We never got to do this in class so: Congratulations to these students who scored a 4.0 or higher on the Photography Final!
Gabriel Rivera
German Jonathan Brizo
Joshua Izaguirre
Mia Amado
Karen Garcia
Anay Bautista
Bryan Calderon
Anahy Zuniga
Perfect 15/15
Jaylin Holt
Boris Tonsky
Daijon Jackson
The Photo Walk II Rules are the same
No more than 1 block away
Always in sight
Always represent EA with your best self
Angles/Lines/Light/Shadow/Reflection/Color/Rule of Thirds/Rule of Odds/Raiders Suck/Fill Flash in Daylight/Block the sun with your subject for a 'glow'/BE a tripod/OPTICAL ZOOM ONLY/Angle of Subject/Angle of Lens/Attitude!
Your Final Photography Project is DUE next MONDAY
You will have time in class to upload/turn in
Project requirements
- FIVE Pictures
- In their own Google Photos Album
- Shared with John
- Turned in via Google Classroom
- Five EXCELLENT pictures earns you an "A" for Artistry
- ONE of those pictures will ALSO be placed in the shared CLASSROOM Photo Album
- These photos will have your name on them (automatically)
- These photos will be publicly viewable and the URL posted to the EA community and interwebs at large...
- EACH student will defend their own photo in front of their block
- Defend your photo accurately, using proper terminology, to get an "a" for Technical
- If you have a technically weak photo or one made with not much thought then you will not have enough to say and will not be able to defend it well.
Each block will vote on the 5 BEST photos (from their block) which will be featured in a display @ the school
- NOTE: Any student caught plagiarizing photos will receive an automatic N/C on this major project and, therefore, and N/C for Q3
- Project is due for ALL STUDENTS - even if you didn’t go on the Photo Walk.