Objective: I can meet my first iMovie deadline
¡NO CST or TYPING Today!
- Announcements:
- All iMovies are due by the end of class on TODAY. If it isn't turned in by the end of class you immediately lose 4 points - and then you lose 4 points for every day it is late...
- The lab is NOT open at lunch
- The lab is NOT open after school
- NO you may NOT get a pass from another teacher
- Thank you for last class - that was great
- Finish your iMovie within the first 40 minutes of class
- Export your iMovie (see instructions below)
- While you are waiting for it to export START your REFLECTION here
- When it is done exporting put your movie on JOHN's flash drive before the end of the period
Exporting your iMovie is EASY!
Go to the SHARE menu
and choose EXPORT MOVIE
[or just hit ⌘E]
Change the title of the movie to:
"Block ? - iMovie - First Last Name"
(Don't worry about the m4v)
DROP DOWN THE ARROW next to your file name
Choose the STUDENT drive
& make a FOLDER for yourself if you do not have one
ONLY THEN do you press Export
iMovie will tell you how long your export will take
when it is finished get a flash drive and COPY the file on to it!
When you are DONE help others!
Or help yourself!
But, ding dang it, be quiet!