Monday, August 24, 2020

Async Assignment 2 [U1L2]

Looking for Async Lesson #1?  Click Here

This is Async #2 [Unit 1, Lesson 2]

How do I represent myself online?

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Think about the websites you discussed in class today.  Each of them had a purpose and was created in a way to serve that purpose.  What those websites shared online was on purpose and for a purpose.

Now,  go look at any of your social media posts from the last year.  (If you really don't have any social media posts  email to ask what you should do).

By looking at only those posts what kind of person would someone think you are?

When you get to the form, you will write some of the adjectives you came up for the online "you"

On a piece of paper, write a short description of yourself, based only on your social media posts.  
For example, I might write about myself: "I think John looks helpful, and he certainly shares and comments a lot about politics.  He doesn't seem very religious, but he clearly cares about more than himself.  He rarely seems to get angry but when he does it looks painful for the people he is mad at.  He is funny sometimes but thinks he is funnier than he is."

Next, on the same piece of paper if you want, write a list of TEN THINGS
  • Now you are trying to decide what things you are interested in, or care about, that you want to put online on purpose
    • Some of these ideas might be for a serious purpose, like ending homelessness
    • Some will be just because you like them
      • And some will fit into both categories!

After thinking go to THIS FORM and put in your answers.  Try to write complete sentences, with complete ideas.

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