Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Completing the Storyboard

Objective: I can complete my storyboard

  1. Announcements:
    1. Today in History:
  2. Consuming Children
    • READ the questions and think about them as you watch the clip:
      • How does marketing to children today differ from the 50s, 60s, and 70s? 
      • How has deregulation contributed, specifically, to these changes in marketing?
      • What do you think it is about kids, specifically, that makes them such a ripe demographic for marketers?
      • Do you feel the Government should be in the business of regulating unfair and deceptive marketing to children? 
      • With the increase and growth of media-linked toys and products, there has been a rapid growth in children’s consumption. Do you think we should be concerned about this? 
    • NOW WATCH "The Floodgates Open" - 7 minutes [06:29-13:34]
    • After the clip ends, work ALONE to complete a minimum of three [3] of the five [5] questions.  You need three thoughtful answers to get full credit.  Extra credit for extra effort.
  3. Storyboard
    • Remember you are creating the comic book of your commercial
    • Javier has extra blank storyboards
    • If you "finish" do one of the following (use Google docs)
        • Write a detailed, line by line, dialogue for your comercial
        • Write a detailed shot list (where exactly will you film, where will the camera be pointing, where will the actors be standing, what props do you need, etc...)
        • Do quiet schoolwork
        • Read your independent reading or other book

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