Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekend homework: 3 paragraphs
<<click here to see worksheet for homework>>

The next SIX weeks or so: The ME Keynote & the Testimonio Keynote

News You can use: Obama on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My First Google Docs & Typing Web Intro

Learning Target(s):  I can upload and share a photo with Google Docs.   I can log in to, improve my typing speed, and track my position on the weekly Leader Board.

Warm-up: Open BLOG, then open a NEW TAB and CHECK YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL.  

Announcements: Student's who have not done the "Me Photo" will do them during class today

Homework to write in your planner RIGHT NOW: 

  • FRIDAY/WEEKEND: three paragraphs, ON THREE DIFFERENT EVENTS, based on your educational brainstorm from last weekend (which will be returned tomorrow)

Agenda I: Google Docs
  1.  TeacherTalk & Guided Workshop (class is quiet unless called upon):
    1. Google "docs" [Google DRIVE]
      1. Definition(s)
        1. Local vs. Web Applications [Apps]
          1. Storage
          2. Backup
          3. Availability
      2. Types of documents

      3. Your First Google Doc!

      4. Upload your Me Photo         

      5. Sharing your document          

Agenda II: TypingWeb


    1. Why we type
    2. Signing IN to TypingWeb.Com
      • Look in "The Grind"
      • USERNAME: First_Last_EA
        • No apostrophe's in this one, sorry!
      • PASSWORD: EA2017
    3. Using TypingWeb
    4. TypingWeb warmups
    5. How you get your grade - by IMPROVING
    6. The Leaderboard


    1. How many lessons can you get through in the time left in class?
    2. If you have NOT done your ME PHOTO now is the time


    1. LOG OUT TypingWeb (upper right corner of screen)
    2. LOG OUT of your email account
    3. Push your chair in

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Using School Email

    Learning Target(s):  

    Announcements: None

    Agenda: Catch-UP

    • Renaming files 
      • Slow Click the file NAME and, when you see the blue highlight, just start typing!
    • Finding Applications
      • Spotlight
      • Apple Menu
      • Sidebar
      • Applications folder
        • One User vs. ALL Users

    Agenda:  Using School Email (& Google Docs)

    •  TeacherTalk & Guided Workshop (class is quiet unless called upon):
      • Your school email
        • 'Distribute'
        • Log-in
          • Follow the instructions carefully
            • PROVE YOU ARE A HUMAN
          • Change your password from the default
          • If your log-in works:  write an email.  In this email tell John a secret he can't tell ANYONE else!  It can be a real secret or a made up one.  It must be school appropriate and NOT MEAN.
          • If your log-in does not work:  How may I help you?
      • Sending your first email
        • Compose...
        • Proper Subject Line Format (for credit)
        • Attachments: Attach your "ME PHOTO"
        • Address LAST!
        • DRAFT or Send

          Copy and paste the words below... 
          and then change the "?" and the "name" 

      Monday, August 26, 2013

      Mac 101 - Using the Computers

      Warm-Up: (Fill in the form below - make sure you press SUBMIT
      How do you rate your computer skills?  

      Learning Target(s): Students will be able to explain how to navigate OSX and detail default file behaviors

      Announcements: None
      Mac 101 - Using the Computers
      What is what and... how John writes instructions
      • KEYS
        • Keys you press are written in quotes like this: "⌘"
        • If you need to press multiple keys they will have + signs like this: "control + ⌘"
        • That means you press "Control" and then while still holding "control" you also press "⌘"
          • Let's try "⌘+TAB" - what does it do?
          • Now try "⌘+Shift+4" - what did THAT do?
          • The "Command" key on a Mac is kind of like the "Control" key on a PC.  Try "Command+F" - what did it do?
      • MENUS
        • Menus are at the TOP of the SCREEN and usually say things like "File" and "Edit" and "View"
        • If you need to press multiple menu items they will have "|" [bar] signs between them like this: " | ⌘"
        • Menus CHANGE depending on the program that is in front (so always check THAT before you ask a question)
        • Use "⌘+TAB" to cycle programs 
      • Turning the Computer On & Off
        • ON with the Power Button
        • OFF with  " | Shut Down..."
      • The computers RESET every night
        • Everything on the desktop and in documents is DELETED
        • All settings are reset
        • Only the "Student Drive" is not deleted
      • The "Student Drive"
        • Upper RIGHT CORNER of your desktop
        • Is NOT backed up
        • Students should have a FLASH DRIVE in order to keep their digital work safe
      • The FINDER is your friend! 
        • The FINDER is how you view the files where they are physically stored on the hard drive.
        • The finder has VIEWS and SORTS
        • The LIST VIEW is the easiest to find thinks in because you can SORT by clicking on the columns
      • SPOTLIGHT let's you SEARCH for a file or Application
      • Moving and copying files
        • OSX (the Mac Operating System) has rules for moving and copying
          • On the SAME DRIVE the default is to MOVE
          • On DIFFERENT DRIVES the default is to COPY
          • To force a MOVE between drives hold down Command () while dragging and dripping
          • To force a COPY on the same drive hold down Option while dragging and dropping

      Sunday, August 25, 2013

      Intervention Lesson 2

      Learning Target:
      Identify and analyze how personal experiences can affect someone’s worldview through text and writing.

      Reflective Writing: How have you and/or your family’s background and personal experiences shaped the way you view the world? Write in detail about a specific way that your family’s background ha shaped the way you view the world.


      • Share out and discuss
      • Review T4
      • Read aloud the Forward 
      • Silent Reading (SSR) Read Chapter 1
        • Students T4 as they read through  
      • Quick Write:  How did Melba’s experiences shape her worldview?  How do Melba’s experiences connect to your own, or not? 
      • Small Group Discussion in your PODS
        • Discuss your quickwrites with each other
      • Whole Class Report Back
      • Exit ticket:
        • How can we use the knowledge that we have gained from these experiences to combat oppression?

      Friday, August 23, 2013

      Me Photo


      Period 5 - BLOCK D
      8:30-9:30 (60)
      Period 4 - BLOCK C
      9:35 – 10: 35 (60)
      10:40 – 11:55 (75)
      11:55 – 12:30
      Period 3 - BLOCK B
      12:35 –1:35 (60)
      Period 2
      1:40 –2:40 (60)
      Period 1 - BLOCK A
      2:45 – 3:45 (60)

      Learning Targets:
      I can represent my best self in an annotated photo using PhotoBooth and Preview

      Weekend Homework (write this down!):
      Educational Memoir Brainstorm: 9 things that made me the student I am today
      <<Click Here to Download the Weekend Homework Handout >>

      P1: Home Computers, Cell Phones, and Electronic Devices

      Warm-up (in your head):
      • You have already decided what you want to be "Known As"... What was that?
      • You have already decided what Core Value you want to work on... What was that?
      • Now, Think about the Core Values... Which one are you REALLY good at?
      You are going to be crafting a "Me Photo" today!
               Your "Me Photo" must have:

    1. A CLEAR picture of your face

    2. Your Name

    3. Your "Known As" (you can change it if you wish)

    4. The core value you are working on

    5. The core value that you are good at

    6. Your Advisor's name

    7. Be as creative as you wish but all information MUST BE CLEAR!

    8. Step By Step Instructions: 

      Here's the requirements
      This is just an example - be creative with yours!

      Use Spotlight to locate the program Photo Booth

      Push the RED BUTTON to take a CLEAR PICTURE of your FACE

      Right + Click or Control + Click  the Thumbnail of your picture and select "Reveal in Finder"

      DoubleClick on the file and it should open in Preview

      Turn on the Editing Tools by clicking the Pen Button

      Select the Text Tool by clicking the Text Button

       Draw a box and then type in it!
      ⌘+T to change the font, color, or size!

      Use ⌘+T to change the font, color, or size!

      When you are finished use  File | Rename and name the file as follows:
      Me Photo - Block A - Your Name

      When you are finished use  File | Move To and choose STUDENT as where!
      So my picture 5th Period is named:
      Me Photo - Block D - John Kittredge
      And it looks like this!

      Thursday, August 22, 2013

      EA Technology Policy - read and heed or lose your use + Mac 101A

      Thursday SCHEDULE

      Period 3
      8:30 – 10:10 (100)

      Period 4
      10:15– 11:55 (100)

      11:55 – 12:30

      Period 5
      12:35 – 2:15 (100)

      Advisory/LD CM
      2:20 – 3:45 (80)
      • I can articulate the entire EA TECH POLICY and explain its importance.
      1. SILENT Warm-up: In your head, think about the following two questions and prepare to share out.
        1. What do you think would happen to you, as a student, if you lost technology privileges at school for an entire quarter?
        2. What is the worst punishment you think could happen to you if you violate some of these technology policies?
        1. Why the technology is important - scarcity
      4. WORKSHOP-Scarcity
        1. In groups of FOUR (without moving)
        2. Do the math of teachers & Computers
          • 18 teachers, 3 computer carts, 181 days
          • How many total days can any one teacher have a cart?
        1. go to   and then, wait for further instructions

      Tuesday, August 20, 2013

      Welcome Class of 2017

      Learning Target(s):
      • Students will be able to explain the definition of Digital Literacy in a discussion.
      • Students will be able to participate professionally in class using the sound levels represented on the classroom signs
      • Students will decide what they want to be "Known As" and will report it as an exit ticket
      1. SILENT Warm-up: Think up with a definition for "Digital Literacy".  Write that definition on a piece of paper in the DLE section of your Binder - students will be randomly selected to answer these questions.
        1. What does "digital literacy" mean?
        2. Why would you or anyone want to be digitally LITERATE?
      2. Attendance - answer AUDIBLY and VISUALLY 
      3. Whole Class Discussion of Digital Literacy with Random Calling
      4. TEACHER TALK - Students silent
        1. We used to be Digital Media - and now we're not!
        2. What DLE CAN COVER
      5. Whole class popcorn - ONE MIC
        1. What should DLE cover?
      6. TEACHER TALK - Students silent
        1. What must we cover?
          1. Software Skills - programs for academic success and personal expression
          2. Hardware Skills
          3. Rights, responsibilities, and pitfalls of 'living online'
          4. CWH Skills
          5. Reinventing and representing ourselves how we like
      7. ACTIVITY: "Known As"
        1. Nobody should be able to hear what you are saying but your partner
          1. Your partner is the person sitting right NEXT to you on the same side of the same table, not the people behind or across from you.
        2. Pair Share:
          1. The student closest to the aisle shares first.  The listening student is SILENT while the other student shares
          2. You both have 1 minute to think about how you would COMPLETE this PROMPT: "This year, when people see me, I want them to think of me as a(n) _____________, because ___________"
            1. The answer to this prompt is what you want to be "known as" this year and will be used in as project THIS WEEK
            2. Write the answer to the prompt under your definition of digital literacy
          3. You each have one minute to share your thoughts.  John will tell you when to switch.
        3. Whole Class share out: Pop Corn
      8. EXIT TICKET: Say to John as you are leaving
        1. "This year I want to be known as ___________, because ___________"

      2013-14 First Day of Class Schedule

      Advisory:  8:30-9:45 (75)
      Period 5: 9:50 – 10: 50 (60)
      Period 4: 10:55 – 11:55 (60)
      Lunch: 11:55 – 12:30
      Period 3: 12:35 –1:35 (60) 
      Period 2: 1:40 –2:40 (60)
      Period 1: 2:45 – 3:45 (60)

      Welcome Back - Advisory!

      Advisory Learning Target(s) for Today:
      1. I can give specific examples of each Core Value being demonstrated and not demonstrated at my previous schools.
      2. I can ask clarifying questions about important policies in the School Culture Plan so that I can demonstrate our Core Value of Discipline today.
      3. I can share one Core Value that I will work on this week in order to make EA a stronger community.
      • Attendance
        • Students will copy the CORE VALUES and their definitions on to the first page of their Advisory Binder while attendance is being taken.
      • Pair Share
        • Students use graphic organizer provided by teacher today
        • Student pairs will be randomly selected to share out the results of this pair share
      • Share Out - Random Call
        • Student pairs share out results of discussion
        • Students "Tune In" to the speakers as they shift around the room by actively tracking the speaker.
      • Team Builder
        • "¿What's your name?"
          • Students play catch in the commons to work on remembering names
          • Teacher looks foolish because he is bad with names
      • School-wide Agreements
        • Talking to the Text - T4
        • "Cornell" Notes
      • School Culture Plan - Scavenger Hunt and Random Call
        • After reading the Plan students complete the SCP Scavenger Hunt individually
        • Students will be randomly selected to define terms and ask questions
      • Exit Ticket
        • Students will tell Advisory which Core Value they want to work on first and why.
          • 9th grade students will need this for DLE
        • Coach Grimm and Ms. Crespo will be asking students for this information in the mornings as students enter school.