Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Keynote: Project Due Dates for Quarter 2 (12-13)

Keynote Projects Due Dates for Quarter 2, 2012-13
  • Thursday, October 18th
    • Me Keynote EXTRA CREDIT  Presentations begin
  • Friday, October 19th
    • Me Keynote EXTRA CREDIT  Presentations continue
    • ALL "ME" Keynotes Due (no late work credit - turn in what you have) 
  • Monday, October 22nd
    • Testimonio Keynote project launch
    • Testimonio Keynote work-time & Typing Web
    • Testimonio Exhibition invitations go home (for credit on return)
      • (4pts Tuesday, 3pts Weds, 2pts Thursday, 1pt Friday, Advisor calls home if not returned by Friday)
  • Tuesday, October 23rd - Friday November 2nd
    • Testimonio Keynote work-time & Typing Web
  • Friday, November 2nd
    • Testimonio Script Due
  • Monday, November 5th - Thursday November 8th
    • Testimonio Keynote DUE for EXTRA CREDIT 
      • (4pts Monday, 3pts Tuesday, 2pts Wednesday, 1pt Thursday)
    • Testimonio Keynote dry run presentations for extra credit 
      • (4pts Monday, 3pts Tuesday, 2pts Wednesday, 1pt Thursday)
  • Friday, November 9th
    • Testimonio Keynote DUE for Normal Credit
  • Monday, November 12th - Wednesday November 14th
    • John is out of town - you have a sub. Do NOT expect help on technical issues.
    • Work on refining Presentation Script & Practice Presentation
  • Thursday, November 15th
    • MANDATORY Exhibition for all 9th and 10th grade students
      • 8:30AM Students bring NICE exhibition clothing in AM
        • NO: CASUAL CLOTHING ( no t-shirts, no hoodies, no hats, no jeans, no raggedy anything)
        • YES: PROFESSIONAL CLOTHING (button down shirts, nice sweaters, slacks, skirts, dresses, blouses, nice shoes, ties, etc...)
        • When in doubt ASK!  If not sure bring clothing (or a picture) in advance for approval.  No exceptions.
      • Students STAY at school after 5th period - DO NOT GO HOME
      • 3:40-4:40 Students/Staff set-up rooms 
      • 4:45-5:30 Dinner Break 
      • 5:30-6:00 Students return, dress, freak-out 
      • 6:00PM Parents arrive