TYPING.com Sign-up Instructions

to follow the instructions
or when you
get stuck

    • Step 1: CLICK HERE to sign up for Typing.com

    • Step 2: Scroll down to the single sign on section and select "sign up with Google" (make sure you are already logged in to chrome with your school account)
    • Step 3: Select YOUR GRAD YEAR as your class in the dropdown menu and then click continue

    • Step 4: Allow typing.com to access your Google account
    • Step 5: Scroll up and Click on Account
    • Step 6: Add your real name and school email and check the "allow contact" box - then click save changes

  • It should say "your account settings have been updated"

  • Step 7: Scroll up and click on Lessons
  • Step 8: Find the Beginner section and click Begin
  • Follow ALL of the directions the computer gives you, use the EXACT finger and technique. The computer is going to teach you how to type, not the teacher.  Do what the computer says. Do it. And sit up straight with your shoulders, wrists, and keyboards SQUARE with your SCREEN.

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