Monday, November 30, 2015

MON: Pleasantville Discussion and Intro to the Intro to Photography

Learning Target(s):
  • I can discuss how the themes in Pleasantville are universal to the human condition
  • Pleasantville Homework Due AFTER the discussion

  • Spirit Week:  Dec 14th - Dec 18th
    • Speak to your 9th grade Associated Student Body (ASB) Representatives if you have suggestions for themes, games, events, etc...
      • Daijon Jackson, Destiny Perkins, Milan Gibson
  • Youth Radio is accepting applications! 
    • Look outside Ms. Ingrid's door on the stairwell for applications

Agenda : [60]
  • Typing Lesson [10]
    • Turn in your homework by the end of typing
  • Pleasantville Discussion: [20]
  • Intro to the Intro to Photography [25]
    • The Photographic EYE
      • Look at the following 4 photos and choose your favorite [5]
      • Decide WHY it is your favorite - what is it about that photo that you like?  Try to be specific [5]
      • Turn AROUND and discuss it with the student BEHIND you - take written NOTES on what THEY say [5]
      • Prepare to share out what you PARTNER said [10]
  • Homework [5]
    • Take ONE "good" (to you) photo and TEXT it to John at 510-684-3862
    • In the text explain WHY it is a "good" picture and make sure to WRITE your FULL NAME so i can give you credit.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

WED/THU: Pleasantville II

Do Now:

  • Sit...
Learning Target(s)
  • I can view the film Pleasantville as an informational text and take notes on the themes as they relate to modern media and my life
  • I can expand on those notes in THREE one paragraph answers
  • Three Paragraphs begun AFTER the movie finishes and due after Thanksgiving break.Announcement(s):
AGENDA: [100]

  • Pleasantville II [varies]
  • Discussion [varies]

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

TUE: Paris Attacks | Pleasantville I

Do Now:

Learning Target(s)
  • I can view the film Pleasantville as an informational text and take notes on the themes as they relate to modern media and my life
  • I can expand on those notes in THREE one paragraph answers
  • Three Paragraphs begun AFTER the movie finishes and due after Thanksgiving break.

  • Do Now: [10]
  • Discussion [10]
    • Paris Attacks
  • Explanation of Film and Assignment [10]
  • Pleasantville I [30]

Monday, November 16, 2015

MON: Computational Thinking 1 - Abstraction

Do Now:
  • Click on the "Academic Conversations" image and review ALL FIVE techniques
Learning Target(s):
  • I can use models and simulations to raise and answer questions.
  • I can use my Academic Conversation techniques to discuss complex concepts
  • NONE (but soon)
Introduction to Computational Thinking & Abstraction [10]

Essential Questions: [10]

  • What is a model or simulation?
  • Feasibility of simulators versus live testing?
  • What is the impact of using simulators?
  • How are simulators used in business and society?
Task [30]
  • Instructions [5]
    • Each group has a short program to look at. 
    • You can change the VARIABLES in the code to see what everything does but don't move the blocks or you will break it
    • Don't be afraid if you have never seen anything like this before
    • If your code uses more than one SPRITE click on the sprites in the lower right side of the Snap Window.
  • Individual work [10]
    • INDIVIDUALLY look at the code for your group's simulation
    • Think about these questions as you silently look at/mess around with the code
      1. What does the code do?
      2. What is the program’s purpose?
      3. HOW does it do what it does: WHAT is the abstraction?
      4. What impacts might this program  have?
      5. What are the benefits of your code’s simulation?
  • Group work/discussion [15]
    • Using the Academic Conversations Techniques discuss all FIVE questions.
    • Your GOAL is for everyone in the group to understand the answers enough to summarize the group's discussion.
    • You will be assessed on your use of the discussion techniques and your summary.
Paraphrase and Summarize for credit [10 ]

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

WED/THU: Monologues

Learning Target(s):
  • I can analyze a performance that i will be asked to do as a sophomore
  • NONE (but soon)
  • If you would like me to consider your new seat please send me a ONE paragraph, properly written explanation with evidence justifying your request.
  • Next class meets in the THEATER to watch the Sophomore Monologues

Agenda : [100]
  • TypingWeb [15]
  • Monologues [70]
  •  Discussion [15]

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

TUE: New Seats | The Entire History of You Discussion

Learning Target(s):
  • I can discuss how technology adds to and takes from our lives... A Hella hEAlthy bonus discussion!
  • NONE (but soon)
  • If you would like me to consider your new seat please send me a ONE paragraph, properly written explanation with evidence justifying your request.
  • Next class meets in the THEATER to watch the Sophomore Monologues

Agenda : [60]

Thursday, November 5, 2015

THU: The Entire History of You

Learning Target(s):
  • I can discuss how technology adds to and takes from our lives... A Hella hEAlthy bonus lesson!
  • NONE (but soon)

  • New seats next week

Agenda : [100]
  • Presentations [40]
  • Black Mirror: The Entire History of You [60]
  • Discussion: See last blog if time

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

WED: The Entire History of You

Learning Target(s):
  • I can discuss how technology adds to and takes from our lives... A Hella hEAlthy bonus lesson!
  • NONE (but soon)

  • If you would like me to consider your new seat please send me a ONE paragraph, properly written explanation with evidence justifying your request.

Agenda : [100]