Monday, December 10, 2012

iPhoto Editing Tools

Purpose: I will finish uploading my photos and learn to do minor, quick, corrections using iPhoto

Warmup: LESSON

  1. Warm-up: LESSON
  2. Announcements: 
    1. Today in History: Meet Ada Lovelace - the woman who was the first computer programer EVER!  Born on this day in 1815.  Girls have ALWAYS rocked!
    2. If you were not able to upload your photos or your Exploratorium videos by Tuesday then YOU HAVE MST.
  3. Lesson:
    1. iPhoto Basics (you may upload AFTER we go over the basics)
      1. REMEMBER: You open iPhoto by going to your STUDENT DRIVE FOLDER and clicking on your own iPhoto Library
      2. Events and auto-splitting
      3. Albums vs Events (many to one)
      4. Editing tools: Quick Fixes
        1. Rotate vs. Straighten
        2. Straighten vs. Crop
        3. Crop: Constrain or not?
      5. Editing tools: Effects
        1. Preset Effects - adjustable!
      6. Editing tools: Adjust
          1. Direct editing of colors, exposure, 'sharpness', etc...

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