Tuesday, December 11, 2012

iPhoto/Photoshop work day (final photos due 12/18)

Purpose: I will finish uploading my photos and continue to practice my photo editing skills

Warmup: READ the ENTIRE Announcements section silently to yourself.  I will be deducting points for ANY talking

  1. Announcements: 
    1. News you crave: The world is going to end, TOMORROW!  Not.  
      • Listen (at home) to a cool radio show about doomsday propheciesseparating fact from fiction.
      •   Part 1 | Part 2 
    2. If you are not able to upload your photos or your Exploratorium videos by TODAY then YOU HAVE MST.
    3. Your final requires that you submit (the original and the final versions of) THREE (3) photos that you have taken yourself.
      1. Those photos should be cropped and manipulated to make them the best three photos you possibly can produce
      2. You should show evidence of the following photographic concepts (you will do this by submitting the original AND the manipulated photographs and writing about each photo)
        1. The photographic eye: Each photo should be about more than just the subject.  The elements of the entire photo should be interesting, either on purpose, via manipulation, or a happy accident
        2. The rule of three: It should be evident in all of your photos that you are using this technique to at least partially satisfy requirement 1, the photographic eye.  Any photo that does not follow this rule will need to have why explained in your written artist statement.
        3. Cropping: All photos should be cropped to their best effect, specifically for display via online or commercial printing. What?  You need to crop the photos and explain why you cropped them the way you did, discussing if and why you are printing them or only planning to display them online.
        4. Other manipulations: At least one of the photos must be manipulated using Photoshop and/or the iPhoto quick editing tools.  You must take at least one photo beyond the reality you captured with the camera.
        5. One photo must remain UNmanipulated other than cropping.
      3. Final requirements in brief:
        1. Both the original and the manipulated photos must be emailed to John by TUESDAY, December 18th.
          1. Photoshop files must be exported as JPG files (instructions next lesson)
        2. You must submit three photos in both their original and their manipulated form
        3. You must have taken the photos yourself
        4. You must crop all three photos or explain why that would not have been artistically appropriate
        5. One of the photos must be further manipulated in Photoshop or iPhoto
        6. One of the photos must remain UNmanipulated except for cropping
        7. At the unit final you will write a FOUR paragraph artist statement (which you may write a first draft of in advance)
          • Paragraph 1: Explain what the photographic eye means to you and how you went about deciding what to photograph for this project.  
          • Paragraph 2: Explain the subject of your first photograph.  Explain how you manipulated the photo in detail (what was cropped, what was manipulated, and WHY).  
          • Paragraph 3: Explain the subject of your second photograph.  Explain how you manipulated the photo in detail (what was cropped, what was manipulated, and WHY).  
          • Paragraph 4: Explain the subject of your third photograph.  Explain how you manipulated the photo in detail (what was cropped, what was manipulated, and WHY).  
  2. MiniLesson:
    1. Making a duplicate of your photos so that you can submit the original and final versions.
    Edit your photos and THEN duplicate the ones you want to turn in
     The NEW photo will have Version 2 added to its name
    submit both ORIGINAL  and VERSION 2 by EXPORTING

  3. Work time:
    1. If you have not uploaded your photos or your videos from the Exploratorium you must do so NOW
    2. Once uploaded you may work on sorting, cropping, manipulating, selecting, duplicating, and exporting the three photos you will submit.  You may also begin the rough draft of your artist statement for any photo you have decided to submit.

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