Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Production Lists

Objective& Purpose: I can plan my production 
so that I have a better chance of completing it on time

  1. These Days in History: [we do]
  2. Q/D: Which story above is more important? [we do]
  3. Work-time: Finish your Production List [you do]

Friday, April 26, 2013

iMovie Film Festival Part II

Objective & Purpose: 
I will CONSTRUCTIVELY CRITIQUE my colleague's work so that they receive feedback and I can learn by example.

WarmUp: Read some or all of 'these days in history
  1. These Days in History:
  2. Critiquing our colleagues...  We will each evaluate every short film using the following criteria:
    • What is the level of EFFORT we see on the screen?
    • What is the level of ARTISTRY we see on the screen?
    • How ENTERTAINING is what we see on the screen?
    • Winning films from each class will be featured at lunch and at Community Meetings
  3. Continuing our Commercials

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

El Mariachi! Inspiration for your own film...

Objective & Purpose:
 I will view Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi in order to refresh my "Film School" skills.  I will take notes of things I can use in my own comercial.

[10 min] WarmUp: 
  • Get the CST Prep from the teacher and quietly complete the four questions - then...
    • Swap your Prep for a Film Guide - then...
      • Read the entire agenda BELOW - then...
        • Read your film guide - then...
          • Turn your chair so that you can comfortably see the screen.
[90 min] Agenda:
  1. [80 minutes] Today we will be watching Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi, the film we saw parts of in The Ten Minute Film School.
    • Things to remember:
      • It was made for $7,000
      • It was shot with ONE camera
      • MOST of the actors were AMATEUR
      • It was shot silent and all sound added in afterwards
      • There are a number of "mistakes"
      • Watch the movie with a critical eye, learn from its EXAMPLE.
      • TAKE NOTES on the FILM GUIDE about the kind of shots Rodriguez is filming, see how they are close/mid/far, see how he chooses to frame things... is it interesting? Why? Could YOU do it too?
      • MAKE PLANS to use these ideas in YOUR COMERCIAL!
  2. If there is time do a typingweb.com lesson

Monday, April 22, 2013

iMovie Film Festival

Objective & Purpose: 
I will CONSTRUCTIVELY CRITIQUE my colleague's work so that they receive feedback and I can learn by example.

WarmUp: Read some or all of 'these days in history'
  1. These Days in History, April 15th
  2. Funky schedule week - each grade has its own schedule
    • *****************9th Grade Schedule************* Today: Normal
    • Wednesday: Normal
    • Thursday 4/25 8:30 – 10:15 ELA Part 1 (test in P. 5 class) 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30 - 12:15 ELA Part 2 (test in P. 5 class) 12:15 – 12:50 Lunch 12:55 – 1:45 Period 1 (50 min) 1:50 – 2:40 Period 2 2:45 – 3:35 Period 3 Friday 4/26 8:30 – 10:15 Math Part 1 (test in P. 4 class) 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30 - 12:15 Math Part 2 (test in P. 4 class) 12:15 – 12:50 Lunch 12:55 – 1:45 Period 4 (50 min) 1:50 – 2:40 Period 5 2:45 – 3:35 Adv
    • [Everyone does the fitness test, even if they miss Monday, so come prepared Monday and do it with your friends, when it is fun] Monday 4/29 8:30 – 10:15 Science Part 1 (test in P. 3 class) 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30 - 12:15 Science Part 2 (test in P. 3 class) 12:15 – 12:50 Lunch 12:55 – 1:45 Physical Fitness Testing @ Snow Park 1:50 – 2:40 Physical Fitness Testing @ Snow Park 2:45 – 3:35 Physical Fitness Testing @ Snow Park Tuesday 4/30: Regular TUESDAY Schedule

  3. Critiquing our colleagues...  We will each evaluate every short film using the following criteria:
    1. What is the level of EFFORT we see on the screen?
    2. What is the level of ARTISTRY we see on the screen?
    3. How ENTERTAINING is what we see on the screen?
      • Winning films from each class will be featured at lunch and at Community Meetings
  4. If there is remaining time we will do some:

Friday, April 19, 2013

iMovie Drop DEAD Due Date!

Objective: I can meet my first iMovie deadline

¡NO CST or TYPING Today!


  • Announcements:
    • All iMovies are due by the end of class on TODAY. If it isn't turned in by the end of class you immediately lose 4 points - and then you lose 4 points for every day it is late...
      • The lab is NOT open at lunch
      • The lab is NOT open after school
      • NO you may NOT get a pass from another teacher
    • Thank you for last class - that was great
  1. Finish your iMovie within the first 40 minutes of class
  2. Export your iMovie (see instructions below)
    1. While you are waiting for it to export START your REFLECTION here
  3. When it is done exporting put your movie on JOHN's flash drive before the end of the period

Exporting your iMovie is EASY!

Go to the SHARE menu
and choose EXPORT MOVIE
[or just hit ⌘E]

Change the title of the movie to:
"Block ? - iMovie - First Last Name"
(Don't worry about the m4v)
DROP DOWN THE ARROW next to your file name

Choose the STUDENT drive
& make a FOLDER for yourself if you do not have one
ONLY THEN do you press Export

iMovie will tell you how long your export will take
when it is finished get a flash drive and COPY the file on to it!

When you are DONE help others!
Or help yourself!
But, ding dang it, be quiet!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Where do you stand?

Objective: I can become more empathetic through knowledge and experience

¡NO CST or TYPING Today!


  • Preparing for the Day of Silence and a world of acceptance
  • Where do you stand? (15:00)
    • Debrief and Posters (15:00)
  • Just call me Kade (30:00)
    • Debrief (15:00)
  • The Bond (7:00)
    • Debrief (10:00)
  • To this Day (8:00)
    • Silent Exit

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

iMovie 1 project turn in day

Objective: I can apply ADVANCED edits in an iMovie project

¡NO CST or TYPING Today!

AGENDA: Finish and SHARE your iMovie

  • Period 3 only: CST REVIEW of answers from yesterday
  • iMovies turned in TODAY by 4:00 get up to 8 points Extra Credit
    • All others are due by the end of class on Friday or you lose 4 points per day that it is late 
  • iMovie 1st Project Minimum REQUIREMENTS
    • 7 clips
    • beginning and end titles
    • 1 overlay or sub-title
    • at least 4 transitions
    • When you are finished call John over
      • FIRST He'll check you in
        • THEN You will start EXPORTING your movie

Monday, April 15, 2013

iMovie VI

Objective: I can apply ADVANCED edits in an iMovie project


  1. SPLASH Kids, how did it go?
  2. These Days in History, April 15th
  3. We are extending the graffiti art contest for CST until Thursday, April 18th.  
    1. Kids who want to win the $50 must submit their work on a poster board size or bigger preferably with spray paint.
  4. This week is a NORMAL schedule
    1. CST Warm-ups every day - no typing web
    2. Your first Movie is due TOMORROW
    3. Friday is The Day of Silence
    4. Weds/Thurs we will be doing a lesson on Gender Identity in DLE Class and will take a pause from iMovie
  5. iMovie 1st Project REQUIREMENTS
    • Minimum of
      • 7 clips
      • beginning and end titles
      • 1 overlay or sub-title
      • at least 4 transitions
      • You will write a short reflection about WHY you made the artistic choices you did.
  6. iMovie V
    1. Open iMovie
      1. Is this MY project?
      2. Is this MY event?
      3. Is everything I do saved correctly on the STUDENT drive?
    3. Questions & Demos
      • Green Screen
      • PIP

Friday, April 12, 2013

iMovie V

Objective: I can apply ADVANCED edits in an iMovie project

  1. SPLASH Kids MUST turn in permission slips to get on bus.  I have permission slips.
  2. These Days in History
    • Nothing happened...  Prove me wrong.
  3. We are extending the graffiti art contest for CST until Thursday, April 18th.  
    1. Kids who want to win the $50 must submit their work on a poster board size or bigger preferably with spray paint.
  4. TODAY is a FRIDAY schedule
  5. iMovie V
    1. Open iMovie
      1. Is this MY project?
      2. Is this MY event?
      3. Is everything I do saved correctly on the STUDENT drive?
    3. 5th & 2nd Periods: Transitions
    4. Adding Transitions: The always checklist
      • Does it really need one?
      • Is this one consistant with the others?
      • Which effect is most appropriate?
      • Use [ ] to check your transition!
      • Something wrong?  Remember the "no more than half" rule...
    5. Fixing things
      • Automatic Correction of Brightness, Contrast & Exposure
      • Cropping
        • Watch the red dot
        • Remember this is NON-destructive
    6. Adding Information
      • Adding Titles
      • Adding a Travel Map
      • Adding Animatics
        • We may never use these, but perhaps we should...
    7. Work Time [YOU Do]
      1. Continue to edit your footage - what story are you trying to tell?
      2. Use some of the new effects - make sure you can explain WHY you decided to use a particular 
      1. Is everything I do saved correctly on the STUDENT drive?
    9. On Deck
      1. Even More
        • Green Screen
        • PIP

Thursday, April 11, 2013

iMovie IV

Objective: I can apply ADVANCED edits in an iMovie project

  1. SPLASH Kids MUST turn in permission slips to get on bus.  I have permission slips.
  2. These Days in History, April 11th
  3. TODAY is a Monday schedule (1-2-A-L-3-4-5)
  4. iMovie III
    1. Open iMovie
      1. Is this MY project?
      2. Is this MY event?
      3. Is everything I do saved correctly on the STUDENT drive?
    3. Fine Tuning & Enhancing your Storyboard 
      1. Cutaways
      2. The Precision Editor
      3. Adding Transitions: The always checklist
        1. Does it really need one?
        2. Is this one consistant with the others?
        3. Which effect is most appropriate?
        4. Use [ ] to check your transition!
        5. Something wrong?  Remember the "no more than half" rule...
    4. Video Effects
      1. The actual Effects
      2. Reverse
      3. Speed changes
    5. Work Time [YOU Do]
      1. Continue to edit your footage - what story are you trying to tell?
      2. Use some of the new effects - make sure you can explain WHY you decided to use a particular 
      1. Is everything I do saved correctly on the STUDENT drive?
    7. On Deck
      • 2nd Period: Transitions
      • Fixing things
        • Automatic Correction of Brightness, Contrast & Exposure
        • Cropping
          • Watch the red dot
          • Remember this is NON-destructive
      • Adding Information
        • Adding Titles
        • Adding a Travel Map
        • Adding Animatics
          • We may never use these, but perhaps we should...
      • Even More
        • Green Screen
        • PIP

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

iMovie III

Objective: I can edit footage in an iMovie project
  1. These Days in History, April 8th
  2. Whacky Schedule THIS WEEK as well [because 9th, 10th and 11th have field trips]
    • Wednesday - regular
    • Thursday - Monday schedule (1-2-A-L-3-4-5)
    • Friday - regular.
  3. iMovie III
      1. Is this MY project?
      2. Is this MY event?
      3. Is everything I do saved correctly on the STUDENT drive?
    2. Building your Storyboard: GUIDED PRACTICE [WE DO] 
      1. "Rough" Cut and NON-destructive Editing
      2. Selecting and Deselecting parts of video
        1. SELECTING and MOVING your selection
      3. Turning on the ADVANCED TOOLS
      4. Editing your Storyboard
          1. The CLIP TRIMMER 
          2. The EXTEND BUTTONS
    3. Practice: WORK TIME [YOU DO]
      1. Watch all of the footage in YOUR EVENT
      3. DRAG them there to make a ROUGH CUT of your film
      4. Fine tune the cuts to be exactly what you want
    4. The future [ideas about where we go next and in what order - feel free to make suggestions]
      1. Cropping
      2. Reverse
      3. Speed changes
      4. Adding Transitions
      5. Adding Titles

Thursday, April 4, 2013

iMovie II

Objective: I can create and correctly save an iMovie project

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Introduction to iMovie

Objective: I can create and correctly save an iMovie project

  1. These Days In History & The World:
  2. Consuming Children: The Final Act
    • Our Future [3376]
      • [5th Period - ReWiring Childhood; 2790]
    • Reflection
    • Discussion 
  3. iMovie - a tour
    • What it is (it is NOT iMovie HD)
    • What it can do
    • What it can't do
    • The sum of its parts
  4. iMovie - Saving your files correctly
    • Which files?
    • Where files?
    • Why files?
  5. iMovie - importing footage
    • the example files