Friday, August 26, 2016

FRI: STAR Reading #1 & Kindle Study #1

Good Friday
Warrior Scholars!
Today you are going to take 
online assessment of your 
reading comprehension of the year. 

This assessment is made up of a combination of vocabulary and short passage questions. You are going to do great. 

For some of you it might take less than 20 minutes, for others it will take longer. Don't trip. Remember, the test gets harder every time you answer a question right so DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!

It is ESSENTIAL that the classroom remain extremely quiet so that everyone has the best environment.

Take this test seriously because we are going to follow up with you to let you know how you did and to help you make reading goals.

This test is TIMED by the question. If you are running out of time a little clock will appear at the top of the screen. Try and answer the question soon if you see the clock.

When you finish the assessment BREATH for a minute and then read your SSR book or do quiet schoolwork, or go to No computers unless you are on

When instructed, click here to enter the assessment website:

Click "I'm a STUDENT" and then wait...

For most of you your Username is First_Last_2020

We used the same rules as we did when we made your email address.

So, John Kittredge's username looks like this: John_Kittredge_2020
and John Kittredge-Martinez would be John_Kittredge-Martinez_2020
and John Kittredge Martinez would be John_KittredgeMartinez_2020

When we are ready the teacher will give you the password.

If you can't log in call the teacher over over.

If the system asks you for the monitor password it is admin

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