Friday, December 16, 2016


Learning Target(s)
  • I can independently practice my skills over the next 4 Video Tutorials
  • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
    • The semester ends Today!
    Agenda [40]
    • First: Make sure the 1st two Photoshop assignments are turned in - if you are sure you did go to the next step otherwise turn in the missing work
      • your grade will be an average of the 3
    • Finish as much of the coin as you can
      • Save a JPG of your "Coin"
      • Upload JPG and PSD to class

    • Tutorial #1:  How To Create a Realistic Coin In Photoshop [38:08]
      • Follow the instructions EXACTLY or you will encounter problems later in the process!
      • Master using layer styles to add dimension and depth
      • Use a photo of your OWN HEAD for the center
      • Learn how to place type on a curve
      • A PSD and JPG of the coin is DUE at the end of Next Class 

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    WED/THU: Photoshop VIII

    Learning Target(s)
    • I can independently practice my skills over the next 4 Video Tutorials
    • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
      • The semester ends THIS FRIDAY December 16th
      Agenda [100]
      • 5-Minute TEST [07 +/-]
      • The Tutorials [95 + Next Class + Next Semester]
      • Tutorial #1:  How To Create a Realistic Coin In Photoshop [38:08]
        • Follow the instructions EXACTLY or you will encounter problems later in the process!
        • Master using layer styles to add dimension and depth
        • Use a photo of your OWN HEAD for the center
        • Learn how to place type on a curve
        • A PSD and JPG of the coin is DUE at the end of Next Class 
      • Tutorial #2: How to Change Eye Color in Photoshop [16:38]
        • Use adjustment layers to create dramatic changes
        • Practice selecting and refining selections
        • Turn in a PSD and JPG with both eyes changed into different colored eyes including one of the alien/animal eyes
      • Tutorial #3: Photoshop Tutorial: How to Transform Yourself into an Animal! [12:17]
        • Use layers and masks to create a fun and dramatic effect
        • This is something you could do a s a cool gift for a friend
        • Use a photo of your own head if you want!
        • Practice selecting and refining selections
        • Turn in a PSD and JPG 
      • Tutorial #4: Remove People From Photos by combining multiple photos in Stack Mode [13:08]
        • Learn a practical skill - combining 2 or more photos into one and keeping only the best from each
        • Learn advance aligning and blending the automatic way!
        • Turn in a PSD and JPG 

      Monday, December 12, 2016

      TUE: Photoshop VII

      Learning Target(s):
      • I can add skills to my Photoshop toolkit and continue to practice the skills already learned
        • FROM NOW ON
      • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
        • The semester ends December 16th
      Agenda : [60]

      Sunday, December 11, 2016

      MON: Photoshop VI

      Learning Target(s):
      • I can add skills to my Photoshop toolkit and continue to practice the skills already learned
        • FROM NOW ON
      • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
        • The semester ends December 16th
      Agenda : [65]

      Friday, December 9, 2016

      FRI: Hella hEAlthy @ The SPOT!

      The Spot is a collaborative youth center in Oakland Chinatown that supports comprehensive positive youth development to prevent violence and foster healthy transitions into adulthood. 

      The Spot offers programs and activities that build young people’s competence in multiple arenas, as well as develop their confidence, connection to people and institutions, character, and compassion. The theme of the youth center is “Ready for the Future” and The Spot’s culturally attuned activities will include tiered mentorship, leadership roles, and internships for youth to gain knowledge and skills in health and wellness, history and culture, job training/college readiness, and leadership. Instead of merely being a space with co-located services, The Spot will be coordinated to provide a web of support and opportunities for youth and young adults. This web of support requires both a strong infrastructure for administrative as well as program coordination plus anchor partners with youth development expertise in program provision in the content areas.

      299 13th Street, Oakland, CA 94612 | (510) 879 7492 |

      Wednesday, December 7, 2016

      WED/THU: Hour of Code

      Do-Now:  Think about this... 
      Can a Computer THINK?  

      Welcome to 
      The HOUR of CODE
      Be a CODE STAR!

       The Tasks
      172 One Hour Tutorials (and counting!)
      You Must Use Headphones
      for ALL Videos
      To PRINT your certificate "print" it to PDF 
      and email it to yourself

      The Classics: familiar characters in a drag and drop environment

      Cool new tutorials using modern WEB Technologies: 

      I really like this one!
      You Must Use Headphones
      for ALL Videos

      Cool game making tutorials with really clear step-by-step instructions that don't need a video

      You Must Use Headphones
      for ALL Videos

       Other Cool New Tutorials:
        • If the following doesn't scare you: "To be able to position items on the screen correctly we need to know the size of the screen. Go ahead and create a class-scope variable int screenHeight; right above the line@implementation GameplayLayer but below the #import lines." Then click here.

      Tuesday, December 6, 2016

      TUE: Hella Literate Sub Lesson

      Learning Target(s)
      • I can analyze at least one article and use evidence to explain my conclusions
      • John is out TODAY for Union negotiations (again, sorry)
      • Behavior expectations: Do your work quietly, and stay out of trouble
      • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
        • The semester ends December 16th
      Agenda [60]
      • Lesson [10]
      • The Articles: This is today's CREDIT [50]
        • Your goal is to read one long article or multiple shorter ones
        • You must be reading and writing for a minimum of 40 minutes this period to receive credit.
        • The Articles are listed with shortest/easiest to read @ the top
        • Start with the one that interests you the most.  
          • Read it completely, then
          • Complete the Reader Response in Google Classroom.
        • If there is more than 10 minutes left in class read another article
          • Complete the Reader Response in Google Classroom
        • If there is less than 10 minutes left in class you may continue to read or you may return to for the final moments of class.

      Monday, December 5, 2016

      MON: Photoshop V

      Learning Target(s):
      • I can add skills to my Photoshop toolkit and continue to practice the skills already learned
        • FROM NOW ON
      • John is out TOMORROW for Union negotiations (again, sorry)
      • WED/THU is the Hour of Code: 
        • BRING HEADPHONES WED/THU or you will have to do the boring version of the Hour of Code
      • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
        • The semester ends December 16th
      Agenda : [65]

      Friday, December 2, 2016

      FRI: Cartman will make you beautiful... [a Hella hEAlthy lesson]

      Learning Target(s)
      • I can discuss the social implications of Photoshop image manipulation
      • John is out NEXT TUESDAY for Union negotiations (again, sorry)
      • Next Week is the Hour of Code
      • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
        • The semester ends December 16th
        Agenda [60]
        • 5-Minute TEST [07 +/-]
        • Typing Grades are now in Powerschool [05]
          • Quickly check your grades and if you see a problem with your typing grades check in with John
          • If you are on the special log-in or coding and you do NOT have ALL FIVES check in with John
        • How I did this week! SURVEY - CLICK HERE [05 +/-]
        • Southpark: The Hobbit's Revenge [43 +/-]
          • sar·casm
            noun: sarcasm; plural noun: sarcasms
            1. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

        Wednesday, November 30, 2016

        WED/THU: Photoshop IV

        Learning Target(s):
        • I can add skills to my Photoshop toolkit and continue to practice the skills already learned
        Agenda : [100]
        • Warm-up: [10]
        • TCB: Powerschool, Kindle Classroom, more typing [10]
        • Your world is Photoshopped... [15 with discussion]
        • Photoshop [65+ Next Lesson]
          • Graphic Design Basics 
            • Open a file (0:20); Create a layer (0:42); Layer properties (2:35); Add and arrange layers (2:59)
            • Make a selection (0:33); Add a layer mask (1:16); Paint on a mask (2:02); Add a gradient (3:40)
            • Add text (0:12); Use Typekit (1:11); Create Layer Styles (3:19)
            • Create shapes (0:21); Place an Illustrator file (2:16); Group layers (3:25)

        Tuesday, November 29, 2016

        TUE: Photoshop 4 and first BENCHMARK

        Learning Target(s)
        • We can learn the BREADTH of things Photoshop is useful for
        • We can finish editing our first picture and turn it in for a skills assessment
        • Want to perform at EA's First Friday Winter TALENT Showcase near Jack London Square THIS Friday December 2nd, 2016, 7PM-9PM?
          • Chalaca Annexo,  428 3rd st Oakland CA, 
          • Do you have any talents that you want to share with our broader community and help raise funds for the school? Can you Sing? Dance? Rap? 
          • Please let Ms. Wells know as soon as possible (email her RIGHT NOW - - and CC if you want to participate in the winter talent showcase. 
          • Invite your friends and family - all ages are welcome and all proceeds go to Envision Academy!
          • Tickets available from Miss Lucy
        • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
          • The semester ends December 16th
          • Its in your responsibility to make sure that you are in good academic standing.  
          Agenda [60]
          • [10]
          • Completing and Submitting (uploading) Norway.PSD and NorwayChanged.JPG (50)
            • Lesson Videos are HERE 
            • New Skills: Sharpen (0:10); Save with new name (2:50); Photoshop with Lightroom and mobile apps (4:14)
            • REOPEN & Redo until it looks right
              • Reopening a smart object
                • Don't forget to save and close so that you don't get confused.
                • watch the CROP
            • Make sure your photo "looks right" - delete layers and do it AGAIN if you need to following this checklist:
              • Image is slightly cropped and straightened
              • Colors are boosted and mask is used to tone down anything that looks unnatural
              • Cows and poles and red boat have been spot healed on a correctly named layer 
              • Barn Roof has been patched on a correctly named layer (or something else has been patched if you cropped too far to begin with)
              • Layers are contained inside a "smart object"
              • Smart object has a Tilt-shift Filter applied to it
              • B/W adjustment layer shoud bethere but NOT Visible so that I can assess the other work
            • When exporting Norway.PSD as a JPG make sure to change the name of the JPG to NorwayChanged.JPG
            • Upload both the finished Norway.PSD and the exported NorwayChanged.JPG to the Google Classroom Assignment

          Sunday, November 27, 2016

          MON: Photoshop 3 (redux)

          Learning Target(s)
          • We can learn the BREADTH of things Photoshop is useful for
          • We can begin to learn Photoshop by continuing to edit our first picture
          • Want to perform at EA's First Friday Winter TALENT Showcase near Jack London Square THIS Friday December 2nd, 2016, 7PM-9PM?
            • Chalaca Annexo,  428 3rd st Oakland CA, 
            • Do you have any talents that you want to share with our broader community and help raise funds for the school? Can you Sing? Dance? Rap? 
            • Please let Ms. Wells know as soon as possible (email her RIGHT NOW - - and CC if you want to participate in the winter talent showcase. 
            • Invite your friends and family - all ages are welcome and all proceeds go to Envision Academy!
            • Tickets available from Miss Lucy
          • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
            • The semester ends December 16th
            • Its in your responsibility to make sure that you are in good academic standing.  
            Agenda [65]
            • [10]
              • Editing Your First Photoshop Picture [55 + Next Class]
                • Continuing to edit your first picture! 
                  • Spot Healing Brush tool (00:53); Patch tool (3:00)
                  • Smart Filters (0:16); Tilt-Shift Blur filter (0:57); Black and white (02:26); Color tint (02:56)
                  • Sharpen (0:10); Save (2:50); Photoshop with Lightroom and mobile apps (4:14)

              Tuesday, November 22, 2016

              TUE: Photoshop 3

              Learning Target(s)
              • We can learn the BREADTH of things Photoshop is useful for
              • We can begin to learn Photoshop by continuing to edit our first picture
              • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
                • The semester ends December 16th
                • Its in your responsibility to make sure that you are in good academic standing.  
                Agenda [60]

                Monday, November 21, 2016

                MON: Photoshop 2

                Learning Target(s)
                • We can learn the BREADTH of things Photoshop is useful for
                • We can begin to learn Photoshop by editing our first picture
                • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
                  • The semester ends December 16th
                  • Its in your responsibility to make sure that you are in good academic standing.  
                  Agenda [60]
                  • [15]
                  • Editing Your First Photoshop Picture [45 + Next Class]
                    • Continuing to edit your first picture! 
                      • Brightness/Contrast (0:18); Hue/Saturation (1:20); Edit an adjustment (04:19)
                      • Spot Healing Brush tool (00:53); Patch tool (3:00)
                      • Smart Filters (0:16); Tilt-Shift Blur filter (0:57); Black and white (02:26); Color tint (02:56)
                      • Sharpen (0:10); Save (2:50); Photoshop with Lightroom and mobile apps (4:14)

                  Friday, November 18, 2016

                  FRI: Hella hEAlthy and Literate

                  You may do the entire lesson on your own: Move straight from your Typing Test to the Survey and then go straight to the Article so that you have ample time to write your article reflection.

                  Learning Target(s)
                  • I can analyze at least one article and use evidence to explain my conclusions
                  • John is out TODAY for Union negotiations (again, sorry)
                  • Behavior expectations: Keep your head down, do your work quietly, and stay out of trouble
                  • The end of the 1st semester is upon us. 
                    • The semester ends December 16th
                    Agenda [60]
                    • 5-Minute TEST [07 +/-]
                    • How I did this week! SURVEY - CLICK HERE [05 +/-]
                    • The Articles: This is today's CREDIT [35 +/-]
                      • Choose ONE of the NINE articles below and read it completely
                      • After Reading the article go to your Google Classroom and open the assignment document named "Article Reflection: Hella hEAlthy - Critical Literacy"
                      • Answer all 5 questions.  Use evidence from the article (only) to make your case and convince me, your reader.

                    It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies

                    By Dr. Nicholas Kardaras
                    What San Francisco Says About America

                    By THOMAS FULLER
                    The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism
                    By Chris Hedges
                    I'm Not Male. I'm Not Female. Please Don't Ask Me About My Junk.
                    And other helpful tips. Not from "him" or "her," but from "them."
                    In\: How your phone will soon control your entire house

                    TECH RADAR
                    Fronting: We Need to Stop Living the ‘Fabulous and Broke’ Lifestyle

                    She Matters: It’s time to put the “fake it till you make it” philosophy out to pasture.
                    Should we dismiss Colin Kaepernick’s cause because he doesn’t vote?

                    By Kevin Lynch
                    Computer-brain interface helps locked-in patient communicate, albeit slowly

                    Edward Snowden: I shouldn't have recommended 'safely' voting for a third-party candidate

                    Whistleblower says the election taught him 'political science is not science'
                    Complete at least one article above this line BEFORE you attempt Extra Credit
                    EXTRA CREDIT: IF you have completed one of the articles above (fully answered all questions) you may type until the end of the period -or- handle other business as detailed below -or- look at the charts and graphs to the right and write a thoughtful response to what it means.  Why is it instructive to look at data like the Price & Location of Housing in the Bay Area?  What does it mean for you, your family, your future? ADD your extra credit as a NEW Google Doc in the same Google classroom assignment as your primary article.

                    Bay Area Home Prices by Transit Stop

                      Other Business [13 +/-]
                      • Do more lessons
                      • Check Powerschool & look at missing or poor grade assignments
                        • Discuss your grades with your teacher. Discuss the ways in which you can earn better grades. Email them and find out specifically what you need to do. Remember that you fix your grade by doing the work that is assigned - not by asking for extra credit. Offer to REDO an assignment that has a poor grade.  Turn in the work that is marked M or "0". Only AFTER you have done all your work can you ask for extra credit.
                      • Log-In to Kindle classroom if you need to
                        • Write a quick review and get an off campus lunch!
                        • All requested books have been purchased.  Didn't get yours?  Send a message from the website.
                        • Finished a book?  Download or request a new one!
                      HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!