Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Untold Voices Website Requirements

  • If your transcript is not done then for gosh sake do THAT!
  • If your transcript has been shared then here is your task list for the PROJECT
  1. Upload your photos to your school photo sharing site by following this link: https://picasaweb.google.com/home
    1. John will demonstrate this today
    2. Your photos will be graded at the END OF NEXT CLASS (Weds/Thurs)
    3. You must SHARE the album with John and Trevor in order to get credit
    4. You need a minimum of 50 photos in your album unless TREVOR tells John otherwise
  2. Create your Untold Voice website @: https://sites.google.com/a/envisionacademy.org and share it with John & Trevor
    1. NAME YOUR SITE EXACTLY THIS WAY: Untold Voices: An Oral History of Firstname Lastnameofyoursubject
      1. If you are part of a group you must add an extra character to the URL (NOT to the website name)
    2. Your site must contain the following [at a minimum]
      1. An introduction of no less than 250 words 
        • [1-2 pages  &  1+ photo(s) per page]
      2. A placeholder for the Preface
        • To Be Supplied by Trevor
      3. Your oral history of no less than 500 words 
        • [no less than 5 pages &  2+ photos per page -  a minimum of 15 photos must be included on your site)]
      4. Your About the Author page 
        • [1 page maximum & 1+ photo(s)]
      5. A reflection on the process to be assigned by Trevor & John 
        • [1 page minimum]
      6. unique color scheme that is simple and tasteful - it must NOT use THEMES or TEMPLATES (you MUST do it all yourself) and it must not distract from the text or photos
      7. A Photoshopped LOGO - DO THIS SECOND TO LAST
      8. Full "Book Like" navigation, as you were taught through the exemplar- DO THIS LAST
  • Meeting all the requirements in step TWO will get you a "B" in Digital Literacy IF:
    • Your use your best effort
    • The pages have ZERO typographical errors
    • You turn the entire site in by Friday, January 27th, 2012
      • [to meet this deadline you must complete an average of 1 1/2 pages per class plus do the  Photoshop and design work]
  • To get an "A"you must do some combination of the following:
    • John will demonstrate fonts, colors, advanced layouts and Photoshop NEXT class
    • Use photoshop for more than just the logo - you may get IDEAS from the templates but you cannot use the templates themselves.
    • Use an advanced layout that goes beyond the 'single box' of the blank template
    • Create additional pages detailing something beyond your transcription
      •  Resources appropriate to your subject's story [i.e. resources for gay teens would work for our example story]
      • More background on your subject or their story [i.e. historical information, maps, and other explanatory material)

If you need to reference Trevor's original assignment it can be found here: https://docs.google.com/a/envisionacademy.org/open?id=1iThlU1nlBsucx1SGaOe5_s--6NrKyFbngn_Ts0HUnp4l-BgwScH-oy6DFPCM

The exemplar website for the Untold Voices project can be viewed here: "They Don't Understand" an Untold Voices webBook

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