Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Painting with the color replacement tool

Do Now: Get your Identity Chart back from the pile and, on the reverse, answer the following question:

Think again of the community that you did your identity map of.  Answer the following questions.

  1. Who lives in your community and who does not? 
  2. Has the makeup of your community changed over time? 
    1. What accounts for that change? 
  3. How do people in your community learn who belongs and who doesn’t?

 Please WAIT before continuing 

Learn to Paint with the Color Replacement Tool

    • I will learn to use the Color Replacement Tool
      • Choose a color with the Color Picker
      • Select the Color Replacement BRUSH  from the Brush Tool button
        • Set Mode to Color
        • Set Limits to Find Edges
        • Set Tolerance to 30%
        • Choose One of the three eyedropper tools
        • Paint carefully!
        • Use [ ] to change your brush size
    • I will APPLY this Technique by
      • Continuing to work with the  “Heads will Roll” photoshop example 
      • Changing Edward’s shirt color
      • Changing one piece of clothing on three people in the photo
      • You should be able to turn the colored clothing "on" and "off" using layer selection

Monday, November 28, 2011

Select and Transform in Photoshop

Do Now:  Create an identity chart ON PAPER for your community
(This is in preparation for our international online seminar next week)

Just like individuals, communities like Oakland have identities, and factors such as geography, politics, economics, and historical events influence the identity of a community.

Create an identity chart for your community by drawing a circle with OAKLAND (or your town if not Oakland) in a circle in the middle. Around that circle, write the words and phrases that YOU use to describe your town.

Use the printer paper by the door if you don't have your own.  At right is a clickable example of an identity chart for an individual:

Hang on to your chart while we discuss it and then turn it in for credit.

 Please WAIT before continuing 

Learn to cut an object, place it on its own layer, and manipulate it!

    • I will learn 3 new Photoshop Techniques
      • The Quick Selection tool (and REMOVE)
      • Layer>New>Layer via copy
      • Edit>Free Transform
        • Erase, Clone, Blur (oh my!)
    • I will APPLY these Techniques by
      • Downloading “Heads will Roll” photoshop example file from here
      • Cutting Edward’s head off and placing it in its own layer
      • Pasting his head on each of the 4 other bodies, transforming and blending the results to look as natural as possible.
      • You should be able to turn each head "on" and "off" using layer selection

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More photoshop cloning and image repair resources

 Today's Assignment 
By the end of the period you need to email me
  1. Your Photoshopped Photo
  2. The SUBJECT should be "Your Name - Photoshop Image"
  3. Put a description of what you did to the photo and why you did it in the BODY of the email
  4. Send the email to  john@envisionacademy.org 

 Steps to complete today's assignment 

  1. Open Photoshop
  2. File-Open your photo 
  3. Edit using the tools we know so far - play around but HAVE A PURPOSE
    1. Color Correct, Crop, and Clone!
  4. File-Save As your photo as a JPG when done
  5. Open school email - send jpg photo as an attachment to john@envisionacademy.org
Below are some more resources to help you with this assignment AND and extra credit assignment you can do today if you finish early
 Cloning & Image Repair Tutorials 

  • Cloning something to DUPLICATE it (same tool, different use)

 Extra Credit Assignment 
Extra credit:  Download the image on the right (ctl+click, blah, blah) and save it to your student drive.  Open it in Photoshop and do your best to remove the pipe and the lighter from the girl's hands.

If you don't finish you can turn it in after the break.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Finishing your iPhoto projects

      • For an “A” you must be finished with BOTH iPhoto projects by the END of THIS Class
    • I will finish selecting, cropping, correcting, and categorizing my Field Day & Community photos.
    • I will have SIX (6) Albums with my “best of” Field Day photos
    • I will have ONE (1) Album with my COMMUNITY photos & I will know my ‘word’
          • I will show these albums to John

Monday, November 14, 2011

iPhotoshop Day 6 - Catching-Up & Organizing

Do NOW: 
The do now is located on THIS FORM
    • I will import the pictures I took last period & this weekend into iPhoto
      • I will properly TITLE the EVENTS
      • I will begin to select, crop, correct, and select my 5 best ‘community’ photos
    • I will continue to select, crop, correct, and categorize my Field Day photos.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

iPhoto Project Image Requirements

    • Minimum 50, Maximum 150
    • No more than 30% with effects
    • all with “rule of 3rds” when possible
    • 90% Cropped
    • iPhoto ALBUMS created and populated with the following:
      • 5 best cropped in
      • 5 best cropped OUT
      • 5 best straightened
      • 5 best enhanced
      • Top 5
      • one natural art (blurry or other)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

(Lifehacker's) Photoshop Basics: Lesson 1 of

We are going to watch this video as a class.  It is a good, quick explanation of the basic tools in Photoshop.

This is the MANUAL for this lesson.  It is a good guide for you to reference as you do your work.
"Basics of Photoshop #01 - Manual"

All of this material was developed by lifehacker.com (bless their hearts...)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's the Inequality, Stupid!

  1. Choose a partner and sit with them
  2. ON BOTH OF YOUR COMPUTERS Go to: http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-in-america-chart-graph
  3. ON ONE OF YOUR COMPUTERS GO TO: https://docs.google.com/a/envisionacademy.org/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGtpSnh6bDFaQXg4cXNzLTdpWkNtQ1E6MQ
  4. READ all of the graphic charts and then choose ANY three to respond to with your partner
  5. Prepare to share out one of your responses.

Film on Police Action

staying safe