Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Truman Show

Name:                                                                                                                    Block:
The Truman Show | Viewing Guide & Discussion Questions 2014
ESSENTIAL QUESTION:  What is REAL and to whom?

The Truman Show is the (fictitious) story of a thirty-year-old man whose entire life has been broadcast to a global audience as a TV show. As Truman catches on to the made-for- television nature of his entire world, the film addresses issues surrounding the production of “reality TV” and advertising, responsibility and ethics, and the construction and perception of reality itself.

Below you will find four sets of details and prompts.  READ the details BEFORE you start watching the film.  Answer the prompts AFTER you have seen the appropriate section, the teacher will stop the film for you to write. You must KEEP this guide until Friday’s discussion

Try to use at least one specific example from
The Truman Show for each question.

Details: This is the film’s introduction but includes the credits and characters of the TV show, “The Truman Show”; viewers meet main characters of the film as they present themselves to the public
Prompt: Perceiving reality.  Note that Truman accepts the show as his life and, thus, is not concerned with public image when he faces the mirror/camera—unlike the others.  How do the other characters  think of their involvement in the show? How does each character think of him- or herself?

Details: Commercials (product placements) become identifiable in this section. A montage explaining and contrasting Truman’s relationships with Sylvia/Lauren and Meryl is included. Viewers learn of “The Truman Show” greatest hits video collection and theme bar.
Prompt: Control over reality. What can be/is in Truman’s world? How is that determined? By whom? Also is the power to buy and sell (or be sold) about control? About responsibility?


Details: A television special recaps the history of “The Truman Show” and features an interview with producer Christof in which he says that we “accept the reality with which we are presented.” Privacy is mentioned. Means of production are detailed including a catalog for purchasing everything featured on “The Truman Show.”
Prompt: Aspects of production of reality TV  Where/How does one locate reality in order to film it for a TV show? Is reality TV really reality? Where does privacy come in to the discussion?

Details: Truman tries to make his escape from Sea Haven/”The Truman Show” via boat, proving that he no longer believes in the limitations of the reality staged for him. He has a discussion with Christof about the show and his (Truman’s) choices now.
Prompt: Choosing reality. Unmediated experiences (uncontrolled, unbroadcasted, unpredictable, etc) is Truman’s chosen reality by the end of the film. This is in contrast to the “real” life that he has lived up to that point in his “real” but orchestrated environment.  In either case, since Truman exists, his life has to be “real” but in what way?

Since Truman and his decisions were unscripted, was it that unpredictability that made him “real” in a fictional world? OR, was his life “real” because he believed and accepted the “reality” he perceived?  In other words do you think his life was real because he thought it was real, or was it real because his responses and reactions were unscripted?

Questions adapted from: 

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