Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday SexEd

EA is Hella Healthy!
NO Computers
Please Welcome

Asian Health Services Teen Clinic: The LOCAL, confidential source for information and health services for EVERY kid!

The clinic is only 8 minutes away walking!

If the presentation ends early please complete some TypingWeb lessons in the remaining time

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Weds/Thurs: The Black Mirror of Technology

Place your HOMEWORK 
next to you while you type
Learning Target(s):
  • I can discuss how technology adds to and takes from our lives...
  • NONE


Agenda : [60]

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday: PSA Message drafts

Turn in your homework 
you go to your seat
Learning Target(s):
  • I can narrow my ideas down to FOUR clear messages
  • Complete 'Message Drafts'


Agenda : [60]
  • TypingWeb [10]
  • RETURN Issue Brainstorms [05]
  • Peer Review of Ideas [07]
    • Select 4
    • If you disagree with your peer you must select a minimum of TWO suggestions from your peer
  • Class discussion: Turning issues into messages [18]
  • Individual work time on MESSAGE DRAFTS [20]

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday: Photoshop PSA Project Launch

Learning Target(s):
  • I can understand the requirements for successfully completing the Photoshop PSA Portfolio Project
  • Complete 'Social Issues Brainstorm'


Agenda : [60]
  • TypingWeb [10]
  • Photoshop @ 25 Oscar Commercial [02]
  • Distribute and discuss Photoshop PSA Project documents [28]
  • Initial social issues brainstorm [20]
    • Think-Write-Pair Share & Advise #1
    • Think-Write-Pair Share & Advise #2
    • Individual work on 3-8 (complete as homework for full credit)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Fri: SexEd "Life's Greatest Miracle" (LOL)

Learning Target(s):
  • I can get my health and sexuality questions answered

  • Turn in your Fieldtrip Form

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Weds/Thurs: Photoshop XII - Transform, Scale, & Text Effects

Learning Target(s):
  • I can use content aware scale to minimize distortion when changing image sizes
  • I can transform images to change their size and relationships
  • I can make adjustments to the layer styles for type to create cool text effects
  • I can continue to practice my Photoshop techniques
  • Hella Healthy meets in Michaela's room in the basement again this Friday
  • You have tests on Thursday and Friday - Make sure you come to school!
    Warm-Up:  [10]
    • Typing TEST 
      • When you are done with the test download and properly file todays images
      • Then help your neighbor do the same
    Agenda : [80]
    • Download  [10]
        • Download these two files from the Google Classroom Announcement "Photoshop work files: Scale, Transform, Text Effects"
          • Download and Save "burbon_begin2.psd" in a folder called "Transform and Scale" in your Data Drive
          • Download and Save "water_begin.psd" in a folder called "Text Effects" in your Data Drive
    • Guided Instruction [45]
      • Transform and Scale [25]
        • CONTENT-AWARE SCALING [Kelly 03]
          • SAVE AS "burbon_END.psd"
      • Text Effects [20]
        • TYPE LAYER STYLES [Kelly 08]
          • SAVE AS "water_END.psd"
    • Upload: [10]
      • Upload "burbon_END.psd" and "water_END.psd" Images to your GOOGLE CLASSROOM
    • Independent Practice on ALL SKILLS [25]
      • YOU may download files from "Photoshop work files: Practice selections, etc..." and save them in a folder called "More Practice" in your Data Drive if you need more practice images

    Tuesday, February 10, 2015

    Tuesday: Marching from Selma

    When you are done log in to TypingWeb 
    and do your next Exercise
    Learning Target(s):
    • I can discuss the implications of modern events using the context provided by the film SELMA


      Warm-Up:  [10]
      • 4 questions [10]
      Agenda : [45]
      • Short Film: What would Martin do?[25]
        • Discussion [20]

        Friday, February 6, 2015

        Friday: Sex Ed Q&A

        Learning Target(s):
        • I can get my health and sexuality questions answered

        • Turn in your School Move Form
        • Turn in your Selma Form
        • Progress Reports go out next Friday just in time to make or break your "Ski Week"

        Tuesday, February 3, 2015

        Tuesday-Thursday: Consuming Kids 3-8

           No Computers,  no TypingWeb,  Movie Seating   
           HOMEWORK/Worksheet out and ready to write   

        Learning Target(s):
        • I can examine how marketing is used to manipulate me.  
        • I can draw connections between photoshop manipulation and marketing.

        • Progress Reports go out next Friday just in time to make or break your "Ski Week"

        Agenda : 
        • Consuming Kids:
          • Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that now sells kids and their parents everything from junk food and violent video games to bogus educational products and the family car. 
          • Part 2: The Floodgates Open (periods 
            • How has deregulation contributed, specifically, to these changes in marketing? 
          • Part 3: By Any Means Necessary
            • How does branding beloved children’s characters serve the interests of marketers? How does this process work, specifically? What kind of psychological, social, or behavioral impact do you think this might have on the targeted child? 
          • Part 4: UNDER THE MICROSCOPE: 
            • Do you feel that advanced research techniques exploit children’s vulnerabilities, by definition, or do you think a case can be made that marketers are simply trying to find out what kids want in order to better meet their needs and desires?  Do you think this kind of market research is ethical? Professionally responsible? Why or why not, specifically?
          • Part 5: BRAND NEW WORLD: 
            • One of the dominant themes of children’s marketing today is the selling of cool, as marketers have shifted from the selling of products to the selling of emotional meanings tied to brands. How do you think marketers draw on or play into kids’ normal social interactions with their peers in order to make their appeals effective?
          • Part 6: CRADLE TO GRAVE: 
            • As marketers continue to sell their products down the age scale, what gendered messages are young girls and boys receiving about what it means to be a man or a woman? How are gender stereotypes commercialized in children’s media and toys? What impact does this have on children’s play, and on how kids shape their identities and understanding of the world?
          • Part 7: REWIRING CHILDHOOD: 
            • Why is play important? In what specific ways are media threatening children’s play? How, precisely, are children’s play and creativity limited and threatened by media exposure, commercial programming, and character tie-ins?
          • Part 8: OUR FUTURE: 
            • How has children’s media led to measurable declines in children’s health? What correlations or connections can be made? Should the commercialization of childhood be considered a public health problem?
          • Part 8B: OUR FUTURE 2: 
            • What role and responsibility do you feel parents should have when it comes to addressing the commercialization of childhood? Is it fair to expect them to cope, on their own, with a billion dollar industry? Or should there be policies in place that help parents protect children from marketing?
          • Part 8C: OUR FUTURE 3: 
            • Why do you think the U.S. government has not taken an active role in protecting children from commercial culture? Do you see a difference between this issue and child labor laws or laws mandating that children wear bike helmets or protect children from the marketing of tobacco?

        Resources for further study

         = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

        TypingWeb Grades will be entered this weekend 
        - use this time to improve your grade! -

        Sunday, February 1, 2015

        Monday: Consuming Kids 1 & 2

        Learning Target(s):
        • I can examine how marketing is used to manipulate me.  
        • I can draw connections between photoshop manipulation and marketing.

        • Tomorrow is a Thursday Schedule
          • Lopez and Mr. P classes moved Tuesday & Wednesday

        Agenda : [50 depending on discussions]
        • Consuming Kids:
          • Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that now sells kids and their parents everything from junk food and violent video games to bogus educational products and the family car. 
          • Part 1: Introduction - Pair share with report
            • How have new technologies like the internet, iPods, cell phones, and 24-hour children’s TV programming made children more available – and vulnerable – to commercial messages? 
            • Do you feel that there are, or should be, societal or moral reservations about marketers approaching children at such early ages? 
            • Does it work?
          • Part 2: The Floodgates Open
            • How has deregulation contributed, specifically, to these changes in marketing? 
          • Part 3: By Any Means Necessary
            • How does branding beloved children’s characters serve the interests of marketers? How does this process work, specifically? What kind of psychological, social, or behavioral impact do you think this might have on the targeted child?