Thursday, December 8, 2011

Public Service Announcements: Finishing Strong!

DO NOW: Visit the Rondebosch Boys’ High School, South Africa, Website and see what their school is like.

For the rest of the Semester we will be focusing on our Photoshop skills and using them for social good.  

  • Your task is simple...  Create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) about something you care about in your community.  
  • You can come up with a new idea or use one of the two ideas you already came up with (check your email for your response to the form "Think again of the community that you did your identity map of..." to see your responses)
  • Be creative! Cut up multiple images and make them your own!
  • You MAY take inspiration from somebody else's images but don't use an already photoshopped or manipulated image in your project!
  • [Click here to see the examples of PSA's and prompts from our earlier lesson]
Your PSA must conform to the following requirements:

      1. 8 1/2 x 11 inches OR 8 1/2 x 14 inches in size [Photoshop>Image>Canvas Size]
      2. Have a clear and simple social good message using few words for the main message [Click here to see the examples of PSA's and prompts from our earlier lesson]
      3. Have a graphic, be it artwork or photography or both.  Particularly artistic all TEXT PSA's will be considered [Click here to visit the Adobe help document on working with type in Photoshop CS3]
      4. Have zero profanity or inappropriate elements as determined by John or Coach Grimm
      5. Be something you are willing to have posted in the glass case in front of the school for everyone to see

REMEMBER: Your PSA is supposed to benefit your community.  When you have completed one you will email it to John in the following format.

  1. File type = JPEG
  2. Compression/quality = 8 or higher
  3. Filename = PSA - Your Name.JPG
  4. Subject = PSA - Your Name
  5. Body Text =
    1. Explain WHO your AUDIENCE is for this PSA
    2. WHAT the SOCIAL ISSUE you are addressing is
    3. WHY this PSA helps with this issue
  6. TWO self grades
    1. Technical Mastery = How well did you use Photoshop for this PSA? Show me where you "did good"
    2. Application of Knowledge = How well does your PSA address your social issue? Why?


  1. Do more PSA's
  2. Do holiday cheer signs for the school

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

DMIN Community Word Online Student Conference

Facing History and Ourselves promotes the development of a more humane and informed citizenry through civil discourse built upon tolerance and respect. Before you use this website, we ask that you read the following rules and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this site. 

Personal/ Account Information
Each student and teacher will have their own account in Voicethread.  This account identifies and tracks who posts which comments. 

Posting Responses and Comments
  • Responses and Comments

    As you explore the photos on this Voicethread, you will be able to respond to questions next to each of the photos. Your responses may be republished elsewhere as Facing History or John deem appropriate. Other people who are participating and respond to the same questions will be able to see your responses. As the author, you are responsible for the ideas reflected in your responses.

  • Prohibited Terms

    This website is a place for safe, constructive dialogue. You may not post potentially offensive or injurious material on this website.  Remember this is a school-based project so your participation should reflect that of your teacher’s classroom expectations.

Facing History and Ourselves may refuse to post or may remove any material that it believes is undesirable or in violation of these rules. We may also deny you access to this site or terminate your access if we believe you are violating these rules or infringing on other people’s rights.  If Facing History needs to take such action your teacher will be notified.

Here is the link for the conference:

Your login is in the following form:
(COPY it, PASTE it, put your own name and initial in it):
Your password is: 123456

Submitting your "Heads will Roll" Photo

Do Now: Get to work

Purpose (I will):
  • Complete my "Heads will Roll" PSD File
  • Including
    • 5 Edward Headed people
    • 3 color changes
    • 2 text boxes
  • DO YOUR BEST - Quality is being graded
At the end of the period 
    1. Name the file "heads will roll - Your Name"
    1. Specify FULL QUALITY
    1. Attach the file to the email as an attachment using the attachment tools

Monday, December 5, 2011

Using TYPE in Photoshop

Do Now: For our final project of the semester we are going to make social issue public service announcements (and festive) posters :

Think again of the community that you did your identity map of.  If there was one MESSAGE that you could say to the people in your community what would it be?.

  1. Would you be trying to tell people to STOP doing something?
  2. Would you be trying to tell people to START doing something?
  3. Would you be trying to get people to NOTICE something?
  4. Would you be trying to get people to BELIEVE in something?
What do you YOU want people to HEAR?
 Please WAIT before continuing 

Using Type in Photoshop
Basic Skills
  1. Setting "Point" type
  2. Setting "Paragraph" type
  3. The Character panel
  4. Using layer BLENDING MODES
  5. Using layer STYLES
  6. Using layer EFFECTS
To Practice & Get Credit
  • Select a photo 
  • Add  TITLE text as Point type
  • BLEND the title text into the photo on the layer below it
  • ADD an EFFECT and/or use STYLES on the title text
  • Add some explanation/information as Paragraph text (making sure it is readable - look at Smokey ABOVE as example)
  • Save as a JPG and email to John@EnvisionAcademy.Org for credit when finished (today or tomorrow)
Extra Credit
  • When you are finished with the practice you may start working on a festive HOLIDAY message for the EA community!
  • The message can be anything school appropriate
  • The message may be serious ("STOP LITTERING", for example) but it must also be CHEERY to get credit!
  • Email it to John@EnvisionAcademy.Org for credit.