Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Continuing your Timeline

Howdy!  We have a loooooooooooooong period today and you will be mostly self-directed.

Take a look on the RIGHT hand side of the Blog as well... Notice the new section titled THE GRIND?  Those are links you will need every day while working on this project.

Your task is to complete 8 to 12 of the following three types of things (8 if you want a 'B', 12 if you want an 'A', more for extra credit.  Less for, well, let's not go there...)
    1. Scan a Photo or Document
    2. Enter a personal event with 3 lines of detail (add photo or link too if you can!)
    3. Enter a historical event with 3 lines of detail (add photo or link too if you can!)
Mix and match as your tastes & resources dictate...

Okay, get going.  I will be mostly helping people doing the scanning today so if you need help first ask a colleague then  GET UP and come ask me a question. 

Remember you need at least 8 items completed to get a good score today.  And if you don't fill out the exit ticket you get ZERO credit for today.


* if you get all the way to Flicker today please log your password here:  Flicker Login Form

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