Documentary Review Review!

The entire 9th grade is going on a field trip to see "Step," a new documentary about a Charter School Step Team that is using the sport of Stepping as a vehicle to deal with some of the harsh realities of the lives they lead outside of school.

You are about to read a review from Variety magazine about why this is both an important film AND also an enjoyable film to watch.

After you read the article you are going to write a summary of the article explaining to your advisory what the film is about and why we are seeing it.

YOU need to decide WHY your teachers are having you watch this film.

Email your article summary/explanation to your advisor and make sure you CC: john@envisionacademy (so that he knows to give you credit).  

Your advisor will also choose the BEST summary they receive and I will give those 5 kids an EXTRA bump in their grade for 4th Quarter DLE.

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