Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Photoshop: Basic Tools part 2 (the actual tools)

Purpose: I will know my way around the Photoshop tools
  2. Finishing the video
  3. Tools (tip: hold down shift+letter to cycle through tools!)
    1. Selection tools
    2. Crop and Slice tools
    3. Retouching and painting tools
    4. Drawing and type tools
    5. Navigations tools
    6. Color Tools
    7. Quick Mask
    8. Screen Modes
  4. Option values
  5. Rulers
  6. Guides
  7. Other ways to ZOOM!

Lifehacker Photoshop Basics 1- Stopping points:
  1. 9:27
  2. Prep
  3. 0:00 (Technical difficulties!)
  4. 7:36
  5. 9:26

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