Wednesday, May 16, 2012


  1. Warm-up: Pull up your three ideas for your new InfoGraphic (in your email as "what data interests you") & think about which one you want to use for this next InfoGraphic
  2. Discussion: Researching and designing your InfoGraphic
  3. Reviewing our tools:  Photoshop and PAGES
  4. Tutorial: PAGES

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Infographic Examples

  1. Warmup - Enter any expenses into your expense tracker
  2. Discussion: Struggles from last class - do you feel inspired?
  3. Mini-Lesson: More examples
  4. Worktime
Finished and submitted InfoGraphic Due at the end of Weds/Thurs Classes

"Command + Click" a picture to open it  in different window for zooming
"Click" to see all graphics on the page in a slideshow

Collections of Cool Infographics:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Introduction to Infographics

  1. Warm-up question (think of an answer - no need to write it down) :  We see a PIE chart and we KNOW it means percentages.  What other Charts or Graphics do we see on a daily basis that convey information?

Reflecting on Bus 174

  • Discussion: Remembering the facts of the movie Bus 174
  • Individual work: Remembering our personal responses to the movie Bus 174 enter your answers to the analysis questions here
  • When finished: Enter in any EXPENSES onto your tracking spreadsheet (Next chance is Friday)
  • Discussion: Discussing the meaning of Bus 174