol | Log Out Period...
      • SHUTDOWN with  apple symbol| Shut Down...
    • General
      • Hardware vs. Software vs Data
      • Where things are stored & how we find them
        • Spotlight & Finder
      • Online vs. Offline & version control
      The computers  USED TO  RESET every night
      • Everything on the desktop and in documents was DELETED
      • All settings were reset
      • Only the "Period Drive" was not deleted
      NOW, in the new system, you are simply locked out of things that you are not supposed to change
      • You can now save things on the computer
      • REMEMBER that anyone can sit down and log into this period and see/change/delete your files [seldom happens]
      • We will save ALL important files to our GOOGLE DRIVE
      Moving and copying files
      • OSX (the Mac Operating System) has rules for moving and copying
        • NOTE: a DRIVE is a Disk Drive, a physical piece of hardware  
        • Dragging a file around on the SAME DRIVE the default behavior is to MOVE
        • Dragging a file between DIFFERENT DRIVES the default is to COPY - that is what happens with a flash drive by default
      • You can FORCE the opposite action to happen:
        • To force a MOVE between drives hold down Command () while dragging and dropping
        • To force a COPY on the same drive hold down Option while dragging and dropping
      The FINDER is your friend! 
      • The FINDER is how you view the files where they are physically stored on the hard drive.
      • The finder has VIEWS and SORTS
      • The LIST VIEW is the easiest to find things in because you can SORT by clicking on the columns
      SPOTLIGHT let's you SEARCH for a file or Application
      • There are FEW limits on what a file can be named but "/", ":" and other  special characters are usually NOT allowed
      • File EXTENSIONS tell the computer what program to use to work with that type of file
        • Big List of File Types/Extensions
        • BIGGER List of File Types
        • Top 15
          • .doc/x = Microsoft Word Document
          • .pages = Pages Document
          • .txt = Plain Text File
          • .csv = Comma Separated Values File
          • .key = Keynote Presentation
          • .vcf = vCard File - Address Book File
          • .flv = Flash Video File
          • .mp3 = MP3 Audio File
          • .m4v = iTunes Video File - SAME AS MP4
          • .mp4 = MPEG-4 Video File - SAME AS M4V
          • .mov = Apple QuickTime Movie
          • .jpg = JPEG Image
          • .png = Portable Network Graphic
          • .psd = Adobe Photoshop Document
          • .pdf = Portable Document Format File
      • Control vs Option vs Apple/Command
      • Mac Key combinations vs Windows
        • When we say "Command" on the Mac it would be "Control" on a PC
      • Key combinations are pressed and held sequentially and then released all at once
        • Command+C=Copy
        • Command+X=Cut (and delete if you paste)
        • Command+V=Paste
      • Some key combinations work before you release them (!!!)
        • Let's try "⌘+TAB" - what does it do?
        • Look what it does on John's computer with more things open at once
          • NOW what does it do?
      • Some key combinations open a menu or begin a process 
        • Now try "⌘+Shift+4" - what did THAT do?
          • What happens if you use 3 instead of 4?
        • Try "Command + F" - what did it do? 
        • What does  "⌘ + P" do?
      • Menus are at the TOP of the SCREEN and CHANGE depending on which program has FOCUS
      • They usually say things like "File" and "Edit" and "View"
      • If you need to press multiple menu items they will have "|" [bar] signs between them like this: "EDIT | FIND"
      • REMEMBER: Menus CHANGE depending on the program that is in front (so always check THAT before you ask a question)
      • Use "⌘+TAB" to cycle programs and place the focus where you want it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

WED/THU: Student Survey, Sharing our InnerSelfie, EA Tech Policy

(Los ENLACES NO funcionan en la página web traducida, regrese a la versión en inglés para 
realizar la encuesta de estudiantes y haga clic en otros enlaces)

  1.  Space-bar/turn on your computer
  2. Open Chrome
  3. Log in to Chrome with your school email
  4. Go to
  5. "Log-in with Google"
  6. Type until instructed to stop[15 ]

Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can express my readiness, hopes and concerns in a student survey
  • I can SHARE my InnerSelfie project with my trusted adults in the school
  • I can understand the intent of the EA technology policy and how it impacts me

  • Family Cultural Open House TONIGHT
    • 5-7
    • Extra credit in ALL CLASSES if you bring family
    • Free Food!
    • Prizes, music, open mic!
  • Read for fun!
Agenda:  [100]
  • Warm-Up: Typing.Com [15] 
  • Survey: [20]
    • Think & Write the entire time
      • 20 minutes is a substantial amount of time - we will stay quiet the entire time so that everyone can think and write at the speed best for their ideas.
      • If you finish early go back and make it better
      • If you finish early and have gone back and made certain that you did high-quality work you may then return to typing.
      • You are being graded on the quality of your effort and I will know how many minutes you spent answering the questions.
      • [CLICK HERE] to take the student survey
  • Locating and sharing your InnerSelfie [20]
    • Start @
    • Can you SEE your drawing in the Classroom assignment?
      • Don't unsubmit it 
      • Can you open it?
      • Can you share it? 
        • No, not really
      • Can you make a copy of it?
        • share the copy

        • Shun Younger <>,
          Angela Barrett <>,
          Manuschka Michaud <>,
          Henry Lincoln <>,
          Taryn Elliott <>,
          Ellen Smrekar <>,
          Samantha Ocasla <>,
          Meaghan Henry <>,
          John Kittredge <>
    • Where are these stored?
      • Go to
      • Find the folder called CLASSROOM 
        • NEVER move or delete things in this folder
      • Find this class
      • Find your InnerSelfie
        • Don't mess with it
    • LAST: If you can't do it any way - here's what you do, and a warning...
      • go back to
      • unsubmit it
      • open it
      • Share it
      • resubmit it (but now it is late, which doesn't matter for this assignment, but know that it happened!)

  • ART BREAK [20]
    • Start a new google drawing and make a piece of art:
      • This is something "approved" that you can do when there is slack time in the class and you have finished ALL of YOUR ASSIGNED work.
      • A few ideas!
        • Just play around.  Explore the program and its features and tools
        • Make a sign for your advisory door with your advisor's name on it
        • Make an inspirational quote sign for your advisory walls
        • Make a creative ORIGINAL idea
      • Independent art can be simple or complex and does not need to be turned in at any specific time.
      • When you have something you like, and feel it is finished, share it with me: things like this add up to extra credit when you need it!
      • Begin by going to your Google Drive @ and following these pictorial instructions!


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

TUE: Powerschool

Si necesita ayuda con la traducción al español en clase, 
dígaselo a sus maestros.

  1.  Space-bar/turn on your computer
  2. Open Chrome
  3. Log in to Chrome with your school email
  4. Go to
  5. "Log-in with Google"
  6. Type until instructed to stop 
    • It may be more than 10 minutes

Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can understand the how to look at grades in Powerschool
  • I can understand the EA Grading system

    • Office Hours tomorrow from 1-1:30 and other times BY APPOINTMENT (even on Wednesdays - TELL ME in advance if you are coming)
      • Read for fun!
      Agenda:  [60]
      • Warm-Up: Typing.Com [10]
      • Your Powerschool account [50]
        • If you did get your PowerSchool log-in in the mail, and remember it, log in HERE and poke around.
        • If you did NOT get your PowerSchool log-in in the mail
          • Get your login from John, and then follow the link above to log in.
        • Once EVERYONE is logged in to PowerSchool: A tour of the PowerSchool website and how to look at your grades
      • If Time:

      Monday, August 26, 2019

      MON: InnerSelfie Completion

      Si necesita ayuda con la traducción al español en clase, 
      dígaselo a sus maestros.

      1.  Space-bar/turn on your computer
      2. Open Chrome
      3. Log in to Chrome with your school email
      4. Go to
      5. "Log-in with Google"
      6. Type for 10 Minutes
      Daily Learning Target(s):  
      • I can complete my InnerSelfie project
      • I can turn in my InnerSelfie project for as GRADE
      • I am going to be adjusting seating charts all week.  If I ask you to move please do so and speak to me after class if you need to discuss your seat.
      • Today's Schedule
      • Bookmark this site on your bookmarks bar if you didn't already do so
      • Read for fun!
      Agenda: [65]
      • Warm-Up: [10]
        • Announcements
      • Worktime [45]
        • Reminders & Hints:
          • Use all the space
          • Play with fonts and colors without making it look too "busy"
          • REMEMBER: All shapes are ALSO textboxes - just double-click them to type in them 
        • Volunteers to show work for live help?
      • FINISH/Turn-In/Log-Out [10]
          • A Google Drawing
          • A photo taken inside of Google Draw
            • It must show your head and shoulders and clearly show your face (think passport photo)
            • the photo must take up at least 1/2 of the space on the page
          • Annotation of your picture using Google Draw.
            • Required annotations
            • Government Name - and how you want to be called in class
            • Age
            • Pronoun [He/She/They)
            • Advisor's Name
            • Subject you find easiest
            • Subject you find most difficult
            • The kind of person you are when people really know you.
            • The kind of person people often think you are but are wrong (if any)
            • Optional annotations
            • Your nick-name (if any)
            • What part of town are you from? (What town if not Oakland?)
            • What superpower you wish you had
          • Exemplars from previous years with different requirements

      This is one of John's all-time favorites 

      from the 1st year [different requirements]

          This is John's from two years ago
          Here's another creative one 

      Friday, August 23, 2019

      FRI: InnerSelfie Continued

      Si necesita ayuda con la traducción al español en clase, 
      dígaselo a sus maestros.

      1.  Space-bar/turn on your computer
      2. Open Chrome
      3. Log in to Chrome with your school email
      4. Go to
      5. "Log-in with Google"
      6. Type for 10 Minutes
      Daily Learning Target(s):  
      • I can begin my InnerSelfie project
      • Read for fun!
      Agenda: [60]
      • Warm-Up: [15]
      • The InnerSelfie Project (and your first EA Google Doc) [20]
        • How we work
          • Skills Learned
          • Skills Practiced
          • Public Product Produced
        • Opening Google Classroom & getting started with the Template
          • Joining the class
          • Opening the assignment
          • Opening the drawing
          • A tour of Google Draw
            • Taking our picture
            • Organizing our workspace
        • Worktime [25]
          • A Google Drawing
          • A photo taken inside of Google Draw
            • It must show your head and shoulders and clearly show your face (think passport photo)
            • the photo must take up at least 1/2 of the space on the page
          • Annotation of your picture using Google Draw.
            • Required annotations
            • Government Name - and how you want to be called in class
            • Age
            • Pronoun [He/She/They)
            • Advisor's Name
            • Subject you find easiest
            • Subject you find most difficult
            • The kind of person you are when people really know you.
            • The kind of person people often think you are but are wrong (if any)
            • Optional annotations
            • Your nick-name (if any)
            • What part of town are you from? (What town if not Oakland?)
            • What superpower you wish you had
          • Exemplars from previous years with different requirements

      This is one of John's all-time favorites 

      from the 1st year [different requirements]

          This is John's from two years ago
          Here's another creative one 
      • Closing procedure [05]
        • Sign out of  Period

      Wednesday, August 21, 2019

      WED/THU: Email and Typing and...

      Si necesita ayuda con la traducción al español en clase, 
      dígaselo a sus maestros.

      • Turn on your computer 
        • (Tap the spacebar: if no reaction then reach behind, lower left, and push the button ONCE)
      • Login to the correct period
        • password: respect
      • Open Chrome
      • Go to and explore the class blog!


      • HI, Welcome to the class blog
        Daily Learning Target(s):  
        • I will log in to my school account
        • I can sign up for and take my first exercises
        • If Time: I can begin my InnerSelfie project
            • Read for fun!
            Agenda: [100]
            • Warm-Up: [05]
            • New software - sometimes this is a slow process so chill...
            • Basic Log-In & E-mail  [40]
                • Logging in to your browser and checking your email
                • Click the silhouette in the upper right hand corner of your chrome Browser 
                • Your E-mail address is probably something like this:
                    • John Kittredge becomes
                    • John Kittredge-Martinez becomes
                    • John Kittredge Martinez becomes
                • Password is envision99
                  • Change it once you log in
                • Sending your first email to your advisor
                  • Click here to go to your school GMAIL
                  • Write one or two FULL paragraphs in English or Español.
                    • (Do your best but know that this is not graded for content so don't worry, just write
                  • Tell them something about yourself that they would not be able to guess from just looking at you.
                  • For bonus points: Also tell them a joke
                  • Find your advisor's email here:
                    • John:
                    • Ms. Henry:
                    • Ms. Ocasla: 
                    • Ms. Elliott:
                    • Ms. Smrekar: 
                • DONE? While you are waiting for John to finish getting everyone set up and emailing do this: Go to the GOOGLE NEWS website by clicking HERE
                  • Choose any article(s) and read until told to stop
                    • change sections on the left if you want
                    • Be prepared to share out your article (Topic, Location, Relevancy, Opinion)
                    • READ SILENTLY until told to stop


                  • Click on Lessons

                  • BOOKMARK this site by hitting the STAR to the right of the web address
                    • Modify the bookmark if you wish and then save it
                  • Find the Beginner section and click Begin

                  • Follow ALL of the directions, use the exact finger and technique  

                    • Do the LESSONs until instructed to stop
                    A tour of Typing.Com
                      • Typing.Com warmups
                        • Lessons vs Exercises
                        • Tests 
                          • After each Lesson
                          • Once a week (or so)
                        • Games
                          • no credit
                          • don't abuse
                          • no 'other' games
                      • How you get your grade
                        • Effort
                          • # of Lessons completed
                          • # of minutes spent typing
                        • Improvement
                        • Skill
                      • The Leaderboard
                      • Practice [10]
                        • How many exercises can you get through in the time left?

                      if time...
                      • The InnerSelfie Project (and your first EA Google Doc) [...]
                        • REQUIREMENTS [15]
                          • A Google Drawing
                          • A photo taken inside of Google Draw - This is your STUDENT Picture - it should show your head and shoulders and clearly show your face (think passport photo)
                          • Annotation of YOUR STUDENT PICTURE using Google Draw
                            • Required annotations
                            • Government Name - and how you want to be called in class
                            • Age
                            • Pronoun [He/She/They)
                            • Advisor's Name
                            • Subject you find easiest
                            • Subject you find most difficult
                            • The kind of person you are when people really know you.
                            • The kind of person people often think you are but are wrong (if any)
                            • Optional annotations
                            • Your nick-name (if any)
                            • What part of town are you from? (What town if not Oakland?)
                            • What superpower you wish you had
                          • Exemplars from previous years with different requirements

                      This is one of John's all-time favorites 

                      from the 1st year [different requirements]

                          This is John's from two years ago
                          Here's another creative one 

                      • Opening Google Classroom & getting started with the Template [20]
                        • Joining the class
                        • Opening the assignment
                        • Opening the drawing
                        • A tour of Google Draw
                          • Taking our picture
                          • Organizing our workspace
                      • Worktime
                        • bookmark this site on your bookmarks bar if you didn't already do so
                      • Closing procedure [05]
                        • Sign out of Browser and Period