Thursday, December 19, 2013



My name is Natasha Clemons and I am working with a high school research group who are conducting survey research to gather information about the media and socializing messages that teens received.  

The survey will take no more than 10-15 minutes.  

Your answers and participation will be kept anonymous.  

There is no compensation (reward or prize) for participating in these studies. However, your participation will be a valuable addition to our research and findings could led to greater understanding of the effects of media on teens.  

Please click the link below to be taken to the survey.  Please do not take any more than 2 surveys.  If the survey you choose is "no longer accepting responses" simply choose another survey.

Bad Girls Club  (Females only please) 

Grand Theft Auto 5 Survey  (Grand Theft Auto 5 players only please)

Video Games and Violence (Video game players only please) 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Finals Week!

WAIT: Do NOT Start Until Instructed 
  • It is time to take the End of Semester Survey!  It is ANONYMOUS so be honest and reflective in your answers.  You have plenty of time to do a helpful job.
Learning Target(s):  
  • I can honestly provide FEEDBACK to the school
  • Finals Week
    • Tuesday: THURSDAY SCHEDULE [3-4-5-A]
      • 8:30 [5th Period] English
      • 12:35 [3rd Period] Math Lab / Drama
    • Wednesday: REVERSE PERIODS minimum day [2-1-A]
      • 10:15 [1st Period] Science
    • Thursday: THURSDAY SCHEDULE [3-4-5-A]
      • 8:30 [3rd Period] Math
      • 12:35 [5th Period] Digital Literacy & Expression
    • Friday: Special Schedule - Minimum Day
      • 8:30 Meet in Advisory
      • 11:00 Winter Holiday Whole school Community Meeting
        • Advisory Roll Call
        • Performances
  • Photoshop Guided Q & A [30]

    Friday, December 13, 2013

    Final Review

    1) Written Practice Final
    2) Typing Web LESSONS [not a TEST]
    3) Explanation of Final Schedule
    4) Final Review/Photoshop Practice

    Wednesday, December 11, 2013

    Hour of code

    Welcome to 
    Be a CODE STAR!
    The video will explain it well


    By doing!

    Please WAIT to begin

    The HOUR of CODE Tasks
    Choose ONE - they get harder as you go down the list
    • Think you already know how to code?  
      • If the following doesn't scare you: "To be able to position items on the screen correctly we need to know the size of the screen. Go ahead and create a class-scope variable int screenHeight; right above the line@implementation GameplayLayer but below the #import lines. Like in Java and C, you need to end your declarations with semicolons." Then click here.

    Tuesday, December 10, 2013

    Photoshop: Reviewing by Doing

    Hello and welcome to a great day of 
    practicing and having fun 
    with Photoshop!

    NO TypingWeb!  
    You need all the time to do the performance task below.  


    Learning Target(s):  
    • I can use my PHOTOSHOP SKILLS to transform a photograph on demand

      • Check your email for the BEFORE file you will need to do this task. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE PHOTO FROM THE BLOG.
      • I have provided the TWO photos below for REFERENCE ONLY.  Your job is to turn the BEFORE picture into as much of the AFTER picture as you can, doing the tasks in a SPECIFIC ORDER.
      • You WILL receive a grade for this task and it will represent your BASIC SKILLS Grade for the Photoshop program - when in doubt refer to the AFTER photo.
      • You MUST do the tasks in this order to receive maximum credit 
        1. CLONE Nicole's make-up face (second from left) onto the head of the woman to her right
        2. Use a VARIETY OF TOOLS to completely remove the woman in the blue tank top from the back and smooth out any rough edges on the cloned head.
        3. Make a SELECTION around TREVOR's FACE (second from right) and [new skill alert!] COPY (command+C) and PASTE (command+P) his face on to Michaela's head.
        4. Use a VARIETY OF TOOLS to blend the new head on to the body
        5. Use the CONTENT AWARE MOVE TOOL to move Mr. Leo to the LEFT of the picture.
        6. Use a VARIETY OF TOOLS to completely remove any ghosting and to make the picture look as natural as possible. This is hard - look how sloppy my job is in the AFTER picture.
      • BONUS SKILL - I used this in making my AFTER picture
        • With Trevor's head SELECTED, try using the FREE TRANSFORM tool [Edit | Free Transform or Command+T] 
        • With Free transform you can Rotate and change the selection, making it easier to fit the head on the body.  
        • NOTE: I also used this to put a better head on LEO after the Content Aware Move Tool ate too much of it away.  I made it bigger just for fun!
        • Email the final picture to by the end of class.



      Monday, December 9, 2013

      Photoshop Day 12: The Layers Panel Explained

      Learning Target(s):  
      • I can use the LAYERS panel to arrange my Photoshop project

      • TypingWeb, Announcements, Hour of Code [15]
      • Introduction to Photoshop continued... [25]
        • Download
        • Today's Lesson
          • The Layers Panel Explained (Andy 11:29)
          • Guided Practice with John (10:00)
        • Photoshop Practice Time [20]
          • Start Bringing In Your Own Photos to Work On!

      Accelerated Reader Assessment

      Good Morning/Afternoon 
      Warrior Scholars!
      Today you are going to take an online assessment of your reading comprehension. 

      This assessment is made up of a combination of vocabulary and short passage questions. You are going to do great. 

      For some of you it might take less than 20 minutes, for others it will take longer.  Don't trip. Remember, the test gets harder every time you answer a question right so DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!

      It is ESSENTIAL that the classroom remain extremely quiet so that everyone has the best environment.

      Take this test seriously because we are going to follow up with you to let you know how you did and to help you make reading goals, as well as help us to decide on the appropriate intervention for you.  

      This test is TIMED by the question. If you are running out of time a little clock will appear at the top of the screen. Try and answer the question soon if you see the clock.

      When you finish the assessment BREATH for a minute and then take your Typing test.

      When you are done with your typing test, open Photoshop and practice the following (don't just scribble):

                • cloning
                • healing
                • selecting
                • moving

      Wednesday, December 4, 2013

      Day 11: ObamaCare

      Edgar Allan Poe

      “I have great faith in fools - self-confidence my friends will call it.”
      ― Edgar Allan PoeMarginalia

      BEFORE you go to TypingWeb
       complete this 
      Learning Target(s):  
      • I can UNDERSTAND the new Affordable Healthcare Act (ObamaCare) by reviewing the website SO THAT I can TRANSFER that information to my family and friends who may need it.
      • I will MASTER one of the skills introduced in lessons 1-10 that I have not mastered before by practicing.
      • NONE
      • "I am AWARE of your need to MOVE" Quiz & Typing Web [25]
      • Introduction to HealthCare.Gov [40]
          • MINI LECTURE [20] 
            • Brief History of Healthcare in the US (adapted from
              • 1900's Railroads and Kaiser STEEL - Company Doctors
              • 1910's Labors efforts thwarted, in part, by WWI
              • 1920's General Motors - Postpaid Group Plan
              • 1930's Depression reprioritizes work over health while Blue Cross offers first individual health insurance plans
              • 1940's PREpaid GROUP Healthcare
              • 1950's Many advances in medicine but not in how to afford them.  Korean War distracts country
              • 1960's Cost of care doubles in past decade, jobless, especially elderly, no longer able to afford care.  Medicare & Medicaid signed in to law
              • 1970's PrePaid health plans now officially called HMOs and get official government recognition
              • 1980's corporation move to consolidate healthcare system for a profit; payment by diagnoses rather than treatment becomes the norm; doctor's payments are commonly capped by corporate health conglomerates
              • 1990's Healthcare costs rise at double the rate of other goods and services; HMO's increase coverage for the employed and other paying customers; 44 MILLION americans are without health coverage at the end of the 1990's
              • 2000's Healthcare costs continue to rise; company paid plans (including for RETIREES) cover less services and charge employees more.
              • 2010's National Healthcare proposed again and passes, leading to today, where 3 weeks of enrollment remain before the first OCA policies go in to effect.  Not really NATIONAL HEALTHCARE (single payer) but, rather, MANDATORY HEALTHCARE (multi-payer but NO OPT OUT which should lower the rates for MOST now, and for ALL over their lifetime.)
            • Controversies around "ObamaCare"
              • Communism
              • States Rights
              • Destruction of our Health System
              • Racism
              • "voting against one's own self interest"
            • Controversies around HealthCare.Gov
              • The technical side of the issue or, "why can Amazon do it so much better?"
          • GUIDED EXPLORATION [20]
      • Individual Photoshop Practice Time [35]
        • REMEMBER your second learning target: I will MASTER at LEAST one of the skills introduced in lessons 1-10, that I have not mastered before, by practicing the skill.
        • Practice - do something nice, don't just scribble...
          • cloning
          • covering
          • healing
          • selecting
          • moving
        • Start Bringing In Your Own Photos to Work On!

      Tuesday, December 3, 2013

      Photoshop Day 10: I am AWARE of your need to MOVE

      Edgar Allan Poe

      “I have great faith in fools - self-confidence my friends will call it.”
      ― Edgar Allan PoeMarginalia

      BEFORE you go to TypingWeb
       complete this 
      Learning Target(s):  
      • I can MOVE a SELECTION using the Content Aware Move Tool
      • NONE
        • "Select THIS" Quiz & Typing Web [20]
        • Introduction to Photoshop Continued... [20]
        • Individual Practice Time [20]
          • Practice - do something nice, don't just scribble...
            • cloning
            • covering
            • healing
            • selecting
            • moving
          • Start Bringing In Your Own Photos to Work On!

      Monday, December 2, 2013

      Photoshop Day 9: Select This

      Edgar Allan Poe

      “I have great faith in fools - self-confidence my friends will call it.”
      ― Edgar Allan PoeMarginalia

      BEFORE you go to TypingWeb
       complete this 
      Learning Target(s):  
      • I can RETOUCH a photo using the healing tools
      • I can SELECT an area of a photo using the selection tools
      • NONE
      • End of Term Survey & TypingWeb [20]
      • Introduction to Photoshop continued... [20]
        • Download
        • Today's Lessons
        • Photoshop GUIDED & Individual Practice Time [20]
          • Start Bringing In Your Own Photos to Work On!

      Monday, November 25, 2013

      Day 8: Lay your hands on me! (The HEALING tools)

      Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.  – Dale Carnegie
      Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.  – Unknown

      BEFORE you open PhotoShop 
      & the "COWS on the Hill"
       complete this 
      then... open it.

      Learning Target(s):  
      • I can CLONE objects from a photo using the cloning tools (for realz!)
      • I can RETOUCH a photo using the healing tools

      Extra Credit: On The Media | Catching Fire

      Digital Literacy & Expression
      Extra Credit Projects 
      ALL work is DUE 
      NO LATER than 8:30 AM, 
      Monday DECEMBER 2nd
      You may do BOTH Option 1 and Option 2
      10 TOTAL extra credit points available
      All writing must be very legible and in full sentences
      Option 1

      National Public Radio's On The Media (produced by WNYC - is a media show about the media.  They discuss how media is made, who it impacts, and why it impacts them by covering a variety of stories from the reporter's perspective.

      To get an extra credit point (5 maximum) you need to listen to any story from the show and write a ONE paragraph (and only 1 paragraph) response.  In your response you should cover some or all of the following points:

      • What the main point/opinion of the story was
      • Whether you agree or disagree with the point/opinion of the story, and why
      • What you think/feel about the point of the story and your reaction to it
      • What meaning this story holds, if any, to you, me, the school, teenagers, poor folk, or others you identify in your writing
      • Creativity of opinion and interpretation are encouraged

      You can browse year's worth of shows at  - each show can be played in its entirety or scroll down the page and and play individual stories.  Remember, 1 point per story. 5 maximum.

      You can also select from the individual stories I have linked below - each of them contains something I feel will interest one or more of you!

      Reporting on the Price of Thanksgiving Dinner
      Why Nigerian Email Scams Work
      Trayvon Martin, Week Two
      Cable News and Trayvon Martin
      After the Verdict
      The Digital Bible
      The End of the Line
      Chilling Effects
      The FBI's Anti-Piracy Warning
      American Propaganda Allowed Stateside
      A Dangerous "View"
      A Flood of FOIAs
      Creation of the Media
      An Ethical Framework for Sponsored Content
      The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook
      My Detainment Story or: How I learned to Stop Feeling Safe in My Own Country and Hate Border Agents*
      Warrantless Device Searches at US Borders
      Enemies Within
      Jimmy Kimmel's Viral Video Gag
      Their Eyes Were Watching Cats
      The Retro Report
      The Collaboration
      "The Fifth Estate"
      The Manhattan Project
      About Face
      Talk to Me, Siri
      Not All Plots, Not All Thwarted
      Where There’s Smoke There’s Ceasefire
      The Man, The Media, The Murdoch Empire
      The Ever Changing NFL Bullying Story
      Bullying Does Not Cause Suicide
      Guns as Free Speech?
      TLDR #7 - It's Rating Men
      Option 2

      The Hunger Games series is a teen focused exploration of society's complex class relationships and it focuses sharply on the roll of media in both shaping society and being society itself.  Are the hunger games a ritual tied to maintaing the social order or the media event that justifies and helps perpetuate the inequalities in that social order?

      To obtain FIVE extra credit points write a FIVE (and only 5) paragraph essay examining the film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire considering the following guidelines & suggestions.

      • You must view the movie Catching Fire - the impact of the media is featured in the movie and should be included in your evidence.  You cannot do this assignment having read only the book.
      • You should compare the dystopian world of the Hunger Games to the world you see around you today (and you should understand and use the word dystopia or dystopian in your essay). 
      • You should consider that this is a movie about propaganda and war.  
        • Becoming National heroes after The Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta become the public face of the society they are in conflict with - how do they deal with that?
        • How is media (and an image driven society) used by all sides to further their own goals?  
        • Do Katniss & Peeta successfully manipulate the media, like they did at the end of the first movie?  
        • What about the powerful people controlling the Hunger Games and, indeed, society itself; How do they react when society seems not to be buying their message anymore?
      Think about the film, think about the suggestions above, and then write your essay in this format, using complete sentences and powerful paragraphs: 
      • (1st paragraph)
        • What THESIS, point,  or comparison do you want to make about the role of media and propaganda in the world of the movie and in our world today?
      • (2nd-4th paragraphs)
        • What EVIDENCE will you use to back up/prove your thesis?
      • (5th paragraph)
        • Who cares?  Remind me of your thesis, show me how you proved it with evidence, and then tell me why it matters in the first point.  Tell me how you proved your point and why I should care that you did.
      Good Luck!

      Photoshop Day 7: The CLONE wars

      Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.  – Dale Carnegie
      Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.  – Unknown

      BEFORE you go to 
      TypingWeb complete this 

      Learning Target(s):  
      • I can CLONE objects from a photo using Cloning tools
      • Extra Credit available for the asking - come see me during office hours at 4PM TODAY, not tomorrow, so that I can explain the tasks...
      • Removing Shorty QUIZ & TypingWeb [15] - Typing Exercise
        • Quiz Discussion [5]
      • Introduction to Photoshop continued... [25]
        • Today's Lessons
        • Photoshop Practice Time [15]
          • Start Bringing In Your Own Photos to Work On!