Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Catch-Up and Extra Credit

Hello Chilren...

Because we're right at the start of the Spreadsheet/Finance Unit Natalie and I decided to give you a break and allow you to use this period to either catch up or to earn extra credit.


DO NOW: Everyone who was here yesterday needs to go to their Expense Tracking Google doc and enter the items they have purchased since yesterday.

Do Second:  If you were NOT here you need to find a friendly friend and get help setting up the Google doc - you only need the "Sheet 2" version

Everyone: You must continue writing down your expenses as 'homework' for this to be the most interesting and informative for you (and to get full credit for the unit)

Now: if you have NOT finished your comercial (edited, titles and transitions, exported, uploaded to school YouTube account, and link emailed to John@envisionacademy.org) you MUST do that now.  It is due this week and you have now, after school today, and MAYBE after school tomorrow and that's it, nothing can be turned in after that.

If you HAVE successfully completed the commercial you  will work on learning about financial scams and will receive EXTRA CREDIT by making a short 2 minute presentation NEXT CLASS on one of these scams.

Your Task: 

    • Visit this site and look at the 10 scams covered in the slideshow.   
    • Pick ONE and follow the links to learn more about the scam - take notes.  
    • If it still interests you then Google the term and get more information - write more notes
    • Create a short (2 minute) presentation on the scam.  
      • You may collaborate with ONE friend on this
      • It can be a poster, a skit, a fake email that you can send to us and explain verbally, whatever fits the crime...
  • If you finish early you may pick another for double extra credit (do another 'presentation' or be prepared to discuss it after another's presentation in order to get the credit)

If you have other schoolwork that you desperately need to do, and your commercial is turned in, you may show Natalie your comercial on Youtube as proof and then, if she agrees what you need to do is important, you may quietly do that instead of getting extra credit.

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