Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Get your work Done!


15 Minutes! Go! Now! Do!
Post your current WPM in the Exit Ticket!

After "Time" is called, return BELOW for the lesson...
As promised I am away today...

Fear not, your able substitute teacher is here to keep you safe (and to let me know how wonderful you were - and name names if you are not)

REMEMBER: Your Timeline and your Testimonio are past due...
and your work ramps up with Trevor next week...
and you have an exhibition Thursday, 
October 20th (a little less 
than 3 weeks away).

Please be mature and do what you know you should do:
Take Care of Business
If you are done, done, please be helpful, courteous, kind, and above all, QUIET.

You MUST have your work done by Tonight. 

Do the following, in THIS ORDER:
  1. Go finish your Timeline or revise it (add photos, links, more stories) to get a higher grade.
  2. Finish your Testimonio if it is not ready
  3. Do work for Trevor's class
  4. Do Math and Physics homework
  6. Show your Timeline to someone else who is finished and get feedback.
  7. Show it to the sub!
  8. If you are honestly done with everything you may quietly, with headphones or no sound, play one of our games located in the student drive, or kill some zombies.  Heaven help you if you play games and don't have all your work done, though.
  9. Submit an exit ticket or resubmit your Timeline before you go...

You may listen to music, using headphones, at an appropriate level, only using Pandora or other playlist Players.  Do NOT use YouTube or other players that require your action.

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