Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Starting your timeline

Hello!  Yesterday was fun, wasn't it?  Remember to try out for the Ragged Wing Youth Ensemble NEXT Tuesday after school!

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR TODAY'S LESSON IS LISTED ON THIS BLOG (AS FAR AS I KNOW).  READ all instructions CAREFULLY. READ each section COMPLETELY before command+clicking the link after the instructions.



Now: Command+Click the following link and log your warm-up for Credit (come back here to the BLOG when you are done and do task 2)


Finished POSTING your warm-up? Great!  Now, go to Tiki-Toki and REGISTER using a username and password you can remember. Once registered, create your first timeline.

Do not spend time on colors or pictures or backgrounds or you will not finish today's work.  You can go back and fix stuff up later! Enter ONLY this information:
  1. Timeline NAME = (Example) John's Family Timeline
  2. Start date = either your oldest grandparent's birth date (use Jan 1 if you don't know it) or 01/01/1955, whatever you decided to use
  3. End date = 09/20/2011
  4. Introduction = Something Short for now
  5. Push Create in the lower righthand corner!  

Once you have successfully registered and created your timeline come back here to the BLOG and do task 3.

Now, command+ click this link:



How was it over at Tiki-Toki?  Did they treat you right?  Cool!  Now, record your username and password and Timeline URL by command+click the following link (come back here when you are done and do task 4):


Now, go back to your Tiki-Toki TAB and enter your first event "STORY" (you can use the event you created for your warm-up or do a different one, your choice). Use the management tools that pop down from the right side. NOW ENTER AS MANY STORIES AS YOU CAN! It will save you time later!

(come back here when you are done and do task 5)


When you are done (or when John tells you to 5 minutes before the end of class) come back here and fill out the Exit Ticket by command+clicking the link!

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