Monday, January 9, 2012

Basic Web Design: Day Two

READ THIS before beginning...

Your grades are posted on the wall and live on PowerSchool.  Many of you did great - and many of you did not.

  • If you think something is wrong with your grade then check with John.  
  • If you have either no pictures or no text you got an NC.  
  • I will not change your grade unless it is marked with an "M" on the FAR RIGHT ASSIGNMENT COLUMN of the posted grades (or I made a mistake).

If you have an NC today you must attend MST on Tuesday or receive a Referral. I will only check in About Me's during MST.

There are some common problems that lowered your grades and that you need to correct on the About Me page and avoid on the other pages:
  1. You must spell everything correctly
  2. You must use proper grammar
  3. You MUST use INSERT>IMAGE to put images on your site
  4. You must pay attention to the aesthetics of the page (how it looks)
    1. The words must wrap smoothly around the images and not have too many or inappropriate spaces or line breaks
  5. NOTE: If you did a spectacular job on the content (hi Desi and Yasmine!) you might have received an "A" but if there are technical problems with spelling and grammar (hi again Yasmine & Desi) you will still need to fix them.
  6. Big ups to Mario for a solid A-!
Today's Task is to complete your My Interests page  
  • Complete your My Interests page BEFORE your do any corrections on any other pages.   
  • If you finish early and both your About Me and your My Interests pages are PERFECT then begin on the My Dreams page.
If you are done with all three (John can tell you if you are finished) then you can work on Trevor's work or you can get advance instruction on changing the site design to make your pages 'fancier'!

Good luck and get crackin'!

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