Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Photoshop Practice Day 3: CAREFUL SELECTIONS & PSA Images

Learning Target(s):  
  • I can MAKE CAREFUL SELECTIONS using the appropriate tools.
  • The work you send John on Friday will be HEAVILY WEIGHTED for your 3rd Quarter grade. Only submit your BEST WORK
  • These next two classes are quiet work-time.
    • You may quietly and respectfully help each other, including being out of your chair, but if you start a conversation or do anything that isn't about the work, or bothers others, then you lose the right to help or be helped so don't blow it!
  • Bring In Your Own Photos to Work On
  • TypingWeb & Announcements [15]
  • Photoshop Practice time [80 or so]
    • TODAY: you WORK and then Fill Out an EXIT TICKET
      • TODAY: you do not have to send John anything
      • TODAY: You may do the following
        • Work on ONE Photoshop picture - try and do ONE really well rather than 3 poorly. You MAY do more than one as long as EACH is your BEST WORK.
          • Use ONLY pictures John has given you OR that John has approved. YOU MAY TRY TO CONTACT JOHN for approval. 510-684-3862
        • Make very careful selections
        • Be creative in what you choose to do and how you choose to manipulate the pictures
      • TODAY: You may also
        • Download pictures for your PSA
        • Brainstorm ideas for your PSA
        • Begin assembling a rough draft of your PSA
        • Listen to music
        • Play videos
        • Be on a streaming site
        • Eat or Drink
        • Chat with your friends
        • NOT try and become the BEST most CAREFUL Photoshop Artist you can possibly be.
      • FRIDAY:  you will
        • COMPLETE your Photoshop work
        • WRITE a reflection for each piece of work you submit justifying the effort and skill required to complete it.
        • EMAIL that work (in ONE SINGLE EMAIL) to John as a representation of HOW MUCH YOU HAVE LEARNED (if you only did one piece of work send that, if you did more than one HIGH QUALITY PIECES of work send more than one USING MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS)
        • Receive a big, juicy grade for what you send.
  • Exit Ticket [05]

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