Friday, January 18, 2013

PSA Workday #4 of 4 - El Fin

Purpose:   I will submit my Photoshop PSA and reflection on the correct Google Doc by the end of the period.

No typing web today!

  1. Announcements (We do): 
    1. An Interesting Day in History: On January 18h, 
  2. SCHEDULE: NO JOHN (All periods) - Add reflection & Rename document SUBMIT
    1. The reflection will take some time to write so by TWENTY MINUTES INTO THE PERIOD EVERYONE must have STARTED the reflection
    2. To make sure all source and final images are inserted correctly EVERYONE MUST STOP WORKING IN PHOTOSHOP 10 MINUTES BEFORE THE END OF THE PERIOD.
  3. Work time (YOU do)
    1. Submit the following:
        1. Your finished Photoshop Public Service Announcement, which consists of:
          1. At least three separate images combined into one final image
          2. On an important topic
          3. EXPORTED from Photoshop as a JPEG (click here for instructions on exporting your final image as a JPG file)
          4. Inserted at the BOTTOM of YOUR GoogleDoc REtitled: Submit - Block ? - PSA - Firstname Lastname
        2. A completed GoogleDoc will consist of:
          1. All of the outline boxes at the top completed with your plans for the final image.
          2. Each source image inserted into the document directly AFTER the text boxes.
          3. The final image inserted into the document at the AFTER the source images.
          4. The REFLECTION written directly AFTER the final image.
        3. A completed Reflection will consist of thoughtful answers to the following questions:
          1. WHY did you choose the topic you did?
          2. WHAT made that topic important?
          3. HOW did you get your point across in your image?
          4. What are you most proud of about this project?
          5. What are you most disappointed in about this project?
          6. What grade should you get for how hard you worked? (A, B, C, NC, + or -)
          7. What grade should you get for how well you used the Photoshop software program? (A, B, C, NC, + or -)
          8. What grade should you get for your ideas and your artistry? (A, B, C, NC, + or -)
          9. Any comments you choose to write.
    2. If you finish early...
      1. You can do an additional PSA
      2. You can do one of the freaky animals
      3. You can enter the "make Nicolas Cage look like a cat contest"

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