Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Video Production: Watching our Work & Finishing the Year

UNIT Learning Target(s):  
  • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'?
  • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can critique my fellow student's Video Feature Shorts

    • All Cameras, Memory Cards, and Cables are due NOW
      • Don't make me come get it
      • Not returning gear = NC
    • Period 6 and the downstairs lab now open to anyone who wants to work on schoolwork Tuesdays & Thursdays until 5PM
    • This lab will be open most Tuesdays and Thursdays as well.  John is in Period 6 on Tuesdays.
    • Do everything you can to pass your classes as the year ends...

    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Days 17-19: Watching our Work

    UNIT Learning Target(s):  
    • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'?
    • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
    Daily Learning Target(s):  
    • I can critique my fellow student's Video Feature Shorts

      • All Cameras, Memory Cards, and Cables are due to John by this FRIDAY
        • Don't make me come get it
        • Not returning gear = NC
      • Period 6 and the downstairs lab now open to anyone who wants to work on schoolwork Tuesdays & Thursdays until 5PM
      • This lab will be open most Tuesdays and Thursdays as well.  John is in Period 6 on Tuesdays.
      • Do everything you can to pass your classes as the year ends...
      • Typing WEB & Announcements [15]
        • Students MUST finish their short films or they will fail the semester
          • Films turned in this week are eligible for grades from C- to B
          • Films not turned in this week can earn no higher than a C- and if not of high quality will receive an NC (but NOT cause an automatic NC for the Quarter)
      • iMovie Film Festival [45]
        • Editing as needed and approved

      Monday, May 19, 2014

      Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 16 - Watching our Work

      UNIT Learning Target(s):  
      • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'?
      • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
      Daily Learning Target(s):  
      • I can critique my fellow student's Video Feature Shorts

        • Do everything you can to pass your classes as the year ends...
        • Typing WEB & Announcements [15]
          • Students MUST finish their short films or they will fail the semester
            • Films turned in this week are eligible for grades from C- to B
            • Films not turned in this week can earn no higher than a C- and if not of high quality will receive an NC (but NOT cause an automatic NC for the Quarter)
        • iMovie Film Festival [45]
          • Editing as needed and approved

        Friday, May 16, 2014

        Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 15 - FINAL TURN IN

          UNIT Learning Target(s):  
          • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'?
          • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
          Daily Learning Target(s):  
          • I can Export and Share my final Feature Video

            • Have a good weekend
            • Export & Share [60]
            • Name it as follows:
              • DRAFT - Movie Title - Your Name
            • Resubmitting?
              • FINAL - Movie Title - Your Name

            Wednesday, May 14, 2014

            Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 14 - YEARBOOK

            UNIT Learning Target(s):  
            • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'?
            • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
            Daily Learning Target(s):  
            • I can EDIT and REFINE my feature; fine-tuning the edit points, sound, music, transitions, titles, & subtitles, paying attention to the dramatic impact of each decision.

              • Worry about finishing your film

              Tuesday, May 13, 2014

              Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 13 - YEARBOOK

              UNIT Learning Target(s):  
              • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'?
              • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
              Daily Learning Target(s):  
              • I can EDIT and REFINE my feature; fine-tuning the edit points, sound, music, transitions, titles, & subtitles, paying attention to the dramatic impact of each decision.

                • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'

                Monday, May 12, 2014

                Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 12 - YEARBOOK

                UNIT Learning Target(s):  
                • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'?
                • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
                Daily Learning Target(s):  
                • I can EDIT and REFINE my feature; fine-tuning the edit points, sound, music, transitions, titles, & subtitles, paying attention to the dramatic impact of each decision.

                  • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'

                  Friday, May 9, 2014

                  Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 11

                  • Hi!  How was yesterday?  I have a message for everyone who 'couldn't work', didn't have anything to edit, or had simple technical problems while I was gone yesterday...
                    • "Wake Up"
                    • Think about what was going on around you yesterday. Remember all those kids who were editing video and not losing their work? Most of them are the same kids who paid attention and tried hard to do a good how-to video using all the time allowed. That's when they learned all that stuff - just as we planned.
                    • Remember - no matter what your grade now, or how much I like you - if you don't turn in a Feature Video you will fail the second semester of Digital Literacy.
                    • Just sayin'
                  • You have an exit ticket at the end of today's class - heaven help you if you try to mischaracterize you work level today. 
                  Unit Learning Target(s):  
                  • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
                  • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
                  Daily Learning Target(s):  
                  • I can final edit the footage I shot 
                    • BUY YOUR YEARBOOK BY MONDAY!
                    • Saturday School TOMORROW!  WOOT!
                    Unit Documents
                    • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'
                    • Typing WEB & Announcements [10]
                    • Edit [45]
                      • ORDER OF PRIORITIES - everyone should be sitting in front of their own computer quietly editing their film.
                        1. Upload Footage - get help from a classmate if you need to use Computer 30 to upload from Apple products or using AirDroid with androids on your own computers.
                        2. Edit Footage
                        3. Then, and only with permission from John and an explanation,
                          1. Work on Production Documents
                          2. Work on other schoolwork
                    • Exit Ticket - Click Here [05]

                    Thursday, May 8, 2014

                    Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 10

                    1. Hello, John is not here (remember?  Look at your production schedule).
                    2. Be nice to Leslie or I will muderlate you.
                    3. You have an exit ticket.  Leslie is going to report your progress to me.  If her report doesn't match your exit ticket I will believe her and penalize you severely so be honest.

                    Learning Target(s):  
                    • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
                    • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
                    Daily Learning Target(s):  
                    • I can UPLOAD AND FINE EDIT footage I shot 
                      • TODAY is a MONDAY schedule
                      • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'
                      • Typing WEB & Announcements [10]
                      • Upload & Edit [45]
                        • ORDER OF PRIORITIES - everyone should be sitting in front of their own computer quietly editing their film.
                          1. Upload Footage - get help from a classmate if you need to use Computer 30 to upload from Apple products or using AirDroid with androids on your own computers.
                          2. Edit Footage
                          3. Then, and only with permission from Leslie and an explanation,
                            1. Work on Production Documents
                            2. Work on other schoolwork
                      • Exit Ticket - Click Here

                      Monday, May 5, 2014

                      Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 9

                      Unit Learning Target(s):  
                      • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
                      • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
                      Daily Learning Target(s):  
                      • I can UPLOAD AND FINE EDIT footage I shot 
                        • ADVISORY PICTURES
                          • Tomorrow @ the Sports Day
                            • AND
                          • Thursday Afternoon
                            • BOTH PICTURES WILL BE IN THE YEARBOOK (I think)
                        • The Lady Panthers Soccer team will play their last game of the season on TODAY @ Raimondi field. Lets all try to attend to wrap up a great season. 
                        • 15 more sailing spots for TOMORROW available for anyone
                          • The Summer Sailing program has expanded to offer up to FOUR Weeks of Sailing School this summer!
                          • June 16th-20th and July 28th-August 15th.  
                          • Kids who write a thank you and are chosen will start with lunch meetings and basic maritime instruction for three Mondays on May 12th, May 19th, and June 2nd during lunch in the theater
                        • Saturday School This Saturday
                        • Bring HEADPHONES!
                          • The Feature Video Project Description is HERE
                          • Production Documents are HERE
                          • BUY Your YEARBOOK NOW!
                          • 9th grade physical fitness testing is THIS Wednesday, May 7th, 
                            • Wear Proper Clothing
                            • 8:30-12:55 
                            • The last time you will ever need to do it!
                            • You can go sailing afterwards!
                          • Thursday is a TUESDAY schedule
                          • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'

                          Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 8

                          Unit Learning Target(s):  
                          • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
                          • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
                          Daily Learning Target(s):  
                          • I can UPLOAD AND FINE EDIT footage I shot 
                            • The lady Panthers Soccer team will play their last game of the season on TOMORROW. at Raimandi field. Lets all try to attend to wrap up a great season. 
                            • 15 more sailing spots for THIS Wednesday available for anyone
                              • The Summer Sailing program has expanded to offer up to FOUR Weeks of Sailing School this summer!
                              • June 16th-20th and July 28th-August 15th.  
                              • Kids who write a thank you and are chosen will start with lunch meetings and basic maritime instruction for three Mondays on May 12th, May 19th, and June 2nd during lunch in the theater
                            • Saturday School This Saturday
                            • Bring HEADPHONES!
                              • The Feature Video Project Description is HERE
                              • Production Documents are HERE
                              • BUY Your YEARBOOK NOW!
                              • 9th grade physical fitness testing is THIS Wednesday, May 7th, 
                                • Wear Proper Clothing
                                • 8:30-12:55 
                                • The last time you will ever need to do it!
                                • You can go sailing afterwards!
                              • Thursday is a TUESDAY schedule
                              • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'

                              Friday, May 2, 2014

                              Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 7

                              Unit Learning Target(s):  
                              • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
                              • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
                              Daily Learning Target(s):  
                              • I can UPLOAD AND ROUGH EDIT footage I shot and/or do productive schoolwork in my downtime
                                    tomorrow is Saturday!!   

                                • 9th grade physical fitness testing is NEXT Wednesday, May 7th, 
                                  • Wear Proper Clothing
                                  • 8:30-12:55 
                                  • The last time you will ever need to do it!
                                  • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'

                                  Thursday, May 1, 2014

                                  Video Production: iMovie: Our FEATURE - Day 6

                                  Unit Learning Target(s):  
                                  • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
                                  • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
                                  Daily Learning Target(s):  
                                  • I can UPLOAD AND ROUGH EDIT footage I shot and/or do productive schoolwork in my downtime
                                      tomorrow is SPORTS PARAPHERNALIA FRIDAY!   

                                  • 9th grade physical fitness testing is NEXT Wednesday, May 7th, 
                                    • Wear Proper Clothing
                                    • 8:30-12:55 
                                    • The last time you will ever need to do it!
                                    • Don't miss any opportunities to film for your 'feature'