Wednesday, December 4, 2019

THU: REQUIRED Hella hEAlthy essay - Sub Day

Get started Right Away
Get your assignment from your Google Classroom
and then come back to the BLOG 
and scroll-down for the assignment
Tackle this like the ELA CIA!
Research/Skim for 20 Minutes
WRITE and REresearch 
(pull evidence) for 40 minutes
Turn in what you have at the end of the period even if it isn't perfect/finished
If you finish early: TYPING.COM


FOR ALL ESSAYS include information from 
BOTH SOURCES or as specifically directed otherwise
Follow the format in the Google Classroom Assignment exactly
Extra credit information is in the Google Classroom assignment description

TOPIC 1: Categories of Birth Control
  • Planned Parenthood  
    • [Typically considered LIBERAL, provides abortion services across the country)
  • American Pregnancy Association  
    • [Typically considered CONSERVATIVE, while not stating it in an obvious way on their website this is an anti-abortion group]
Essay PROMPTS for basic credit (choose one only):
[NOTE: If you choose an easier topic you are expected to answer the prompt completely and with expertise]
  • What do you think is the BEST birth control for teenagers who decide to use it?  Why?
    • You may use either site primarily but note any discrepancies between the two.
  • List the four major types of birth control; the options within each type; and a brief description of why one might choose to use each option.
    • You may use either site primarily but note any discrepancies between the two.
Essay PROMPTS for more credit (choose one only)
[NOTE: Trying a harder topic and not finishing is often worth more credit than taking the easy way]
  • What information is similar between the two sites and what is different?  Why do you think this is so? Which site makes more sense to you and why?
  • Does one site seem more biased than the other? Why would this be? How does this impact how TRUE you think their information is? What is the impact biased information might have on a teen trying to make an informed choice? Is it necessarily bad?
  • What are the options if you have an unplanned pregnancy and decide you can't take care of a baby at this point in your life? Use information from BOTH websites or explain why you couldn't.  What options do you find most reasonable and why?
TOPIC 2: Abortion Pro/Con
  • Pro/ Website [This non-partisan organization provides primary evidence and links from both sides of many issues]
    • Use this site to get information from BOTH perspectives. 
Essay PROMPTS - ALL are for "more" credit than the easier ones above (choose one only)
  • If you believe a woman has a right to chose (PRO CHOICE) whether to have an abortion, what information on the CON side do find is most reasonable? Where do THEY have a valid point? What is some information from the PRO side that you can use as an answer to that point? Have you reconsidered your viewpoint at all after today?
  • If you consider life to begin at conception and should always be preserved (PRO LIFE), what information on the PRO side do find is most reasonable? Where do they have a valid point? What is some information from the CON side that you can use as an answer to that point? Have you reconsidered your viewpoint at all after today?
  • If you DO NOT KNOW how you feel about this debate choose the two "best" arguments  from EACH side and compare and contrast them. Finish by telling me if you are any closer to taking a side and why or why not.

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