Tuesday, January 21, 2014

SICK DAY II - Photoshop Practice

Learning Target(s):  
  • I can practice ALL of my PHOTOSHOP SKILLS using the appropriate tools.
  • Well - I had a 102 degree fever at 6pm Tuesday so I needed to stay home Wednesday.  Wednesday was better fever-wise but the cough and aches are HORRIBLE so... one more day in bed.  See you Friday. 
  • UPDATE: 7:33PM Wednesday my temperature is back to 101. FMF.
  • DOWNLOAD your files from email
  • Friday, January 24th, Winter Ball
  • Bring In Your Own Photos to Work On - see below for the rules on working on them.
  • TypingWeb [20 Minutes]
  • Photoshop PSA Photo Brainstorm Time [35 or less ]
  • Photoshop Practice time [40 or more]
  • Exit Ticket [05]
  • Photoshop PSA Photo Brainstorm INSTRUCTIONS:
    • Using your PSA Brainstorm from the final - or the questions linked here - to guide you as you...
    • Find a minimum of FIVE (5) images that you can use in creating your PSA
    • REMEMBER, you are creating a magazine ad trying to convince people of your viewpoint (ex: don't litter!) 
    • TODAY you are only collecting images, NOT working on the actual ad.
    • Use the same pictures from last class (found in your email)
    • Work on any of the images you wish AND, if you have A FAMILY PICTURE from home, you MAY ask Javier to approve your working on it.  Do not ask to use random images from the net.
    • You only get credit for images you email to John
      • EMAIL TO: 
        • john@envisionacademy.org
      • SUBJECT LINE: 
        • Submit - Block ? - Photoshop Practice - First Lastname
Do as many as you can while doing a good job
It is better to do ONE perfectly than it is to do 5 poorly.
Many of you could get higher grades if you REDID some of your work from last class using the TOOLS IN BOLD BELOW.
  • Use ALL of your skills
    • Careful Selections
    • Proper use of Layers
    • Crop
    • Clone
    • Move
    • Marquis
    • Lasso
    • Content Aware
    • Patch
    • Healing Brushes
    • History Panel & Brushes
    • Liquify
    • Puppet Warp

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