“The most fatal thing a [person] can do is try to stand alone.”
- I can construct a simple web query and evaluate the results for veracity
- I can add 10 historical and topical events to my timeline
TODAY: Wear PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
THURSDAY: Halloween - Wear your costumes!
THURSDAY: Halloween - Wear your costumes!
FRIDAY: Backwards Day & Homecoming/Halloween Haunt DANCE
- Complete any missing classwork
- TypingWeb [15]
- Web Search 101 [20]
- Why Google?
- How does Google work?
- The question method
- Why it works
- Why it might not work
- Why those answers might NOT be trustworthy
- The query method
- key-words and metadata
- Determining the VERACITY of a source
- Veracawhatity?
- WHO wrote it?
- Are there OPINIONS on the site?
- Who ELSE thinks this source is good?
- [remember the google 'way')
- Project requirements:
- TEN (7-10) Historical events that, if possible, relate to events on your timeline
- You have the first time you went to Disneyland on your timeline so you put the opening of Disneyland on your timeline
- Your Grandma marched on Washington with MLK so you put the march on Washington on your timeline
- Your family came to work in this country from Mexico so you put the braceros program on your timeline
- The day your favorite sports team was founded
- Big earthquakes in CA
- Start & End dates of Gulf War, Vietnam, WWII
- Date Oakland was founded
- date the country or state or city you are from was founded
- Start where YOU need to start
- Finish typing your list and call John over to check it for credit (column C must have at least 20 in it - call john over if you are still struggling to come up with 20)
- Scan your photos
- Research other historical events