Tuesday, January 7, 2020

TUE: Gordon Parks. Photographer, poet, musician, storyteller, activist

WARM-UP: Take a HANDOUT from by the DOOR and read the entire side that has the photograph on it. Then review the essay questions on the reverse.

Lesson: Uncovering America through the Photography of Gordon parks [65]

“A photographer can be a storyteller. Images of experience captured on film, when put together like words, can weave tales of feeling and emotion as bold as literature.… [Photographers] bring together fact and fiction, experience, imagination, and feelings in a visual dialogue that has enormous impact on how we observe and relate to the external world and our internal selves.” —Philip Brookman, “Unlocked Doors: Gordon Parks at the Crossroads,” 1997
  • What did you picture while reading this quote? Consider where you encounter photographs and images in your own life. What impact do they have on you?

  • Today we will watch a biography of the artist Gordon Parks.
  • Gordon Parks is one of the most important African American artists who has ever existed.
  • The pace of the film is slower than you usually are used to and it is about much more than the photographs of Gordon Parks. Give it the respect he deserves.
  • Use this time to learn about him, how he came to be, and look at all the amazing photographs that are used to illustrate both his life and his art.

  • Choose ONE prompt as your LENS for viewing the film
  • PROMPT 1
    • How does Gordon Parks use photography to address (expose & deal with) inequities in the United States?
  • PROMPT 2
    • How do Gordon Parks’s images capture the intersections of art, race, class, and politics across the United States?
  • PROMPT 3
    • What do photographs in general—and Gordon Parks’s photographs more specifically—tell us about the American Dream?

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