Thursday, January 30, 2020

FRI: Critiquing Photowalk III [SUB DAY]

Dang it, another Sub Day! 
You can do it!

  • Student Cameraphone pictures have already been shared to kids who used it.  Look in your SHARED section of your Google Photos
  • Blog en español
  • NEXT MONDAY -  YOU MUST come to class, we will be learning the blog portfolio basics you need to be successful on TUESDAY because...
  • NEXT TUESDAY  -  I am out again but this time it was kinda planned, we just didn't know the date (another Union meeting) and you will be working on your Photo Blog Portfolio Project with the Photo Sub you know!
  • NEXT WEDS-FRI - We will finally complete our Oral Critiques and continue to build our Photo Blog Portfolios 
  • NONE
    • Think about what you are going to say to John about why because you are going to have a Grade Meeting with John and perhaps your parent/guardian
    • Then go to the last step and type for the entire time
      • Stay in your chair
      • Stay quiet
  • FIRST: Process your pictures from Photowalk III
    • SHARE them to your school account
    • GROUP ALL of them in an ALBUM named Photowalk III
    • SELECT the THREE you are going to critique
    • Put ALL THREE and ALL of the photos that you took trying to make those 3 photos into an album called Photowalk III Critiques
    • SHARE that properly named ALBUM to
      • Wrong name? Zero Credit because I won't even see it.
  • SECOND: Write your THREE Photo Critiques
    • If you run out of time to do all three remember that the quality of the first two will determine if that is OK or not.  All three photos need to be in the ALBUM for full credit though.
    • Your assignment is in
    • Make sure you are in the CORRECT Google Classroom
    • Use THIS example to guide you in how to critique but
      • The part about the challenge doesn't apply (unless it does, meaning you COULD talk about how it answers a challenge)
    • NEW students do your BEST & don't trip!

  • LAST: When you have completed all three CRITIQUES do one of these quietly from your seat until the period ends

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

WED/THU: Photowalk III - The Lake

NO Computers
NO challenge sheets necessary
  • Some look for's: Buildings, Reflections, angles Patterns | Lines | Shadows | Old | Odd | Shiny
"[Photography] is an immediate sketch, done with intuition, 
and you can't [really] correct it..." 
Henri Cartier-Bresson
YOU must take pictures TODAY 
and for each
you must be able to explain WHY you took it

Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can take multiple photos that demonstrate the techniques I have learned
  • I will learn to take better pictures - even with a crappy camera
  • NONE
  • Photowalk [100]
    • Your GOAL 
      • Take multiple pictures
      • Make sure you have at least three EXCELLENT pictures
      • You will submit ALL of the photos that you took trying to 'get' those 3 pictures.
      • You will not need 9 tries for each picture (like the weekend challenge) but you should take multiple shots as you make changes to get a better picture.
  • The Rules of Photo Walks [10]
    • You MUST be able to see the teacher @ ALL TIMES
    • Walk with a buddy that has good sense
    • Do NOT go inside ANY business or building [do NOT ask]
    • You MAY take a picture of anyone or anything you can see from outside but it is polite to ask permission if you want to take someone's picture. 
  • Walk [90]
    • Approximate Route 
      • 2 Miles
      • 41 minutes walking 
      • 49 minutes stopping to shoot pictures
      • There are new crosswalks near Snow Park that Google Maps does't show - take them!

    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    TUE: Hella hEAlthy: Consuming Kids

     NO Computers: Take a Handout
    Another Sub Day?

    Sorry, I was super sick Sunday & Monday - I went to my meeting yesterday because I had to but... now I have a
    102 degree fever! 
    • FILM: Consuming Kids
      • READ the entire front side of the handout
      • READ Question ONE
      • WATCH Section ONE
      • Teacher pauses for 2 minutes or so
      • ANSWER Question ONE
      • READ Question TWO
      • repeat all steps until film is over or time runs out.
      • Complete the final THREE Questions on the Last Page as HOMEWORK

    Monday, January 27, 2020

    MON: 9 Photo Series Challenge [SUB Day]

    Sub Day! 

    REMEMBER: I have cameras and I believe 
    everything the sub says!

    • Blog En Español
    • STEP ONE: PROCESS YOUR PHOTOS [No Photos? Skip to step 2]
      • SHARE your photos to your school account
      • CREATE an album with those photos
      • BONUS: You can use ANY Challenge, even one you used before
      • NAME that album with the name of your challenge
        • Example: Challenge #44: Landscape: A Tree
      • COPY THE ALBUM LINK using these steps
        • SELECT the SHARE MENU (3 BALLS W/ 2 LINES)
        • Go to the BOTTOM of the BOX and SELECT "Create Link"

        • COPY that Link

        • You should see a CONFIRMATION that the Link was copied
    • STEP TWO: Make sure you are in the CORRECT Google Classroom
      • N/C if you submit into the  WRONG CLASSROOM
      • If you DO NOT have photos complete the ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT 
    • Final Critiques in front of the class tomorrow: ZERO credit after tomorrow
    • PHOTO WALK WED/THU -  100 minutes, be prepared, wear shoes that can get dirty
    • This past weekend's homework [DUE TODAY]: 
      • 9+ Outdoor photos that answer a SINGLE Challenge

    Friday, January 24, 2020

    FRI: Critiquing Photo Walk #2

    FIRST: Do these 4 things...


    "[Photography] is an immediate sketch, done with intuition, 
    and you can't [really] correct it..." 
    Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Daily Learning Target(s):  
    • I can CRITIQUE my Photo Walk pictures for credit
    • I can improve my photographic vocabulary 

      • One outdoor challenge 
      • Minimum of 9 photos 
        • From the same general spot
        • Showing the progression from 1st idea, working towards the perfect "answer" to the chosen challenge
      • Placed in a Google Photos Album

    Unit Resources:
    Agenda: [100]
    • Warm-Up: Albums then / [30]
    • Homework and Subwork Reminder! [...]
      • John has a SUB Monday because he will be at the second Union bargaining event (sorry)
      • Make sure to do your Homework: 9 pictures this weekend, each a different phase of answering the same our-door challenge.
      • Make sure you remember the written critique example and refer to it when you write on Monday! (OK!)
    • Photo Walk #2 Critique [...]

    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    WED/THU: Photowalk II - The Town

    NO Computers

    Take out your challenge sheet 
    and mark off these numbers!

    • Challenges found on this walk include: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 17, 21, 24, 30, 45, 46, 47, 50
    • Some look for's: Patterns | Lines | Shadows | Old | Odd | Shiny

    "[Photography] is an immediate sketch, done with intuition, 
    and you can't [really] correct it..." 
    Henri Cartier-Bresson
    YOU must take pictures TODAY 
    and for each
    you must be able to explain WHY you took it

    Daily Learning Target(s):  
    • I can take multiple photos that demonstrate the techniques I have learned
    • I will learn to take better pictures - even with a crappy camera
      • One outdoor challenge 
      • Minimum of 9 photos 
        • From the same general spot
        • Showing the progression from 1st idea, working towards the perfect "answer" to the chosen challenge
      • Placed in a Google Photos Album
    • Photowalk [100]
      • Your GOAL is to take multiple pictures that answer a minimum of THREE challenge
      • The Rules of Photo Walks [10]
        • You MUST be able to see JOHN @ ALL TIMES
        • Walk with a buddy that has good sense
        • Do NOT CROSS ON RED. 
        • Do NOT go inside ANY business or building [do NOT ask]
        • You MAY take a picture of anyone or anything you can see from outside but it is polite to ask permission if you want to take someone's picture. 
      • Walk [90]
        • Approximate Route 
          • 1.9 Miles
          • 39 minutes walking 
          • 51 minutes stopping to shoot pictures

    Monday, January 20, 2020

    FRI/TUE: Sub Days [written photo critiques]

    One More sub Day! You can do it!
    TODAY HAS A REVERSE WORK ORDER and Extra Credit work 
    is @ the END of the period
    • Last Thursday night's homework: TWO Challenge Photos
    • This weekend's homework: TWO MORE Challenge Photos

    • PHOTO WALK next class 100 minutes, be prepared
    • Photo walk critiques will continue/finish on Friday
    • None during the week
      • One outdoor challenge 
      • Minimum of 9 photos 
        • From the same general spot
        • Showing the progression from 1st idea, working towards the perfect "answer" to the chosen challenge
      • Placed in a Google Photos Album

    AGENDA for BOTH Fri & Tue:
    • TWO written Photo Critiques
      • Two challenge photos DUE Friday & two DUE on Tuesday, taken as homework, uploaded & then critiqued in a google doc.
      • Your assignment is in
      • Make sure you are in the CORRECT Google Classroom
      • Use THIS example to guide you
      • NEW students do your BEST & don't trip!

      • Longer term project for MORE credit than above - does not have to be finished Fri or Tue and can take as long as you need to make it great!
        • Select a photographer (use this search if you wish)
        • Choose one whose WORK, whose PHOTOGRAPHS you like or admire.
        • Write one paragraph about what inspires your chosen Photographer as a artist?
          • Why do they do the type of art they do and why?
          • Who or what influences do they have
          • What is their "origin story" as an artist
        • Select 3 or more piece of their work 
          • Write about what you like or don't like in the work
          • Analyze the images - some possible ideas to explore
            • How did the artist "make" the images happen?  
            • What techniques do you see?
            • How do the photographs relate you each other?
            • How do the photographs relate to the artist?
            • How do the photographs relate to the world and time of the artist.
        • Conclude with one paragraph about what inspires YOU about their work
          • How might you use the things that you have seen and learned about and from this artist to make your own photographs even better!

    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    WED/THU: Critiquing Photo Walk #1

    • HUMAN RESOURCE MACHINE KIDS: Go to your OLD COMPUTER, upload the Human resource Machine app file to your Google DRIVE. Then download and run it on your new machine.

    "[Photography] is an immediate sketch, done with intuition, 
    and you can't [really] correct it..." 
    Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Daily Learning Target(s):  
    • I can CRITIQUE my Photo Walk pictures for credit
    • I can improve my photographic vocabulary 
    • Take TWO more CHALLENGE PHOTOS before Friday morning
      • You will process & critique them IN WRITING on FRIDAY 


    Unit Resources:
    Agenda: [100]

    TUE: Sharing & Critiquing Photos

    "[Photography] is an immediate sketch, done with intuition, 
    and you can't [really] correct it..." 
    Henri Cartier-Bresson
    Daily Learning Target(s):  
    • I can SHARE my Photo Walk pictures to my school
    • I can place all my photos into an ALBUM, select my FAVORITES, and SUBMIT them to the correct album for CREDIT.
    Current Product (DUE TODAY)
    • Submit your TWO best photos -FROM yesterday's walk - FOR credit
        • Each must answer a different challenge
        • Additional challenges answered will be for EXTRA CREDIT
        • You MUST be able to explain WHY you took any photo and WHAT technique(s) you used

    Agenda: [60]

    • Google Photos [50]
      • Finding your photos
        • Which google account are they backed up to?
      • IF your photos are NOT in your School Account
        • SELECT the FIRST ONE using the CIRCLE in the upper LEFT corner of the picture (when looking at a bunch of pictures)
        • Hold down SHIFT and select the LAST ONE
        • SHARE them to your school account using the share menu
      • Find your photos!  Look in the notifications if you can't!
      • ADD the shared photos to your school account using the cloud/arrow button
      • Once you have the photos in your school account SELECT them ALL the same way you did before and put them in an album
      • NAME the album "PHOTO WALK #1"
      • Look through your photos in the Album and FAVORITE the ones you might want to submit using the STAR in the upper RIGHT corner of the picture (when looking at a single picture)
      • Selecting your photos
        • Look through your favorites album and select the THREE best pictures that show the rule of thirds
      • ADDING your photos to the class album
        • Make sure you are logged in to your school account
        • Click on the CORRECT album for your class period below
        • Click ADD photos
          • It should take you to your photos 
          • Select the TWO you already chose - be prepared to name the challenge and the technique!
      • The class albums
      • Critique!

    Sunday, January 12, 2020

    MON: Photo Walk I,

    No Computers

    "[Photography] is an immediate sketch, done with intuition, 
    and you can't [really] correct it..." 
    Henri Cartier-Bresson
    Warm up:  
      • Tie your shoelaces
      • Get valuables out of your backpack and into your pockets if you are not carrying your backpack with you.
      • Find a buddy to walk with
      • Pledge to NOT be the last kids walking in the group (if everyone does this we won't get so spread out and have such a yellie, waitie walk)
    Daily Learning Target(s):  
    • I can PRACTICE The Rule of Thirds, Light/Shadow, & Look for Items of Interest while completing TWO or more Photo Challenges on the class Photo Walk today
    Current Product (DUE TODAY)
    • TWO or more challenges need to be answered with a photo taken on THIS WALK
    • Suggestions?
      • Landscapes #2; 11; 18;29;35
      • Miscs #12, 15, 16
    • You will submit your TWO best photos - FROM this walk - FOR credit
        • Each must answer a different challenge
        • Additional challenges answered will be for EXTRA CREDIT
        • You MUST be able to explain WHY you took any photo and WHAT technique(s) you used
    • Photo Walk [65]
      • Rules [10]
        •  YOU must take pictures today and for EACH you must be able to explain WHY you took it and WHAT TECHNIQUE you used.
        • You MUST be able to see JOHN @ ALL TIMES
          • Or have moved on with his permission
        • You MUST NOT CROSS ON RED.  I will give you an NC if you jaywalk.  Just wait for the green.  We will wait for you.
        • You MAY NOT go in to ANY business or building so don't ask to be allowed to
        • You may not sit on anything, climb on anything, or otherwise do anything but walk on the sidewalk unless John specifically tells YOU that you can.
      • Walk [55]
        • Approximate Route (1.2 Miles, 23/55 minutes walking + 22/55 minutes for stopping to shoot pictures)
          • We will regroup 2 times - once at THIS PIN, and once in Snow Park on the way back.
          • If you are too far behind when we do so it will be deducted from your photo grade