Wednesday, January 16, 2013

PSA Workday #3 of 4

Purpose:   I will complete at least 90% of my Photoshop PSA

No typing web today!

  1. Announcements (We do): 
    1. Today in History: On January 16th, 
  2. The Week Ahead (I do)
    1. TODAY: NO JOHN (P1&2) - Work time, assemble final version to turn in
    2. Thursday: Work time, assemble final version to turn in
    3. Thursday after school: LAB OPEN UNTIL 4:30
    4. Friday: NO JOHN (All periods) - Add reflection & Rename document SUBMIT
  3. Work time (YOU do)
    1. TODAY: 
      1. FINISH: Downloading all images you think you will need (you can get more later) and save them on your student drive
      2. REMEMBER: Insert the images at the bottom of the Google doc. These will be your "Before" pictures and MUST be submitted in order to get credit
      3. Open the images in Photoshop
      4. Use your tools!
        1. Remember the resources on the upper right side of the blog
        2. Remember the manual taped to the back of the door
        3. REMEMBER all of the transformation tricks we learned.
      5. If you finish early...
        1. You can do an additional PSA
        2. You can do one of the freaky animals
        3. You can enter the "make Nicolas Cage look like a cat contest"

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