Monday, March 11, 2013

Script writing

Objective: I can begin writing my script

  1. Announcements:
    1. These days in History and the world:
    2. Quarter Three Ends THIS FRIDAY
      1. ALL Film Unit Documents DUE this Friday
        1. You must have a completed Storyboard and Script by FRIDAY or you will get an NC for the 3rd Quarter
  2. Consuming Children: Under the Microscope
    1. No written questions today - Discussion
  3. Writing your Script
    1. IMPORTANT: Refer to the examples when you get stuck
      1. Example 1 (includes detailed formatting instructions and is excerpted below)
      2. Example 2 (includes many written examples but no explanations)
    2. Example for this discussion:
    A crowded hospital emergency waiting room. Clean but cheerless. 
    Sick and injured people sit in plastic chairs lined up in rows. A TV    mounted near the ceiling BLARES a sitcom. No one is watching.
    A man moans softly as he presses a bloody gauze pad against his   forehead. A woman cradles a listless infant in her arms.
    CATHY sits at the end of the first row of plastic chairs. Her head is bent over, and she stares intently at the floor.
    She raises her head slowly, brushes her long, silky hair away from her face.
    We see fear in her eyes as they focus on a clock that hangs above the front desk. She twists a tissue between her fingers and is unaware that bits of it are falling on the floor.
    The door to the emergency treatment room opens, and a middle-aged    DOCTOR dressed in hospital green walks through the door toward Cathy, who bolts out of the chair and hurries toward him.
                                            We did everything possible.
                                            What are you saying?
                                            I'm sorry…
    All eyes in the waiting room are riveted on Cathy and the Doctor.Cathy lunges at the Doctor, beating her fists against his chest.
                                       CATHY  (CONT'D)
                                            You killed him!

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