Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Timeline Day 4: Web Research

“The most fatal thing a [person] can do is try to stand alone.” 
Learning Target(s):  

  • I can construct a simple web  query and evaluate the results for veracity 
  • I can add 10 historical and topical events to my timeline

        TODAY:   Wear PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  THURSDAY: Halloween - Wear your costumes! 
      FRIDAY: Backwards Day & Homecoming/Halloween Haunt DANCE

  • Complete any missing classwork
    • TypingWeb [15]
    • Web Search 101 [20]
      • Why Google?
        • How does Google work?
      • The question method
        • Why it works
        • Why it might not work
          • Why those answers might NOT be trustworthy
      • The query method
        • key-words and metadata
      • Determining the VERACITY of a source
        • Veracawhatity? 

        • WHO wrote it?
        • Are there OPINIONS on the site?
        • Who ELSE thinks this source is good?
          • [remember the google 'way')
    • Project requirements:
      • TEN (7-10) Historical events that, if possible, relate to events on your timeline
        • EXAMPLE:
          • You have the first time you went to Disneyland on your timeline so you put the opening of Disneyland on your timeline
          • Your Grandma marched on Washington with MLK so you put the march on Washington on your timeline
          • Your family came to work in this country from Mexico so you put the braceros program on your timeline
          • The day your favorite sports team was founded
          • Big earthquakes in CA
          • Start & End dates of Gulf War, Vietnam, WWII
          • Date Oakland was founded
          • date the country or state or city you are from was founded 
      • Start where YOU need to start
        1. Finish typing your list and call John over to check it for credit (column C must have at least 20 in it - call john over if you are still struggling to come up with 20)
        2. Scan your photos
        3. Research other historical events

    Tuesday, October 29, 2013

    Timeline Day 3 - Scanning Photos

    “The most fatal thing a [person] can do is try to stand alone.” 
    Special Schedule TODAY 
    for Instructional Rounds
    08:30-09:30    Period FIVE         
    09:35-10:35    Period FOUR      
    10:40-11:40    Period THREE   
    11:45-12:10    SSR                     
    12:10-12:45    LUNCH               
    12:50-01:35    INTERVENTION
    01:40-02:40    Period TWO         
    02:45-03:45    Period ONE          
    Learning Target(s):  
    • I can use Image Capture to scan multiple images, airdrop them to my computer, and upload them to Drive
            TODAY:  Twin/Triplet Day
    WEDNESDAY: Wear PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
      THURSDAY: Halloween - Wear your costumes! 
          FRIDAY: Backwards Day & Homecoming/Halloween Haunt DANCE

    • Complete any missing classwork
      • TypingWeb [10]
      • Scanning 101 [20]
        • See Below for tutorials on Scanning, AirDropping, and uploading to Drive
      • Work-time [25]
        • Students who are DONE TYPING UP THEIR 20 EVENTS can begin to scan.  10 minute limit per scanning session [when people are waiting]
      • Clean-Up & Check-Out [05]
        • Who is still typing?
        • Who is done scanning?
      Scanning, AirDropping, and Drive, oh my!

      Every Scanning & Printing DEVICE has a GUIDE for PLACING your images/paper 

      This one says that the paper needs to be IN THE CORNER and FACE DOWN
      [You can tell by looking at the folded corner - 
      which side are the LINES on?  The bottom!  So Face DOWN]

      Don't forget to CLOSE THE LID

      The scanning software we use is called IMAGE CAPTURE 
      and it is on all modern Macintosh computers

      Once it is opened you look for connected DEVICES

      Then Choose your SETTINGS
      [For this project we will use the settings below.  
      Make sure you get the NAME field correct]

      When all your settings are correct hit the OVERVIEW button to do a quick scan 

      Use the SELECTION HANDLES to make sure the scanner 
      is getting the part of the picture you want

      Here I have dragged the selection DOWN

      When you are satisfied with your selection,  
      hit the SCAN Button to do the REAL SCAN

      Be patient and follow the progress bar

      When the scan is done it will show up in the SCAN RESULTS window

      See how the scan only got the part of the picture that I had outlined?

      To scan MORE THAN ONE PICTURE at a time
      Keep them SPACED APART on the glass

      Double-Check that DETECT SEPARATE ITEMS is selected

      When all your settings are correct hit the OVERVIEW button to do a quick scan 

      Make sure it is scanning what you expect 
      by looking at and modifying the SELECTION HANDLES
      [NOTE: you can delete the selections and draw new selections to define scan areas yourself]

      Hit SCAN and wait for your items to show up in the Scan Results WINDOW

      And here's those nicely separated pictures all ready to use!

      the wireless file transfer protocol 
      for newer Mac computers 
            • Open FINDER and select AIRDROP on the LEFT
              • [Once you do ALL computers on the OAKLAND network who have Airdrop open will slowly show up in the window]
            • DRAG AND DROP your FILES



      Once the files are on your computer
      Move them your STUDENT DRIVE
      Upload a copy to Google DRIVE 
      as soon as you can

      Monday, October 28, 2013

      Timeline: Day 2 - Example Timelines & Building your spreadsheet

      “The most fatal thing a [person] can do is try to stand alone.” 

      Learning Target(s):  
      • I can list and sort data using Google Spreadsheets 
      • Yearbook meets TODAY at 4:00
      Special Tuesday Schedule for Instructional Rounds
      08:30-09:30    Period FIVE         
      09:35-10:35    Period FOUR      
      10:40-11:40    Period THREE   
      11:45-12:10    SSR                     
      12:10-12:45    LUNCH               
      12:50-01:35    INTERVENTION
      01:40-02:40    Period TWO         
      02:45-03:45    Period ONE          

              TODAY:  Wear your class color. 9th: Yellow 10th: Blue 11th: White 12th: Black
           TUESDAY: Twin/Triplet Day
      WEDNESDAY: Wear PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
        THURSDAY: Halloween - Wear your costumes! 
            FRIDAY: Backwards Day & Homecoming/Halloween Haunt DANCE

      • Finish Collecting Names, Important Dates/Events, and Pictures of your family and friends as far back as you can. You need a minimum of TWENTY items TOMORROW.
        • TypingWeb [10]
        • Announcements [5]
        • Example Timelines [5]
        • Homework Check-in and idea sharing [15]
          • Pair-share with shoulder-mate
          • Random Call
            • One new idea you got from your partner
            • BEST idea on your partner's list
        • Google Spreadsheets 201 [25]
          • What did you learn in math?
          • CREATE Document|Spreadsheet  
          • SHARE the document with
          • CREATE the first COLUMNS as illustrated
          • SET the DATATYPE on COLUMN A to DATE 
          • FREEZE the TOP ROW by DRAGGING down the LINE 
          • ENTER the DATA from your homework!

        Friday, October 25, 2013

        Timeline: Day 1 - Project Management

        If you don't fight for the things that you stand for then you don't really stand for them...
        Learning Target(s):  
        • I can do my Friday routine
        • I can understand CONCEPTS of project management  and deadlines
        • I can Calendar this project in my planner.
        • I can brainstorm types of major family events
        • Rough Draft of Testimonio Keynote Reflection is due TODAY BY 5PM
        • Monday we start our Family Timeline Project for realz and it only lasts SEVEN CLASSES!  For this you will need to collect Names, Dates, and Pictures of your family and friends as far back as you can.  You MUST start this weekend so that you do not fall behind
        • Yearbook meets NEXT MONDAY at 4:00
        • LIST TWENTY Important Dates/Events of your family (and close friends) as far back as you can. You need a minimum of TWENTY separate family events written in a list. Write down 
                    • Dates
                    • Locations 
                    • Names 
                    • and note if you have a PHOTO of the event 
          • TypingWeb Test
            • no need to check your grades this week
          • Introduction to Project Management [20]
            • Attitude
            • Delayed gratification/delayed consequences
            • Details
              • Assets - what do you need to complete the project?
                • 20 important "family dates"
                • Pictures or appropriate illustrations for EACH date
                • A 'story' or reason why this date is important to YOU or to your Family
                • A "further info" link on half of them
              • Dates - by when do you need to do what in order to deliver the project on-time?
                • NOTE: 100% Done, on-time, or ZERO Credit
                • Timeline Due Date - 100%, no late work - Tuesday November 5th!
            • Tools
              • Lists
              • Calendars
              • Filing 
          • Weekend Homework Brainstorm

          Thursday, October 24, 2013

          Timeline: Day ZERO

          If you don't fight for the things that you stand for then you don't really stand for them...
          Family Conference Schedule
          Learning Target(s):  
          • I can use Google docs to type the rough draft of my TESTIMONIO KEYNOTE REFLECTION & submit it to
          •  I can understand the concept of a TRUE DEADLINE 
          • Students MUST attend their family conference or their parent/guardian will need to come back a SECOND time (not cool)
          • Friday/Monday we start our Family Timeline Project and it only lasts a FEW CLASSES!  For this you will need to collect Names, Dates, and Pictures of your family and friends as far back as you can.  If you start this tonight you will be ahead of the game!
          • Yearbook meets NEXT MONDAY at 4:00
          • LIST TWENTY Important Dates/Events of your family (and close friends) as far back as you can. You need a minimum of TWENTY separate family events written in a list. Write down 
                    • Dates
                    • Locations 
                    • Names 
                    • and note if you have a PHOTO of the event 
            • Typing our Testimonio Keynote reflection [35]
              • This reflection is a required part of your portfolio and MUST be a "B" or better
              • Finish typing your notes
              • Revise draft
                • Thesis: This is the answer to the first question on the organizer and is the first paragraph.  The question was: What was the goal of your Testimonio Keynote?
                • Evidence
                • Connecting sentences
                • Conclusion: This is the answer to the last question on the organizer and is the last paragraph: The question was: How do you think you did?
              • Share to:
              • Rough Draft DUE Friday at 5PM 
            • Organizing our KEYNOTE Computers [15]
              • IF NOT ALREADY DONE (do the parts you need to do)
                • MOVE to your Keynote Computer if you need it
                • Use SHIFT + COMMAND + N to create a FOLDER named Period ? inside the STUDENT DRIVE
                • Create a folder named First Lastname inside the folder called Period ?
                • DRAG all files you KNOW are yours in to your new folder
                  • Use TWO finder windows to make this easy - call me over when you figure out how to do that for a bonus point.
            • Introduction to Project Management [20]
              • Attitude
              • Delayed gratification/delayed consequences
              • Details
                • Assets - what do you need to complete the project?
                • Dates - by when do you need to do what in order to deliver the project on-time?
                  • NOTE: 100% Done, on-time, or ZERO Credit
              • Tools
                • Lists
                • Calendars
                • Filing 

            Friday, October 18, 2013

            Friday Routine and FINAL Unit and Quarter REFLECTIONS

            If you don't fight for the things that you stand for then you don't really stand for them...

            Learning Target(s):  

            • I can plan for Q2 by calculating my approximate GPA on the GPA calculation form
            • I can use Google docs to type the rough draft of my TESTIMONIO KEYNOTE REFLECTION

            Friday Routine
            • Typing TEST  - with technique grades for CWH
            • Check Grades
              • Get a GPA Calculation/Family Conference Reflection form from John
              • Click on the PowerSchool link in the "Grind" section of the Blog [upper right]
                • Log in to PowerSchool
                • Look at your 1st Quarter Grades
                  • Calculate your overall GPA by using the GPA Calculation form
                  • Write your GPA on the reverse side of the form  in the space provided
                • Review the rest of the form and begin answering the questions on the front side of the form until directed to stop.
              • Turn in your GPA Calculation/Family Conference Reflection form  to the correct folder for your ADVISOR
              • Collect your Testimonio Reflection  brainstorm from John
              • Create a Google doc with the following TITLE
              • Type your reflection until the end of the period.  EXPAND on your ideas and start to create connecting sentences.  You will next turn this in to a 2 page reflective essay so the more work you do now the less you do later.

              Friday, October 11, 2013

              Testimonio Afterglow

              Feels good, doesn't it!
              Today, in the lab, the rules are...
              1. Everyone in their own chair with their own computer
              2. Headphones PLUGGED IN TO COMPUTERS  are OK
              3. PHONES are NOT OK
              Here is today's schedule
              • 9:30 –11:25 Free choice 
                • Rules for room movement
                  • Once you have chosen a room you stay there until passing period at 10:35 and 11:05
                • Room activities
                  •  Mr. Towns' room – Movie
                  • Mr. P’s room – Board games, coloring, puzzles.
                  • Ms. Pierre's room- movie
                  • Natalia’s room – board games, coloring, puzzles.
                  • John – computer games
              • 11:30 – 11:55 SSR
              • 11:55-12:30 Lunch
              • 12:35-3:45 Park

              Thursday, October 10, 2013

              Testimonio Keynote: Day 15

              ONE Class Day until EXHIBITION!

              NO TYPING WEB TODAY!
              Learning Target(s):  
              • I can practice my Testimonio Keynote in front of an audience and revise my work based on the constructive criticism
              • I can email my finished keynote to John by the end of the period
              1. None (or too late, depending)

              Today's Schedule: 
              Do NOT plan on going home
              • 2:50-3:45 FINAL PRACTICE in Advisories 
              • 3:45-4:30 Students and Teachers set up rooms
              • 4:30-5:15 BREAK
              • 5:15-6:00 Students dress and rehearse
              • 6:00-6:10 Doors open
              • 6:10-6:15 Explanation of Evening 
              • 6:15-7:30 Testimonio Keynotes
              • 7:30-8:00 Panel discussion & Clean-up
              • Work-time:
                • Finish your keynotes & Script Cards
                  • We will have Practice Presentations of finished keynotes during work-time
                • When completed change your Keynote name from SUBMIT to FINAL (see example) and email it to 

              Use the example below as both the File Name and the Subject Line:

              Today, October 10th 

              Mandatory Presentations