Thursday, October 18, 2012

Keynote Work Day & SPLASH at Stanford

No time for typing web today!
Today is a Keynote Work Day 
so open your keynote and start working!

After class starts we will pause a moment to look
at a great opportunity for EA students:

Splash is the program that brings high school and middle school students from everywhere to Stanford’s campus for a learning extravaganza. Classes are taught by Stanford undergraduates, graduate students, and other community members. 

EA is going to SPLASH on a bus on: 
(JUST) Saturday, November 3rd
Meet @ EA at 8AM
Take fun classes from 10am-4pm
Return to EA @ ~5pm

Click as many squares as you wish when choosing class.  Click the CIRCLE of the class you want the MOST!

Be sure to use your school email when signing up.
You can use the school address if you need to:
1515 Webster St, Oakland, CA 94612

It is FREE! Even though the website say's it isn't, we gotcha' covered!

Splash Sign-up
(be sure to use your address)

Just a sample of the over 100 classes taught @ Splash are listed below

Secret Agents: Tales of 20th Century Espionage
Learn to Create an Android App and Facebook Apps
The Secrets of Filmmaking

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Sports Journalism
Quiddich for Muggles
Beat the Dealer: Blackjack card counting
Building a Mini Concrete Canoe

Introduction to Robotics
How to Write Your Own Screenplay
Socially Conscious Artists: Intelligent Hip Hop and Rap as Forces for Social Good

Why Hip Hop Matters
Improvisational Belly Dance
How Cars Work
Harry Potter Extravaganza

Introduction to Cryptography
Herpetology: aka Snakes and Lizards and Frogs, Oh My!
Threats to Coral Reef Ecosystems

Why are some species endangered?
Festivals of India
Creating a Start Up Business

How to Love
Achieve Your Goals - Lessons from the Hunger Games
Getting the Most Out of College

Poetic Improvisation
Drama: Improv!
Hip Hop Choreography
Drumming and Percussion

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