Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Painting with the color replacement tool

Do Now: Get your Identity Chart back from the pile and, on the reverse, answer the following question:

Think again of the community that you did your identity map of.  Answer the following questions.

  1. Who lives in your community and who does not? 
  2. Has the makeup of your community changed over time? 
    1. What accounts for that change? 
  3. How do people in your community learn who belongs and who doesn’t?

 Please WAIT before continuing 

Learn to Paint with the Color Replacement Tool

    • I will learn to use the Color Replacement Tool
      • Choose a color with the Color Picker
      • Select the Color Replacement BRUSH  from the Brush Tool button
        • Set Mode to Color
        • Set Limits to Find Edges
        • Set Tolerance to 30%
        • Choose One of the three eyedropper tools
        • Paint carefully!
        • Use [ ] to change your brush size
    • I will APPLY this Technique by
      • Continuing to work with the  “Heads will Roll” photoshop example 
      • Changing Edward’s shirt color
      • Changing one piece of clothing on three people in the photo
      • You should be able to turn the colored clothing "on" and "off" using layer selection

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