Friday, March 28, 2014

Video Production: iMovie III - UPLOAD & IMPORT

Unit Learning Target(s):  
  • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
  • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can use iMovie to IMPORT and MANIPULATE a video clip
  • Start Filming!  
    • Get your Storyboard cleared NOW
    • You must have some filming done by FRIDAY's Class
    • You must have ALL of your filming done BY NEXT TUESDAY - meaning plan to film next weekend with your group if you can't do it after school this week!
  • Typing Web & Announcements [10]
  • Review Project Requirements [05]
    • Video must effectively teach an entire concept
    • Video must be between 60 and 120 seconds long - unless approved otherwise
    • Every clip must be 5 seconds or shorter when edited
    • Must include at least 5 different shot types
    • Must have approved storyboardbefore shooting
    • You must utilize the rule of thirds and use of lighting & sound as taught in class
  • iMovie Upload and practice [25]
    • IF at ANY time you find yourself with nothing to do then put your headphones in and Continue playing with iMovie
    • THEN...
  1. Choose ONE computer if you are working in a group
  2. Try to upload your footage to your/that Computer
  3. Then import your footage into YOUR OWN NEW iMovie EVENT
    • THEN...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Video Production: iMovie II / Day of Silence 2014

Unit Learning Target(s):  
  • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
  • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can use iMovie to IMPORT and MANIPULATE a video clip
  • The Day of Silence is April 11th!  
  • Storyboard are now worth 0 pts Max - Get them checked off, though, or your entire "How To" video gets an NC
  • How-To Videos DUE at the end of next week - you will have TWO DAYS to edit them - make sure you FILM on the THREE DAY WEEKEND
    • GET a lot of footage because you will NOT have time to RE SHOOT
  • We will have a Spring Break Video Assignment to film portions of a documentary or feature short film - this will be how you get or lose your "A" for the semester so students who are on-point every day are all good!  The rest of you..?
  • Start Filming!  
    • Get your Storyboard cleared NOW
    • You must have some filming done by FRIDAY's Class
    • You must have ALL of your filming done BY NEXT TUESDAY - meaning plan to film next weekend with your group if you can't do it after school this week!
  • Typing Web & Announcements [15]
  • iMovie - Importing & Saving your files correctly [25]
  • iMovie Practice [20]

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Video Production: iMovie I

Typing Web:  Exercise

Unit Learning Target(s):  
  • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
  • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • Storyboard are now worth 2 pts Max - Turn them in PERIOD 6
  • Wednesday, March 26th, WE Day for all 9th & 10th
  •  Sailing Dates are here! Only a SUCKER would miss this - I'm going TWICE if I can!
    • Wednesday, April 30th: 1/2 of the Freshman Class go SAILING!
    • Wednesday, May 7th: 1/2 of the Freshman Class go SAILING!
  • Start Filming!  
    • Get your Storyboard cleared NOW
    • You must have some filming done by FRIDAY's Class
    • You must have ALL of your filming done BY NEXT TUESDAY - meaning plan to film next weekend with your group if you can't do it after school this week!
  • Typing Web [10]
  • 10 Minute Film School - Robert Rodriguez  [15]
    • ONE Camera, TWO Lights, NO Money
  • iMovie 9.0.9 - a tour [10]
    • What it is (it is NOT "iMovie")
    • What it can do
    • What it can't do
    • The sum of its parts
  • iMovie - Saving your files correctly [10]
    • Which files?
    • Where files?
    • Why files?
  • iMovie - importing footage [15]

Monday, March 24, 2014

Video Production: Guerrilla Filmmaking

Typing Web:  Exercise

Unit Learning Target(s):  
  • How can we SPEAK the LANGUAGE of 'film'
  • How can we use film to express ourselves and our ideas?
Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can COMPLETE my Storyboard (minimum 12 shots)

  • Wednesday, March 26th, WE Day for all 9th & 10th
  •  Sailing Dates are here! Only a SUCKER would miss this - I'm going TWICE if I can!
    • Wednesday, April 30th: 1/2 of the Freshman Class go SAILING!
    • Wednesday, May 7th: 1/2 of the Freshman Class go SAILING!
  • Start Filming!  
    • Get your Storyboard cleared by 4:45 TODAY
    • You must have some filming done by FRIDAY's Class
    • You must have ALL of your filming done BY NEXT TUESDAY - meaning plan to film next weekend with your group if you can't do it after school this week!

  • Typing Web [10]
  • Storyboard Completion  (Consultations & Sign-Offs) [45]
    • film shots (wide, close-up, medium, point of view, over the shoulder, shot-reverse-shot, insert/cutaway, establishing, closure)
      • camera movements  (pan left-right, tilt up-down, zoom in-out, and tracking - following the movement)
      • angles (Eye Level, High Angle - HIGH looking DOWN, Low Angle - LOW looking UP (the full Tom Cruz) ,and 'dutch' angle - TILTED (like how you fools take selfies),
  • Final Storyboard Sign-offs [5]

Thursday, March 20, 2014

AR #3 - Spring Assesment

Good Morning
Warrior Scholars!
Today you are going to take 
your THIRD Accelerated Reader
online assessment of your 
reading comprehension. 

This assessment is made up of a combination of vocabulary and short passage questions. You are going to do great. 

For some of you it might take less than 20 minutes, for others it will take longer.  Don't trip. Remember, the test gets harder every time you answer a question right so DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!

It is ESSENTIAL that the classroom remain extremely quiet so that everyone has the best environment.

Take this test seriously because we are going to follow up with you to let you know how you did and to help you make reading goals, as well as help us to decide on the appropriate intervention for you.  

This test is TIMED by the question. If you are running out of time a little clock will appear at the top of the screen. Try and answer the question soon if you see the clock.

When you finish the assessment BREATH for a minute and then take your Typing test.

When you are done with your typing test work quietly on your storyboards

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Video Production: "How To" Video Project REQUIREMENTS | STORY BOARDS | SHOT TYPES

Learning Target(s):  
  • I can LEARN the different types of SHOTS used in video production and USE THEM in my REQUIRED STORYBOARD for my HOW TO VIDEO
  • I can UNDERSTAND the REQUIREMENTS of a proficient "HOW TO" VIDEO 
  • TypingWeb Lesson [10]
  • GET OUT YOUR HOMEWORK so John can check it in [05]
  • Question:  How successful did you feel completing the Cell Phone Photo unit? [05]
      • Were you often confused and asking questions that made John mad? 
        • Did you ALWAYS carefully listen to instructions and read EVERY WORD on the blog?
    • Do you think the video unit will require more or less attention to detail?
    • Do I need to say more?
  • Shot Types [30]
  • The STORYBOARD [15]
    • Handout
    • Purpose
    • Requirements - YOU MUST DO IT
  • Freddie Wong: My High School Films and how to watch  films  CONSTRUCTIVELY [05]
  • The project requirements: [10]
    • These are the minimum requirements for your video. You will receive an “Application of Knowledge” grade for following these requirements as listed below:
      • Individual or group with a maximum of 3 people in a group
        • Individuals are eligible for an "A" by meeting the requirements
      • Individuals are eligible for an "A" by meeting the requirements
        • Groups are eligible for an "A" by EXCEEDING the requirements
      • You will use your own equipment so join a group that has a camera.  Individuals that need to borrow equipment can speak to John after class
        • Video must effectively teach an entire concept
        • Video must be between 60 and 120 seconds long - unless approved otherwise
        • Every clip must be 5 seconds or shorter when edited
        • Must include at least 5 different shot types
        • Must have approved storyboard before shooting
        • You must utilize the rule of thirds and use of lighting & sound as taught in class
  • NOW [20]
    • Decide on your idea
    • Start your StoryBoard
      • You must list the SHOT TYPE for each FRAME
    • Complete at least TWO FRAMES before the end of class.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Learning Target(s):  
  • I can begin to UNDERSTAND the basics of proficient VIDEO STORY TELLING
  • START BRINGING HEADPHONES EVERY DAY - but don't have them out unless you are told.
  • Watch 60 seconds of three different kinds of video/film. 
  • Typing Web Exercise [08]
  • New Unit - Cell Phone VIDEO! [07]
    • Can it be done?
  • What are you good at? [05]
    • turn to your seat-mate for a think-pair-share [01+01+01]
      • What is the simplest thing that you are really good at?
        • Why are you good at it?
      • Share out [02]
  • Looking for examples [15]
    • What makes a proficient how to video?  Here's a bad one:
    • How to Make a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich  [02]
    • Can you find an example on YouTube for YOUR idea? [13]
      • Everybody finds their own
        • Show it to your seat mate
        • Choose which one was best of the two (even if it is BAD)
        • post the URL as a comment on this blog and include BOTH of your names in the post
  • The EXEMPLAR [20]
    • How to Grip a Skateboard with Mr. Keithley
    • Pair Shares/Cold Call Discussion: What makes this video proficient and interesting? Compare it with the videos you found on YouTube using the the photo/video concepts listed here:
      • Technique
        • Quick Cuts (*NEW - what do you think this means?)
        • Camera Framing (Rule of Thirds?)
      • Attention to detail
        • Lighting
        • Sound
        • Titles
  • The HOMEWORK [5]

Monday, March 17, 2014

Digital Photography: The Community Project

Typing web: Exercise

Learning Target(s):  
  • I can MAKE a digital photograph that COMMUNICATES my idea of 'community' as represented in my COMMUNITY PARAGRAPH

  •  N O N E 
  • Typing Web Exercise [10]
  • The Community Project [50 ] 
    • Final Submission Due TODAY @ EOC
    1. EDIT  your Community Photograph in Photoshop.
      1. Your job is to communicate the IDEA of community that you represented in your paragraph
      2. This might require a little or a lot of work in Photoshop - Photoshop is not the goal, communicating your idea best is the goal.
      3. Refer to Weds/Thurs last week blog for the example
    2. INSERT the completed image BELOW the unmodified version of the photograph
    3. CHANGE the name of the document from DRAFT to SUBMIT
    4. Double check that it is shared with John
    5. If you finish early please continue to experiment with Photoshop, read [check out the announcement link above], or ask to do schoolwork for another class.
    6. Have a nice day

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Digital Photography: Photo Walk II - Community

Typing Web:  Exercise

Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can MAKE a digital photograph that COMMUNICATES my idea of 'community'

  • No Off Campus Lunch for 9th and 10th this THURSDAY & FRIDAY.  NOBODY, pass or not, due to staffing.  If you try you will be suspended for cutting.

  • Typing Web [10]
  • "Community" [10]
    • Due MONDAY @ EOC
      • 1 paragraph
      • 1 photo illustration of that paragraph
        • MUST be a photo you took
        • MUST have some photoshop work done on it
        • LIKELY will include text
    • John's paragraph: To me, community is about choices.  Choices people make to protect and extend community and choices people make to injure or destroy community.  As I get older I don't try to include everyone in my community.  Sometimes I feel bad about that, but then someone pisses me off and I remember why I simply can't 'love' everyone.
  • Photo Walk [80]
    • Here's some pictures I took on period 1's walk...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Digital Photography: Defending Our Photos

Typing Web:  Exercise

Unit Learning Target(s):  
  • How can we take good pictures no matter what kind of camera we have at the moment? 
  • How can we use our critical thinking skills to MAKE a good picture happen?
Daily Learning Target(s):  
  • I can ANALYZE photos using the Digital Photography Best Practices I learned in class.
  • No Off Campus Lunch for 9th and 10th this THURSDAY & FRIDAY.  NOBODY, pass or not, due to staffing.  If you try you will be suspended for cutting.
  • A new Ragged Wing Youth Ensemble show! Yaaaaaay!

    Thursday, March 13 @ 7:00 pm
    Friday, March 14 @ 7:00 pm
    Saturday, March 15 @ 4:00 & 7:00 pm 
    In the Envision Academy Theater
  • A 9th & 10th Field Trip!
Wed. March 26th
All 9th and 10th graders and teachers!
Leave campus at 8:45 
Taking Bart
Cost:  $2.00
Bagged lunch (from EA) or buy your own at the site

    • Typing Web Exercise [10]
    • Announcements [05]
    • Mini-Lesson [10]
    • Defending MY photographs

    • Worktime
      • By the end of class you must submit, in a single email, your 5 best pictures with a short defense after EACH picture
        • Check your email for A WRITTEN example of how to submit your five pictures.
        • INSERT YOUR IMAGES one at a time and RESIZE THEM to LARGE instead of attaching them.
        • USE the DPBP we've been using in class to describe your photo.
        • IF you don't have five that you feel are go then EXPLAIN, using the same terminology, why it was an UNsuccessful ?

    Monday, March 10, 2014

    Digital Photography: Analyzing "good" Photos

    Typing Web:  Exercise

    Learning Target(s):  

    • I can ANALYZE photos using the Digital Photography Best Practices I learned in class.
    • I can UNDERSTAND the process to MOVE [Import] PHOTOGRAPHS from my camera to my personal folder on my computer


    • A new Ragged Wing Youth Ensemble show! Yaaaaaay!

      Thursday, March 13 @ 7:00 pm
      Friday, March 14 @ 7:00 pm
      Saturday, March 15 @ 4:00 & 7:00 pm 
      In the Envision Academy Theater
    • A 9th & 10th Field Trip!
    Wed. March 26th
    All 9th and 10th graders and teachers!
    Leave campus at 8:45 
    Taking Bart
    Cost:  $2.00
    Bagged lunch (from EA) or buy your own at the site
    • No Off Campus Lunch for 9th and 10th this THURSDAY & FRIDAY.  NOBODY, pass or not, due to staffing.  If you try you will be suspended for cutting.

    • Typing Web Exercise [15]
    • Announcements [05]
    • Uploading our photos
      • If you did NOT get your photos on to your computer Friday you MUST do so today
      • The class will continue around you
    • Viewing Photos 1 - what makes these good? [20]
      • Here are photos that I and a student took this weekend.  
      • Using the Digital Photography Tips we learned can you DEFEND WHY THEY ARE GOOD?
      • If not can you DEFEND the opposite, that they are NOT good because?
    • Learning from a master:

    Friday, March 7, 2014

    Digital Photography: Importing your Photos

    Typing web: TEST

    Learning Target(s):  I can UNDERSTAND the process to MOVE [Import] PHOTOGRAPHS from my camera to my personal folder on my computer

    • Typing Web Test [10]
    • Announcements [05]
    • Import your Photos
      • Easiest: Email the photos FULL SIZED to yourself
        • iPhone kids can also use Image Capture (see below)
        • Android kids need to use AFT - Android File Transfer - and should email their pictures if they can
      • Fastest: Use a cable or card reader to transfer the photos
        • CABLE - did you bring one?
        • CARD - bring the chip to John and we will airdrop them to you
        • Your camera will show up on the left
          Make sure you save them in a NEW folder in the STUDENT DRIVE
          This choice depends on if you were sharing the card