Unit Learning Target(s):
- 1 reading
- typing.com when you finish
Unit Learning Target(s):
- How can we take good pictures no matter what kind of camera we have at the moment?
- How can we use our critical thinking skills to MAKE a good picture happen?
Daily Learning Target(s):
- I can LEARN the Best Practices of Digital Photography by viewing exemplars and taking notes on the techniques used to achieve them.
Start Bringing Fully Charged Cell Phones with free memory space so that you can SEIZE opportunities
Agenda: [160]
- Reading + [20]
- Reviewing some test shots [20]
- LECTURE w/ guided note-taking: [65+/- Multi-day]
- You will need to SAVE and USE these notes for this unit
- Basic Camera Phone Tips
- Watch your LIGHTING
- Don't Shake
- Watch your battery and storage levels
- If you have a VIEWFINDER you can check your images on the LCD screen - but WATCH YOUR BATTERY
- Viewfinders on non-SLR (single lens reflex) cameras do NOT show you exactly what you are shooting
- Use unusual angles
- Use REAL zoom - Optical ONLY!
- Use BURST MODE when shooting 'action'
- more GOLDEN RULES of photography
- Golden Ratio 1:1.6
- Golden Spiral
- Balance
- Fill the frame
- Leave Space
- Leading Lines
- Rule of Odds
- Simplify
- LEARN & USE CAMERA MODES if you have them
- Basic MODES
- Learning from a master [30]
- Henri Cartier-Bresson_ The Decisive Moment
- "[Photography] is an immediate sketch, done with intuition and you can't [really] correct it..." Henri Cartier-Bresson
- Photography is an ART - there is no "right or wrong" unless you have a client
- There are "rules" that help you SEE and MAKE good images
- Looking at more of John's Photos
- What RULES do I use?
- Setting up Google Photos on your phone [20]
- Automatic backup (selective)
- Saves storage space on your phone
- Easy to create and share albums of your work
- Cleaning up our Old Computer: [10]
- Open Period Drive
- Create a NEW FOLDER
- Name the new folder OLD WORK
- Move all of your old work into the new folder
- Do NOT move the MOVIES folder if it exists
- Log out of your browser
- New Seats [05]
- Complain in private or not at all